Джейн Эйр / Jane Eyre. Шарлотта Бронте

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with it. All this beauty I enjoyed often and fully, free, unwatched, and almost alone. For this liberty and pleasure there was, however, an unpleasant cause.

      Even though Lowood had a beautiful setting, it was not a healthy one. The nearby forest was full of for that crept into the school and breathed typhus through its crowded schoolroom and dormitory. Ere May arrived, our school was transformed into a hospital.

      If we had all been strong and well-fed,[17] it wouldn’t have mattered so much. But, semi-starvation and neglected colds made forty-five girls ill at one time. Classes were broken up, rules relaxed. The teachers spent every moment looking after the ill or packing things of those who were fortunate enough to have friends and relatives and could leave Lowood at once. Many went home to die, some died at school and were buried quietly and quickly.

      While the disease had become an inhabitant of Lowood, and death its frequent visitor, gardens glowed with flowers: lilies, roses and tulips were in bloom. Some of these lovely flowers ended up as a humble decoration for the coffins.

      But I, and the rest who continued well, enjoyed the beauties of the scene and season. We walked in the wood from morning till night, we did what we liked, went where we liked: we lived better too.

      Mr. Brocklehurst and his family never came near Lowood now driven away by the fear of infection. The servants and teachers were kinder to us. They gave us slices of pie, apples and parcels of bread and cheese to take out on our explorations.

      I usually found a large, flat stone in the middle of the stream, where I had a picnic every day with my chosen friend Mary Ann. She was witty and original, and had a manner which set me at my ease. Some years older than I, she knew more of the world, and could tell me many things I liked to hear. She could tell stories well, I could analyse; she liked to inform, I liked to question, and we spent hours talking.

      And where, meantime, was Helen Burns? Why did I not spend these sweet days of liberty with her? Had I forgotten her?

      No doubt she was far better than Mary Ann, as the latter could only tell funny stories. But Helen was gravely ill. She was kept separately and Miss Temple took care of her personally. She had been taken to a room upstairs, and I saw her once in the garden with Miss Temple but was not allowed to speak with her. She did not have typhus, but an even more serious disease – consumption. How serious the disease was I learnt only later.

      One evening, in the beginning of June, I had stayed out very late with Mary Ann in the wood. We had wandered so far that lost our way and it was only thanks to a man and woman, whose cottage we accidentally found that we found our way back. When we returned, we saw the doctor’s pony at the gate. Mary Ann went inside, and I stayed behind a few minutes to plant in my garden a handful of roots I had dug up in the forest. It was such a pleasant evening that I felt sorry for the sick who were lying in their beds now.

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      we had to amuse ourselves indoors. – нам пришлось находить себе занятие дома.


      don’t answer me back – не пререкайтесь


      If you don’t behave, she might send you away – Если ты не будешь хорошо себя вести, она может выставить тебя на улицу


      I turned the afternoon’s events over and over in my mind. – Я вновь и вновь прокручивала в голове события этого дня.


      Perhaps now his spirit was watching – Возможно, сейчас его дух наблюдал


      it was probably nothing more than a footman carrying a lantern across the lawn – это был всего лишь лакей, который шёл по полю с фонарём


      puzzled – озадаченно


      And it would mean leaving Gateshead Hall behind at last. – И это значило бы покинуть наконец Гейтсхед Холл.


      Revelations – Откровения (Откровение Иоанна Богослова – название последней книги Нового Завета)


      as if she were speaking to an adult, not a child – словно она говорила со взрослым человеком, а не с ребёнком


      partly enveloped in a shawl – частично укрытая шалью


      He’s the village clergyman. – Он деревенский священник.


      I would have been overwhelmed with rage and indignation. – меня переполняли бы гнев и возмущение.


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If we had all been strong and well-fed – если бы все мы были крепкими и сытыми