1000 Mythological Characters Briefly Described. Adapted to Private Schools, High Schools and Academies. Ellis Edward Sylvester

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1000 Mythological Characters Briefly Described. Adapted to Private Schools, High Schools and Academies - Ellis Edward Sylvester

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Ceres bland, her annual rites be paid

      On the green turf beneath the fragrant shade. —

      … Let all the hinds bend low at Ceres’ shrine,

      Mix honey sweet for her with milk and mellow wine,

      Thrice lead the victim the new fruits around,

      On Ceres call, and choral hymns resound.”

      “Ceres was she who first our furrows plowed,

      Who gave sweet fruits and every good allowed.”


      Cestus (Ces′tus), the girdle of Venus, which excited irresistible affection.

      Chaos (Cha′os) allegorically represented the confused mass of matter supposed to have existed before the creation of the world, and out of which the world was formed.

      “… Behold the throne

      Of Chaos, and his dark pavilion spread

      Wide on the wasteful deep; with him enthroned

      Sat sable-vested Night, eldest of all things,

      The consort of his reign.”


      Charon (Char′on) was the son of Nox and Erebus. He was the ferryman who conveyed the spirits of the dead, in a boat, over the rivers Acheron and Styx to the Elysian Fields. “Charon’s toll” was a coin put into the hands of the dead with which to pay the grim ferryman.

      “From the dark mansions of the dead,

      Where Charon with his lazy boat

      Ferries o’er Lethe’s sedgy moat.”

      Charybdis (Charyb′dis). A dangerous whirlpool on the coast of Sicily. Personified, it was supposed to have been a woman who plundered travelers, but was at last killed by Hercules. Scylla and Charybdis are generally spoken of together to represent alternative dangers.

      “Charybdis barks, and Polyphemus roars.”


      Chemos (Che′mos). The Moabitish god of war.

      Children, see Nundina.

      Chimaera (Chimae′ra). A wild illusion, personified in the monster slain by Bellerophon. It had the head and breast of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a serpent. It used to vomit fire.

      “… And on the craggy top

      Chimera dwells, with lion’s face and mane,

      A goat’s rough body and a serpent’s train.”


      “First, dire Chimera’s conquest was enjoined,

      A mingled monster of no mortal kind.

      Behind, a dragon’s fiery tail was spread,

      A goat’s rough body bore a lion’s head,

      Her pitchy nostrils flaky flames expire,

      Her gaping throat emits infernal fire.”

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