Woven with the Ship: A Novel of 1865. Brady Cyrus Townsend

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Woven with the Ship: A Novel of 1865 - Brady Cyrus Townsend

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had plunged blindly on, something – an instinct of the future, perhaps – bidding him rid himself without delay of the growing oppression of his incubus. Not Sindbad had been more anxious to throw off his old man of the sea than he to cast down the man.

      And Barry and Emily began to play at cross-purposes from that hour.

      The man saved so hardly had as yet given no sign of life. When the three reached the porch, the sailor laid him down at the admiral's feet and stood panting, sweat beading on his bronzed brow. The old man, still wrapped in his cloak, stood on the steps, careless alike of the rising wind or the rain which had begun to fall.

      "Well done!" he cried, extending his hand to them, as the sailor deposited his burden. "I never saw a boat better handled, girl! 'Twas a gallant rescue, Barry!"

      "Oh, grandfather!" cried Emily, too anxious to heed approval, even from such a source; "is he dead, do you think?"

      "I hope not; but we'll soon see. Call the servants, Emily. Barry, lift him up again and take him into my room."

      "No, mine," exclaimed Emily, as she ran to call assistance. "I won't have you disturbed, and mine is right off the hall here."

      "Very well. Lay him on the floor, Barry. And, Emily, bring me my flask. Bear a hand, all."

      Presently the man was stretched out upon a blanket thrown upon the floor of Emily's room, and the admiral knelt down by his side. He felt over him with his practised fingers, murmuring the while:

      "No bones broken apparently. I guess he'll be all right. Have you the flask there, daughter? This will bring him around, I trust," he added, as he poured the restoring liquid down the man's throat. "Barry, go you for Dr. Wilcox as quick as you can. Present my compliments to him, and ask him to come here at once. Shake a leg, man! Emily, loosen the man's collar – your fingers are younger than mine – and give him another swallow. He's worth a dozen dead men yet, I'm sure."

      As he spoke the admiral rose to his feet and gave place to Emily. Very gently the girl did as the old man bade her, and presently the man extended before her opened his eyes and stared up at her vacantly, wonderingly, for a few moments at first, and then, with a dawning light of recognition in his eyes, he smiled faintly as he remembered. His first words might have been considered flippant, unworthy of the situation, but to the girl they seemed not inappropriate.

      "The blue-eyed water-witch!" he murmured. "To be saved by you," he continued, half jestingly, – it was a brave heart which could find place for pleasantry then, she thought, – "and then to find you smiling above me."

      At these whispered words what he still lacked in color flickered into Emily's face, and as he gazed steadily upon her, the flicker became a flame which suffused her cheeks. He had noticed her even in those death-fronting moments on the wreck.

      "Are you better now?" she asked him in her confusion.

      "Better, miss?" he answered, softly, yet not striving to rise; "I am well again. I came down to – "

      "Silence, lad, silence fore and aft! Belay all until the surgeon comes, and you shall tell us all about it then," interrupted the admiral. "He'll be here in a moment now, I think, if Barry have good luck. Will you have another swallow of whiskey?"

      "No, sir, thank you; I've had enough."

      At that moment the sailor entered the hall, fairly dragging the fat little doctor in his wake.

      "I fell foul of him just outside of the yard, your honor," said Barry, as he appeared in the door-way.

      "'Fell foul of me!' I should think you did! You fell on me like a storm," cried the doctor, dropping his wet cloak in the passage-way and bustling into the room. "What is it, admiral? Are you – ?"

      "I'm all right, doctor."

      "It's not Miss Emily?"

      "No, sir; I'm all right, too; but – "

      "Oho!" said the doctor, his glance at last falling to the man extended on the floor; "this is the patient, is it? Well, young man, you look rather damp, I am sure. What's up?"

      "Nothing seems to be up, sir," answered the man, smilingly, amusedly. "I seem to be down, though."

      "I guess you're in pretty good shape, sir," said the doctor, laughingly, "if you can joke about it; and if you are down now, we'll soon have you up."

      As he spoke, the physician knelt and examined his patient carefully.

      "How did it happen, Miss Emily?" he asked, as he proceeded with his investigations.

      "Why, doctor, we picked him up out of the water."


      "Yes, sir. Captain Barry and I."

      "My sloop was wrecked on the rocks beyond the old ship," said the young man; "and when this young lady came along in a boat I jumped, and as I am not quite recovered from a wound I got at Mobile Bay, I suppose I lost consciousness from the shock. I'm all right now, though."

      "I think so, too," said the doctor; "we'll get these wet clothes off you in a jiffy, and then I'll give you something, and in the morning you'll hardly know you've been in danger."

      "I shall never forget that I was in danger this time, sir," said the young man, addressing the doctor, but looking fixedly at the young girl.

      "No, of course not; but why particularly at this time?"

      "Because I was saved by – "

      "Oh, that's it, is it? Faith, I'd be willing to be half drowned myself to be saved in that way. Meanwhile, do you withdraw, Miss Emily, and we'll get him ready for bed. Where is he to lie?"

      "Here," said the girl.

      "In your room?"


      "I protest, sir," said the man, sitting up with astonishing access of vigor.

      "Nobody protests when Miss Emily commands anything. Here you'll stay, sir!" said Barry, gruffly, as the girl left the room.

      The doctor and the sailor soon tucked him away in bed, the admiral looking on. As they undressed him they noticed a long scar across his breast where a shell from Fort Morgan had keeled him over. The doctor examined it critically.

      "That was a bad one," he said, touching the wound deftly with his pudgy yet knowing finger. "That'll be the one you spoke of, I take it?"

      "Yes, sir," answered the young man; "it's been a long time in healing. I feel the effect of it yet sometimes."

      "But you'll get over it in time, young man, I'm thinking," said the kindly little country doctor.

      "I hope so, sir."

      The patient was thin and pale from the effects of the wound, which, as he said, had been a long time healing. It was evident that he had not yet recovered his strength or his weight, either, or the burden on Captain Barry would have been heavier than it was.

      "Did you say," said the admiral, as they prepared to leave him, "that you had been at Mobile Bay?"

      "Yes, sir."

      "What ship were you on?"


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