Uncle Sam's Boys as Lieutenants: or, Serving Old Glory as Line Officers. Hancock Harrie Irving

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Uncle Sam's Boys as Lieutenants: or, Serving Old Glory as Line Officers - Hancock Harrie Irving

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Elbert's manner was not that of the bully, or of one abusing brief authority. His voice was mild and soft, but he meant business.

      Chief Blake continued, testifying that not one of the young fellows in Bunny's crew was a valuable or reliable member of the community. Four of them had been arrested on minor charges in the past, and all of them, Bunny included, had given the police of the town many kinds of trouble and annoyance in the past.

      "Chief," inquired the major softly, "what do you feel at liberty to say regarding the truthfulness of any of the complaining witnesses?"

      "I wouldn't believe one of 'em, sir, under any oath that could be imposed on 'em," replied Chief Blake bluntly. "In the past my policemen and I have known every one of that outfit to lie repeatedly when accused of different kinds of disorderly conduct."

      "Then you believe, Chief, that the complaining witnesses are members of a definite gang, and that they are all wholly untruthful and undependable?"

      "To that question, sir, I have no hesitation whatever in saying 'yes.'"

      "Have you any more evidence to offer, Chief?"

      "I have two witnesses outside, sir, whom I think you would like to hear."

      "Will you send for them?"

      Bunny and his crew, during the testimony of Chief Blake, which had not been expected by them, had felt partly dazed. They sat either scowling or grinning sheepishly while the new witnesses were being awaited. The elder Hepburn sat behind the younger men, running the fingers of his right hand through his glossy black hair.

      When the two witnesses entered, the gangsters started and exchanged glances. One was a middle-aged man, the other Skinny Carroll.

      "This gentleman," announced Chief Blake, "is Mr. Robert Enwright. Mr. Enwright's store is at the corner below the scene of the affray now being investigated. Mr. Enwright sometimes sleeps over his store. He did during the night of the fight. He was awakened by hearing this other witness, Carroll, shout a warning that the police were coming. Mr. Enwright looked out of the window and recognized Carroll. So Mr. Enwright notified me, the next day, and I gathered Carroll in. Carroll finally admitted that he had belonged to the Hepburn gang, and that he had shouted a warning to his mates."

      Mr. Enwright was then sworn, and substantiated Chief Blake's remarks. Next Skinny Carroll, nervously avoiding the black looks of Bunny and his crew, came forward and was sworn. He told the truth, now, as glibly as Bunny's friends had lied.

      "Then, on that night, and at the time of the fight, you did act as lookout for young Hepburn and his friends?" asked Major Elbert.

      "Sure," agreed Skinny readily.

      "Who told you to act as lookout?"

      "Bun Hepburn himself!"

      "'Bject!" shouted the Hepburn lawyer.

      The sergeant moved over and laid a hand on the attorney's shoulder.

      "At what period in the affair," inquired the major, "were you so instructed to run up to the corner to act as a lookout against the coming of the police?"

      "Just before de gang closed in," declared Skinny.

      "Closed in – for what?"

      "T' soak Overton and Terry."

      "Then the gang did deliberately combine to waylay and attack Lieutenant Overton and Terry?"

      "Surest pipe you ever lit," affirmed Skinny Carroll, in the only style of speech of which he was master.

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