The Crime and the Criminal. Marsh Richard

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The Crime and the Criminal - Marsh Richard

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Now go-unless you wish me to send for the police."

      He looked at her, not seeming to like what he saw. He scowled his finest scowl.

      "Go? Oh yes, I'll go." He cast his eyes up towards the ceiling. "Ingratitude, thy name is woman!" Then down to me-"Not to mention man." He began to button up his overcoat as if in a hurry. "I'll be even with some one over this, you see if I don't."

      Then he went finally. We heard him stamping down the stairs; then we heard him shut the hall door behind him with a clatter and a bang as he went out into the street.



      Lucy turned to me as soon as it was quite clear that the fellow had gone.

      "Now get up and dress, and go at once to some great lawyer and tell him everything. To whom shall you go?"

      "My dear! At this time of day? By the time that I reach town they'll have all gone home."

      Lucy looked at me in that freezing fashion which has always struck me as being so singularly unsympathetic.

      "What do you propose to do?"

      "Well, my dear, I think I'll get up and dress, if you don't mind, and have a little dinner."


      "Yes, dinner. It's easy enough for you to sneer, but if you'd been living on toast and water, which, to some extent, during the last four days, I practically have been doing, the prospect of a little decent food would even appeal to you."

      She shrugged her shoulders.

      "And you're a man? As, I suppose, is the individual who has just taken himself out of the house."

      "I should be obliged, Lucy, if you would not institute comparison between that vagabond and me. I don't like it. In the morning I will follow your advice. I will go to a lawyer, and I will place myself unreservedly in his hands. Just now the thing is out of the question; I shouldn't find one, to begin with; and, in the second place, I'm hungry."

      We had dinner. Or at least I had dinner, and she looked on at me while I was eating it. Her companionship did not tend to increase one's appetite. She sat in front of me, bolt upright on her chair, her hands clasped in her lap, eating nothing, and saying nothing either. She seemed to be counting every mouthful which I took, as though I was doing something of which I ought to be ashamed. I don't know what there was to be ashamed of. I don't see why a man shouldn't eat, even if he is going to be hanged, especially if he is innocent as a babe unborn, and is about to be made the victim of a judicial murder, as I bade fair to be.

      A knock which came at the front door just as I was finishing came as a positive relief. I should have had words with Lucy if she had continued to sit, like an unblinking statue, in front of me much longer. The servant announced that the knocker was Mr. Keeley. Adolphus Keeley and I on Fridays play chess together, all through the winter-one week at his house, the next at mine. Owing to my illness, and the preoccupation of my mind and body, I had forgotten that this was Friday, and that it was his turn to come to me.

      When Keeley was announced Lucy looked inquiringly at me.

      "Shall I tell Jane to ask Mr. Keeley to excuse you?"

      "Certainly not." I had not been by any means looking forward to the pleasurable prospects of a tête-à-tête. Keeley came as a relief. "Tell Mr. Keeley I will be with him in a minute."

      Adolphus Keeley, to be frank, and to use an idiom, is not so wise as they make them. He is well intentioned, but dull. I have known him pretty well my whole life long, and I can stand as much of him as any one. But that night I found him particularly trying. He persisted in keeping the conversation in a groove for which I had a strong distaste. One of his weak points is an inability to see a hint in time to take it. I not only dropped hints, I threw them at him as hard as I could; but I threw them all away. I had a dreadful time. In preferring his society to Lucy's I had stepped from the frying-pan into the fire.

      He began as soon as I was in the room.

      "Well, Tennant, what do you think about the murder?"

      "Murder? What murder?

      "The Three Bridges tragedy; isn't it a dreadful thing?"

      At the mere mention of the subject a shiver went all over me. I tried to make him see that it was a topic for which I had no relish. I might as well have tried to put two heads upon his shoulders.

      "I have heard scarcely anything about it. I've been ill-very ill."

      "I heard that you'd been seedy. Got a bit fluffy on Monday, eh?"

      It is true that Mrs. Tennant was not in the room at the moment, but she might have been just outside the door; and, in any case, the insinuation was of an unwarrantable kind.

      "Got chucked from the Empire, eh? Went home Hackney way, without a hat. I know. Shouldn't be surprised if you have been a little queerish; you look puffy even now. I tell you what, Tennant, you ought to go in for training. I could get a couple of stone off you, and you'd be all the better for it. But about this murder. I'm not a bloodthirsty creature, as a rule, but I should like to have the fellow who did it all alone to myself for about five-and-twenty minutes."

      Keeley is one of the large army of muscular maniacs. He stands six feet three in his socks. He spends most of his spare time in a gymnasium, and the rest in what he calls "keeping himself fit." He could kill me with a single blow of his fist. Just then Lucy came in.

      "Sorry to hear that Tom's been seedy, Mrs. Tennant."

      "He's been in bed."

      "So I hear. And what do you think of the murder?"

      Lucy had brought some work in with her. Seating herself by the fire, she began busying herself with it.

      "Do you think it was a murder?"

      "I should think it was a murder. What else could it have been?"

      "The woman might have fallen out of the train by accident."

      "Accident? A lot of that!" I have told Lucy over and over again that, in the presence of ladies, Adolphus Keeley is sometimes brusque to the verge of rudeness. "Do you think that if there had been any accident about it, the fellow who was with her wouldn't have given the alarm? He knew better."

      I had been setting out the chessmen on the board, and turned to Keeley with a pawn in either hand.

      "Which hand will you have?"


      The white pawn was in the left hand. We sat down to play. Still he continued to prose. "Fred Courtney wanted to bet that they wouldn't have the fellow in a month. I should be almost inclined to take short odds that they'll have him within four-and-twenty hours."

      He had moved to king's pawn. I was about to give the usual reply, but when he said that my hand faltered on the piece.

      "Within four-and-twenty hours? What makes you think that?"

      Keeley winked.

      "I've heard something, that's all. It's your move."

      I moved.


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