The Woodcraft Girls at Camp. Roy Lillian Elizabeth

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The Woodcraft Girls at Camp - Roy Lillian Elizabeth

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barrier. She soon hopped off on the other side and turned to watch the others surmount the difficulty.

      "What a queer-looking fence – why do they have two rows of rails?" asked Elena, while the others tried to reach the top rail.

      "Dear me! how did you get over so easily, Zan?" called Nita, who constantly rolled back at each step.

      "Ha-ha! it's a trick fence!" laughed Zan, doubling over with enjoyment at the different poses the girls were forced to take while they struggled with loose poles that would roll over.

      Miss Miller stood on the ground and studied the problem for several moments. Then her face expressed understanding and she tried again. This time she did not lean her weight on the upper part of her body as she grasped the loose rails, but balanced on her feet, merely using her grasp above to steady her in climbing.

      In a few seconds she reached the top rail, where there was no other hold. She had a choice of two ways: lay down on the length of top-rail and crawl down the other side or jump clear from a height of six feet. She chose the latter.

      "How did you do it?" cried several voices.

      Miss Miller laughed and joined Zan, who whispered, "You should have mounted at the cross-posts. See what a fine hold that gives you when you reach the top?" and Zan demonstrated her words by climbing back. The girls watched closely and, as Zan returned slowly for their benefit, they endeavoured to imitate her.

      "Might as well overcome the first obstacle now as later – you'll find plenty of snake-fences to cross in the country," said Zan.

      Nita and Hilda soon found the secret of balancing on the rolling poles, but Elena and Jane had several tumbles before they could scramble over.

      A foot-path led through the woods and soon the girls heard the sound of falling water.

      "That must be the river!" exclaimed Nita, eagerly.

      "No, you hear the water of the Falls. I'm taking you to the Bluff first. We can stand there and see the pool, the stream above the Falls and the slope that goes down to the Big Bridge. We called the Falls 'Wickeecheokee Falls' and the stream, – which really is only a creek – 'Wickeecheokee River,'" replied Zan.

      In a short time the eager adventurers came to a clearing in the woods and stood still admiring the scene presented.

      Just before them, a rocky ledge projected over the Falls about ten feet above the lower level of the water. The Falls were only six feet from top to bottom, where the water formed a lovely pool. On the opposite bank, the ground rose gradually to about five feet above the water, and this bank was thickly carpeted with moss and bitter-sweet vines. The woods began with a close array of trees a few feet back from the stream, the straight timber presenting a dauntless front to the mites who stood gazing at them in admiration.

      The Bluff, as Zan said the ledge of rock was called, extended from the Falls back forty feet to the pathway, finally burying itself under moss and thick grass, just where the girls stood. Above the Falls the ground rose gradually at first, then abruptly, with great boulders of rock jutting forth here and there. The swift-running stream cleft through the steep sides, thus forming a miniature canyon, and, where the rocks hung over the water, masses of lichen, arbutus, and creepers suspended in a tangled riot. The skyline was entirely hidden by the thick growth of forest trees.

      The sweep downward from the Falls to the bridge had been cleared of undergrowth so that the view presented – fields of buttercups and daisies in the foreground and Bill Sherwood's farm-land and cottage by the road that ran over the Big Bridge – was a most decided contrast to the wild beauty of the woods and cliffs.

      "Well!" sighed some of the girls, "No wonder Zan wanted to camp here!"

      "Isn't it beautiful! It is more like an artist's ideal than actuality!" added Miss Miller.

      "Daddy purchased the place from a well-known American artist," explained Zan, enjoying the appreciation of her friends.

      "I don't see how he could bear to part with it – I would want to live here always!" added Miss Miller.

      "I say that we choose the Bluff for our camp-site!" cried Nita, going over to the Falls.

      "It certainly would be a splendid spot!" added some of the others.

      "Well, we'll decide that later – I see Zan wants us to continue," said Miss Miller, as their guide crossed the stream by means of great flat stones.

      "The boys and I made this stone crossing – and maybe we didn't have lame backs for a week after we carried these boulders!" said Zan, reminiscently.

      For a full hour more, the city girls climbed steep hillsides or stumbled down wild ravines, stubbing toes on hidden rocks and catching unprotected hair in swinging branches, until all began to feel the fatigue of unused muscles and the effect of hard shoes on mother earth. When Miss Miller suggested supper, every one turned face homeward without a regret.

      "We will have our ready-made supper that I brought with me in a box, and Zan can find the milk that Bill Sherwood left in the ice-chest," said Miss Miller, as they entered the cool living-room again.

      "And I'll go down cellar and fetch some preserves – mother said we could use all we wanted," added Zan.

      "O-oh! goody! just think of it – home-made preserves!" said Nita.

      "We'll set the table, Zan, if you show us where to find the dishes, and show us the ice-chest. Nita can go down to help you with the preserves, if you like," said Miss Miller, unpacking a large pasteboard box filled with sandwiches, cake and fruit.

      Before supper was quite ready the twilight had fallen, making it necessary to have a light.

      "My gracious! I never gave a thought as to light! I am so accustomed to pushing the button and having light, that I quite forgot we had no electricity out here," laughed Miss Miller.

      "Oh, pshaw! I forgot, too! I just hate to clean lamps and fill them with kerosene – your hands smell so dreadfully forever afterward!" grumbled Zan.

      The other girls laughed but then they had never cleaned lampwicks nor had coal-oil soaked into the pores of their hands!

      Zan pouted but made no move to find the lamps. Miss Miller felt sorry, for she knew how unpleasant the task could be, so she began to say, "Zan, I'll – " when she suddenly stopped.

      She quickly left the room and went out on the porch to admire the soft tones of approaching grey in the night-sky.

      "What's the matter?" exclaimed Zan, running after the teacher.

      "Why, nothing, dear! I thought I would wait here until you had the lamps ready," returned Miss Miller, keeping a serious face with difficulty.

      "Oh, dear!" sighed Zan, reminded of the distasteful work.

      As the four other girls had absolutely no knowledge of lamps and their accessories, they could not be expected to offer to attend to them. Zan turned to the teacher and ventured, "I think we can use candles for to-night!"

      Miss Miller looked at her charge out of the tail of her eye and bit her lips to keep from laughing.

      "I'll go and hunt up some candles. Mother keeps them on the stone ledge of the cellar," sighed Zan, getting up from the step where she had momentarily sat down.

      "Of course, I have no

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