The Erie Train Boy. Horatio Alger Jr.

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The Erie Train Boy - Horatio Alger Jr.

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I shall not pay for what I haven't got. Boy, you are very impertinent. I shall report you to the president of the road."

      "You may do so if you want to. I can't afford to give away my stock in trade."

      "Boy," interposed a pompous gentleman sitting opposite, "I quite agree with this gentleman. You are not employed to insult passengers."

      "Or to be cheated by them," said Fred hotly.

      "If you treated me in this way, I would make it my business to have you discharged."

      "Even if I was right?"

      "Of course you are not right. This gentleman's word outweighs yours."

      "Why should it?"

      "He is a respectable gentleman, and you are only a poor train boy."

      "That may be, sir, but I always tell the truth."

      "Like George Washington," sneered the stout gentleman.

      Fred felt that he was losing his case, and the mean passenger smiled with satisfaction. But his triumph was short-lived. The train boy found an unexpected defender.

      "The boy is right," said a young lady sitting directly behind the passenger with whom Fred had his difficulty. "I saw this man take the package and put it in his pocket. I have waited with some curiosity to see whether he would persist in his attempt to cheat the boy out of his money."

      There was an instant revulsion of feeling. The attempted swindler looked as if a bombshell had exploded at his feet.

      "There is some error," he stammered. "The young lady is mistaken."

      "I am not mistaken," said the young lady positively "If this man will allow his pockets to be examined, the package will be found."

      The man rose from his seat and prepared to leave the car.

      "I ain't used to being insulted," he said.

      "Gentlemen," said the young lady, "you have only to look at this man's side-pocket to see that it contains the package."

      The passenger wore a sack coat, and it was plain to all that the young lady was right.

      "I will pay for the package if the passenger is not honest enough to do it himself."

      "No, miss," said a rough-looking man who looked like a western miner.

      "This man must pay, or I'll pitch him out of the car myself."

      "I think you had better pay, sir," said the pompous looking man with an air of disgust. "I took your part, because I supposed you were a gentleman."

      The other, without a word, drew out a dime from his pocket and handed it to Fred. Then, looking very ill at ease, he left the car hurriedly, and went as far forward as possible.

      "Do you have many experiences like this?" asked the young lady, with a smile.

      "Yes, miss, quite frequently," aid Fred, "and it isn't the poor passengers that try to cheat me. Sometimes I travel on emigrant trains, but I never lost a cent by an emigrant. It is those who are able to pay, like this man, who try to take advantage of me."

      "Do you make good pay?"

      "I average about a dollar a day."

      "I suppose that is fair pay for a boy of your age."

      "Yes, it is; but I need it all. I have a mother and brother to support."

      "Have you, indeed?" said the young lady sympathetically. "You can't all three live on six dollars a week."

      "Mother earns a little by sewing, but that isn't paid very well."

      "Very true. So you sometimes get into difficulties?"

      "We are in difficulties now. The rent is due, and we lack three dollars to make it up."

      "That is easily remedied," said the young lady. "It is my birthday to-day, and I shall allow myself the luxury of doing good. Here are five dollars which you will use to pay the landlord."

      "Thank you, miss," said Fred gladly. "You have lifted a weight from my mind. Our landlord is a strict man, and I was afraid we would be turned out on the street."

      "Miss, will you let me shake hands with you? You're a trump!"

      It was the western miner who spoke, and he had come forward impulsively from his seat, and was extending a rough, sunburned hand to the young lady.

      She did not hesitate a moment, but with a pleasant smile placed her hand in his.

      "I wish all high-toned gals was like you, miss," said the miner, as he shook her hand heartily.

      "I am sure you would do the same, sir," said Isabel Archer.

      "Yes, I would, and I meant to if you hadn't got the start of me. You'll excuse the liberty I took," said the miner.

      "Oh, yes, certainly."

      "I'm a rough miner, but – "

      "You are a kind-hearted man. You may hereafter have it in your power to help the boy."

      "So I can," and the miner retreated to his seat.

      Arrived at the Erie depot, Fred found his little brother waiting for him.

      "Oh, Fred," he said, "I hope you've got money for the rent. The landlord said he would turn us out at seven o'clock if we didn't pay."

      "And I am a little late," said Fred, anxiously.

      "Let me go with you!" said the miner, "I want to see what sort of a critter your landlord is. The mean scoundrel! It would do me good to shake him out of his boots."

      Zebulon Mack and his assistant had just succeeded in placing the bureau on the sidewalk when Fred and his mining friend turned the corner of the street.

      "There's mother's bureau!" exclaimed Fred in excitement. "He's begun to move us out."

      "He has, hey?" said Sloan the miner. "We'll soon stop that."

      "What are you doing here?" demanded Fred, hurrying up.

      Zebulon Mack turned round, and eyed the boy with an ugly frown.

      "I told your mother I'd move her out, and I've done it."

      "Why didn't you wait for me? I've got the money."

      "You have?"

      "Yes, I have."

      "Pay it over, then."

      Fred was about to do so when the miner interposed.

      "Don't pay him till he carries back the bureau!" said Sloan.

      "You and your friend can do that!" said the landlord.

      "If you don't catch hold of that bureau and take it back I'll wring your neck, you mean scoundrel!" said the miner sternly.

      Zebulon Mack looked into the miner's face and

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