Bob Burton. Horatio Alger Jr.

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Bob Burton - Horatio Alger Jr.

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Richard burst into a ringing laugh.

      Wolverton puckered up his face, and snarled:

      "Why shouldn't I marry if I choose? What is there to laugh at?"

      "No reason at all. I advise you to marry. You ought to, for I have found happiness in marrying one of the sweetest women in the world."

      Then without any apparent reason, remembering that the man before him had aspired to the hand of his wife, he burst into another laugh, which he kept up till the tears ran from his eyes. He didn't notice the evil expression which it called up in the face of the moneylender.

      "I'd like to kill him where he stands," thought Aaron Wolverton. "She must have told him about me. Curse him! he stole her from me, and now he dares to laugh in my face!"

      But Wolverton was not a man to indulge even his evil temper when it was impolitic to do so. He forced himself to look indifferent, and merely said:

      "Let them laugh that win, Mr. Burton. Perhaps my time may come some day."

      "Perhaps it may, Wolverton. I heartily hope that you may find some one to make your life happy. I am happy myself, and I like to see others happy."

      There was a little more conversation, and then Richard Burton went out.

      "Good-bye, Wolverton. Come to my ranch some time. I'll give you a seat at supper, and we will smoke a cigar afterwards."

      The colt – for it was scarcely more than that – was getting restless. It was pawing the ground and evidently anxious to get away.

      "Your horse has a bad temper, Mr. Burton," said Wolverton.

      "Yes, he needs taming. He's not well trained yet."

      "There's something more than that," Wolverton said to himself, thoughtfully. "Horses are like men – they often have nasty tempers. I wouldn't ride behind that brute for – for the money Burton has just paid me. Some day he'll get upset, or thrown. And if he does," he continued, after a pause, "why should I lament? He has taken from me the only woman I ever loved. She might have made a different man of me – perhaps."

      Just then a boy came up the street. He stopped and eyed Aaron Wolverton with a little misgiving.

      "Sam," said Wolverton, sharply, "what kept you so long? Do you want the strap again?"

      "Indeed, uncle, I hurried as fast as I could. Mr. Jenks kept me waiting."

      "That is probably a lie," growled Wolverton. "However, since you are here, go into your dinner. It is cold by this time, most likely."

      It was cold and uninviting, but Sam could not afford to be dainty, and ate what was set before him by his aunt.



      Richard Burton, three years previous to the opening of this story, was a dry-goods merchant in St. Louis. Becoming tired of the dull routine of his daily life, and with a wistful remembrance of the country, where he had passed his boyhood, he sold out his business for a few thousand dollars, and with the sum realized bought a large ranch located on a small river or creek running into the Missouri.

      In taking this course he was influenced in no small degree by a city acquaintance, Aaron Wolverton, who six months before had located himself in the same township, and who, indeed, had made the purchase of the ranch on his behalf. Wolverton made a large commission on the transaction – larger than Richard Burton was aware; but it must be admitted he had bought him an excellent property. Burton was entirely unacquainted with the fact that Wolverton had at an earlier period been an unsuccessful suitor for his wife's hand, nor did he know it till the morning on which our story opens.

      It is always rather a hazardous experiment when a man, engaged till middle life in other business, becomes a tiller of the soil without special training for his new occupation. Few persons make farming profitable, however well qualified, and the St. Louis merchant was hardly likely to do more than make a living. In fact, he did not make both ends meet, but fell behind every year till he felt compelled to borrow three thousand dollars on mortgage of Aaron Wolverton. His wife expressed uneasiness, but he laughed away her remonstrances, and assured her he should be able to pay it back in a couple of years, if fortune favored him with good crops.

      "You know, Mary," he said cheerfully, "there are a good many extra expenses just at first, but it will be different in future. Wolverton assures me that the ranch is a fine one, and that I can pay him back sooner than he desires, for he is glad to lend on such excellent security."

      Mrs. Burton was silent, but she was not convinced.

      Robert Burton, popularly called Bob, was the only son of the ex-merchant. He thoroughly enjoyed the removal to the country, having a taste for manly sports. He usually spent a part of the day in study, reciting to a clergyman in the village, and the rest of his time he employed in hunting, fishing, and farm work. Clip, the young refugee, was his chosen companion, and was sincerely attached to Massa Bob, as he generally called him. The negro lad was full of fun and innocent mischief, but had no malice about him. Bob tried to teach him to read, but Clip was no scholar. He complained that study made his head ache.

      "But you ought to know something, Clip," expostulated Bob. "You don't want to grow up an ignoramus."

      "What's dat?" asked Clip, bewildered. "Never heard such a long word. Is it anything very bad?"

      "It means a know-nothing, Clip."

      "I guess you're right, Massa Bob. Dat's what I am."

      "But don't it trouble you, Clip?"

      "No, Massa Bob; I guess I was never cut out for a scholar."

      Still Bob persevered in his effort to teach Clip.

      One day, after an unsuccessful attempt to get him to understand the difference between capital B and R, he said: "Clip, I don't believe you have got any sense."

      "Spec's I haven't, Massa Bob," answered Clip, philosophically. "How many have you got?"

      Bob laughed.

      "I don't know exactly," he replied; "but I hope I have as many as the average."

      "I reckon you've got a lot. You learn awful easy."

      "I am afraid I shall have to learn for both of us, Clip."

      "Dat's so!" said Clip, in a tone of satisfaction. "Dat'll do just as well."

      So Bob was finally obliged to give up teaching Clip in despair. He was led to accept the conclusion of his young protégé that he was never meant for a scholar.

      In one respect Bob and Clip shared the prejudices of Mrs. Burton. Neither liked Aaron Wolverton. They felt friendly, however, to Sam Wolverton, the nephew; and more than once Sam, with his appetite unsatisfied at home, came over to Burton's ranch and enjoyed a hearty lunch, thanks to the good offices of Bob Burton.

      One day he came over crying, and showed the marks of a severe whipping he had received from his uncle.

      "What did you do, Sam?" asked Bob.

      Sam mentioned the offense, which was a trifling one, and unintentional besides.

      "Your uncle is a brute!" said Bob indignantly.


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