Mark the Match Boy. Horatio Alger Jr.

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Mark the Match Boy - Horatio Alger Jr.

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style="font-size:15px;">      Mr. Bates tore a leaf from his memorandum book as he spoke, and handed it with a pencil to Richard Hunter.

      Dick made a rapid calculation, and reported two thousand five hundred and twenty-four dollars.

      "It seems, then, Mr. Fosdick," said Mr. Bates, "that I am your debtor to a very considerable amount."

      "You are very kind, sir," said Fosdick; "but I shall be quite satisfied with the two thousand dollars without any interest."

      "Thank you for offering to relinquish the interest; but it is only right that I should pay it. I have had the use of the money, and I certainly would not wish to defraud you of a penny of the sum which it took your father ten years of industry to accumulate. I wish he were living now to see justice done his son."

      "So do I," said Fosdick, earnestly. "I beg your pardon, sir," he said, after a moment's pause.

      "Why?" asked Mr. Bates in a tone of surprise.

      "Because," said Fosdick, "I have done you injustice. I thought you failed in order to make money, and intended to cheat my father out of his savings. That made me feel hard towards you."

      "You were justified in feeling so," said Mr. Bates. "Such cases are so common that I am not surprised at your opinion of me. I ought to have explained my position to your father, and promised to make restitution whenever it should be in my power. But at the time I was discouraged, and could not foresee the favorable turn which my affairs have since taken. Now," he added, with a change of voice, "we will arrange about the payment of this money."

      "Do not pay it until it is convenient, Mr. Bates," said Fosdick.

      "Your proposal is kind, but scarcely business-like, Mr. Fosdick," said Mr. Bates. "Fortunately it will occasion me no inconvenience to pay you at once I have not the ready money with me as you may suppose, but I will give you a cheque for the amount upon the Broadway Bank, with which I have an account; and it will be duly honored on presentation to-morrow. You may in return make out a receipt in full for the debt and interest. Wait a moment. I will ring for writing materials."

      These were soon brought by a servant of the hotel and Mr. Bates filled in a cheque for the sum specified above, while Fosdick, scarcely knowing whether he was awake or dreaming, made out a receipt to which he attached his name.

      "Now," said Mr. Bates, "we will exchange documents."

      Fosdick took the cheque, and deposited it carefully in his pocket-book.

      "It is possible that payment might be refused to a boy like you, especially as the amount is so large. At what time will you be disengaged to-morrow?"

      "I am absent from the store from twelve to one for dinner."

      "Very well, come to the hotel as soon as you are free, and I will accompany you to the bank, and get the money for you. I advise you, however, to leave it there on deposit until you have a chance to invest it."

      "How would you advise me to invest it, sir?" asked Fosdick.

      "Perhaps you cannot do better than buy shares of some good bank. You will then have no care except to collect your dividends twice a year."

      "That is what I should like to do," said Fosdick. "What bank would you advise?"

      "The Broadway, Park, or Bank of Commerce, are all good banks. I will attend to the matter for you, if you desire it."

      "I should be very glad if you would, sir."

      "Then that matter is settled," said Mr. Bates. "I wish I could as easily settle another matter which has brought me to New York at this time, and which, I confess, occasions me considerable perplexity."

      The boys remained respectfully silent, though not without curiosity as to what this matter might be.

      Mr. Bates seemed plunged in thought for a short time. Then speaking, as if to himself, he said, in a low voice, "Why should I not tell them? Perhaps they may help me."

      "I believe," he said, "I will take you into my confidence. You may be able to render me some assistance in my perplexing business."

      "I shall be very glad to help you if I can," said Dick.

      "And I also," said Fosdick.

      "I have come to New York in search of my grandson," said Mr. Bates.

      "Did he run away from home?" asked Dick.

      "No, he has never lived with me. Indeed, I may add that I have never seen him since he was an infant."

      The boys looked surprised.

      "How old is he now?" asked Fosdick.

      "He must be about ten years old. But I see that I must give you the whole story of what is a painful passage in my life, or you will be in no position to help me.

      "You must know, then, that twelve years since I considered myself rich, and lived in a handsome house up town. My wife was dead, but I had an only daughter, who I believe was generally considered attractive, if not beautiful. I had set my heart upon her making an advantageous marriage; that is, marrying a man of wealth and social position. I had in my employ a clerk, of excellent business abilities, and of good personal appearance, whom I sometimes invited to my house when I entertained company. His name was John Talbot. I never suspected that there was any danger of my daughter's falling in love with the young man, until one day he came to me and overwhelmed me with surprise by asking her hand in marriage.

      "You can imagine that I was very angry, whether justly or not I will not pretend to say. I dismissed the young man from my employ, and informed him that never, under any circumstances, would I consent to his marrying Irene. He was a high-spirited young man, and, though he did not answer me, I saw by the expression of his face that he meant to persevere in his suit.

      "A week later my daughter was missing. She left behind a letter stating that she could not give up John Talbot, and by the time I read the letter she would be his wife. Two days later a Philadelphia paper was sent me containing a printed notice of their marriage, and the same mail brought me a joint letter from both, asking my forgiveness.

      "I had no objections to John Talbot except his poverty; but my ambitious hopes were disappointed, and I felt the blow severely. I returned the letter to the address given, accompanied by a brief line to Irene, to the effect that I disowned her, and would never more acknowledge her as my daughter.

      "I saw her only once after that. Two years after she appeared suddenly in my library, having been admitted by the servant, with a child in her arms. But I hardened my heart against her, and though she besought my forgiveness, I refused it, and requested her to leave the house. I cannot forgive myself when I think of my unfeeling severity. But it is too late too redeem the past. As far as I can I would like to atone for it.

      "A month since I heard that both Irene and her husband were dead, the latter five years since, but that the child, a boy, is still living, probably in deep poverty. He is my only descendant, and I seek to find him, hoping that he may be a joy and solace to me in the old age which will soon be upon me. It is for the purpose of tracing him that I have come to New York. When you," turning to Fosdick, "referred to your being compelled to resort to the streets, and the hard life of a boot-black, the thought came to me that my grandson may be reduced to a similar extremity. It would be hard indeed that he should grow up ignorant, neglected, and subject to every privation, when a comfortable and even luxurious home awaits him, if he can only be

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