The Laughing Cavalier: The Story of the Ancestor of the Scarlet Pimpernel. Emma Orczy

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The Laughing Cavalier: The Story of the Ancestor of the Scarlet Pimpernel - Emma Orczy

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Therefore now do I give thee the option, either to show my guests straightway and with meticulous politeness into my room, or to taste the power and weight of my boot in the small of thy back and the hardness of my sword-hilt across thy shoulders."

      This time the man's mutterings became inaudible. Nicolaes Beresteyn and Stoutenburg could only guess what was passing in the narrow corridor of the house opposite. The one moment there was a heart-rending howl, which suggested that the landlord's obduracy had lasted a few moments too long for the impatient temper of a philosopher; but the howl was not repeated and soon Diogenes' clear voice rang out lustily again:

      "There! I knew that gentle persuasion would prevail. Dearly beloved landlord, now I pray thee guide the jongejuffrouw and mynheer her father to my sleeping chamber. It is at thy disposal, wench, for three nights," he added airily, "make the most of it; and if thou hast aught to complain of my friend the landlord, let me know. I am always to be found at certain hours of the day within the congenial four walls of the 'Lame Cow.' Good-night then and pleasant dreams."

      What went on after that the watchers could, of course, not see. The wench and the old man had disappeared inside the house, where, if they had a spark of gratitude in them, they would undoubtedly be kneeling even now at the feet of their whimsical benefactor.

      The next moment the interested spectators of this stirring little scene beheld the three philosophers once more standing together at the corner of the street under the feebly flickering lamp and the slowly falling snow; the door of the lodging-house had been slammed to behind them and the muffled heads had disappeared from out the framework of the windows above.

      "And now, perhaps you will tell us what you are going to do," said Pythagoras in flute-like tones.

      "There is not a bed vacant in the dormitory where I sleep," said Socrates.

      "Nor would I desire to sleep in one of those kennels fit only for dogs which I cannot imagine how you both can stomach," quoth Diogenes lightly; "the close proximity of Pythagoras and yourself and of all those who are most like you in the world would chase pleasing sleep from mine eyelids. I prefer the Canal."

      "You cannot sleep out of doors in this h – l of a cold night," growled Socrates.

      "And I cannot go back to the 'Lame Cow' for I have not a kreutzer left in my wallet wherewith to pay for a sip."

      "Then what the d – l are you going to do?" reiterated Pythagoras plaintively.

      "I have a friend," said Diogenes after a slight pause.

      "Hm?" was the somewhat dubious comment on this fairly simple statement.

      "He will give me breakfast early in the morning."


      "'Tis but a few hours to spend in lonely communion with nature."


      "The cathedral clock has struck three, at seven my good Hals will ply me with hot ale and half his hunk of bread and cheese."

      "Hals?" queried Socrates.

      "Frans Hals," replied Diogenes; "he paints pictures and contrives to live on the proceeds. If his wife does not happen to throw me out, he will console me for the discomforts of this night."

      "Bah!" ejaculated Pythagoras in disgust, "a painter of pictures!"

      "And a brave man when he is sober."

      "With a scold for a wife! Ugh! what about your playing the part of a gentleman now?"

      "The play was short, O wise Pythagoras," retorted Diogenes with imperturbable good humour, "the curtain has already come down upon the last act. I am once more a knave, a merchant ready to flatter the customer who will buy his wares: Hech there, sir, my lord! what are your needs? My sword, my skin, they are yours to command! so many guilders, sir, and I will kill your enemy for you, fight your battles, abduct the wench that pleases you. So many guilders! and when they are safely in my pocket I can throw my glove in your face lest you think I have further need of your patronage."

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