American Book-Plates. Allen Charles Dexter

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American Book-Plates - Allen Charles Dexter

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all forms of book-plates the simplest possible is the printed name of the owner, unaccompanied by either motto, device, or ornamentation of any kind. Such a plate had Philip Hone, one of the founders of the Mercantile Library, and in the early twenties a mayor of the city of New York. His plate is merely a bit of paper with his name in bold script printed upon it from an engraved copper-plate.

      This style of plate is not chronologically the earliest, but is taken as our starting-point because of its unrelieved simplicity; this fulfils the mission of the book-plate, – it proclaims the ownership of the book in which it is seen; not in delicate language, to be sure, not with any invitation to dip into the volume in hand, not with any evidence of the owner’s taste in reading, but with a directness not to be misunderstood.

      The essential part of the book-plate is the name of the owner; and while this is sufficient of itself, it is found profitable and pleasant to accompany it with an apt quotation from a favorite author, with a caution against the improper

      handling of books, with a warning of the sad result of declining Wisdom’s guidance, or with an invitation to enjoy the beauties of literature and to share the benefits of careful reading. In addition to these mere typographical adjuncts an opportunity is offered for the display of those more decorative garnishments which have led to the development of the handsomer styles of plates.

       Alexander Stedman’s: Thomas Thaxter’s, 1791: William W. Potter’s Book: Aaron Woolworth’s, Ex Dono Rev. S. Buell, D.D. These plates use the possessive case, are embellished with borders of ornamental type, and supply some further information by showing the date of their being used, or by naming the giver of the volumes. Other styles of expressing book-ownership are afforded by the following: Nicolas Pike His Book 1768: Hannah Adams, Medfield 179-: The Property of John Clap, Roxbury 1791: Davidis Dickinson Liber, A.D. 1796: Lieut. E. Trenchard, U. S. Navy: Simeon Baldwin, Owner: Ex Libris I. G. Thomas: Library T. W. Curtis, No.: Belonging to the Library of Thomas Forrest Betton, Germantown Pa.: The Property of John Weld native of Pomfret, Conn. Resident of Pomfret, Bo’t of Mr. James Steele of Hartford, January 12, 1796: W. Lewis, Ejus Liber: Johann Christoph Kunze, Prediger in Philadelphia: Emmanuel Jones e Coll; Gul; et Ma: 1756.

      These old type-set labels with their quaint borders of ornamental type, – scrolls, flourishes, stars, vines, and even grammatical signs, – are usually found to be printed on good white handmade paper, which was seldom trimmed with care; occasionally a tinted paper is found, – yellow more often than any other, but sometimes a blue or green; these served the less pretentious of our ancestors in lieu of the coats-of-arms and family mottoes of those of higher lineage, and are found in quantities throughout the New England and Middle States: even farther south they are not uncommon, but are not so numerous.

      In making up these ornamental borders the type was usually set in the form of a parallelogram, occasionally in a square, oval, circle, or diamond, and seldom in fanciful shapes. The most ambitious plate of this kind which has come under my observation is that which once graced the books of Mary McGinley; this is a rather large plate, and the type is set in the form of an urn, within the lines of which are given the motto and the owner’s name.

      A step in advance of these wholly typographical examples are those which employ a woodcut border to surround the name, and instances can be given of such a border enclosing the name printed from type; festoons of flowers or of cord, and draperies of cloth, were also used as a simple setting for the owner’s name. In this connection mention may be made of the work of T. Sparrow, an obscure engraver of Maryland; no heraldic or pictorial examples of his workmanship have been identified, and he probably confined himself to the simple woodcut designs of which but a small number are known. Always using a border of floriated scrolls, he never omitted an original contrivance which is the characteristic mark of his work, – a group of thirteen stars surrounded often by a wreath. This is always found in a prominent place, and is an indication of his patriotism as well as that of the owner of the plate.

      It must not be supposed that the heraldic book-plate was an outgrowth or development of the name-label: not at all; they were contemporaneous and were both used in England long before they were here.

      Coming now to the subject of mottoes, we find a wide field to travel over, many languages to read, many quotations to recognize, with hints and warnings, and even threatenings, by the score, from jealous book-lovers. Mottoes readily fall into two classes: those which are chosen by the owner for some personal reason, and those which are family mottoes, and which are used without thought because they are a family inheritance, or with a commendable pride in such legacies from an honorable ancestry. Latin is the language most often used probably, though English is a strong rival, while German, French, Greek, and even Hebrew and Welsh are also found upon our book-plates. Sentiments opposing the habit of book-borrowing are of frequent occurrence, and in some instances are of such severity as to leave no doubt of their effectiveness. For brevity and pointedness the following example can hardly be exceeded: —

This book was bought and paid for byD. C. ColesworthyBorrowing neighbors are recommendedto supply themselves in the same mannerPrice seventy-five cents

      On the book-plate of D. W. Jayne the following verse from the Bible is used: —

      Go ye rather to them that sell and buy for yourselves. Matt. Chap. xxv. ver. 9.

      Verses from Holy Writ are quite frequently used on plates, and the style of expression found in the Psalms and Proverbs is borrowed as adding an authoritative emphasis to the words of caution and advice, —

      The wicked borrow, and returneth not: do thou not like unto them.

      Return what thou borroweth with the most sacred punctuality, and withhold it not.

      On the plate of a book-lover in Charleston, S.C., —

      And ye shall keep me until the fourteenth day. And it shall be when thou hast made an end of reading this book. Send me away unto my master. Ex. xii. 6: Jer. li. 63: Gen. xxiv. 54.

      Every one has suffered from book-borrowers, even from school-day times, when the rude doggerel, —

      Steal not this book for fear of shame,

      For here you see the owner’s name,

      or its variant,

      Steal not this book for fear of strife,

      For its owner carries a huge jack-knife,

      was printed in coarse letters across the cover of the books most likely to go astray. How irritating it is to find the very volume one needs at the moment, missing from its accustomed place on the shelf; if anything is lacking to complete the torment of the discovery, let it be impossible to find out who has taken the desired volume, or to get any clew as to when it went or where!

      Private Library of J. N. Candee Cole, This book is not loaned. Matt. xxv. 9.

      Read not books alone: but men, and be careful to read thyself. The property of John Lambert, South Reading.

      To Borrowers of Books.

      You remember, my friend, I freely comply’d

      With the favour you asked me, and fully relied

      On a favour from you, which, tho’ promised, I find,

      As it hasn’t been granted, is out of your mind,

      To return in due time what I’ve wanted to see,

      The Book, which ’tis long since you borrow’d of me.

      Another I now with reluctance implore,


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