The Complete Club Book for Women. Caroline French Benton

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The Complete Club Book for Women - Caroline French  Benton

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      There are many little plays written to-day in the form of verse, all lovely, poetic in feeling and style, and many of them of great charm. Among others are "The Rose of the Wind," and "The Shoes That Danced," by Anna Hempstead Branch; "The Butterfly," and "Two in Arcadia" by Lucine Finch; four plays called "The Shadow Garden," by Madison Cawein; and "El Dorado," by Ridgely Torrance.

      In addition to the study of all these modern poets, clubs should look up the work of Rabindranath Tagore, the Hindu poet who recently took the Nobel prize for literature; his latest poems (translated) are, "The Crescent Moon" and "The Gardener."

      Robert Bridges, the present poet-laureate, also deserves especial mention.


      The World's Islands

      There is no subject for clubs more interesting than that of Islands, and none broader in scope; each island or group suggests the study of geology, botany, language, customs, religions, and, above all, history and literature. The encyclopedias, books of travel and current magazines, especially the National Geographic Magazine, will furnish abundant material for papers.


      The islands which cluster about the coast of Greece are the most important in history. Some are famous for their art treasures, others have been the birthplace of great poets, others still are associated with legendary heroes and gods. The literature, art, and history of the two groups of the Ægean and Ionian Islands offer study for many months.

      Among the many which might be suggested, these should be given special attention: Ægina, famous for its sculptures; Delos, the Holy Isle, birthplace of Apollo and Artemis, with the Temple of Apollo; Lesbos, the birthplace of Sappho; Corfu, for its varied history; Ceos, the home of two great poets; Samos with its Temple of Hera, and Ithaca, the home of Ulysses. Add to this list Melos, Patmos, Rhodes, Lemnos, and Naxos, each remarkable for something.

      In preparing programs have brief readings on each island, either from history or English poetry, or translations from the Greek. Longfellow's "Poems of Places" has poems on many of the islands; the "Odyssey" gives many stories, notably that of Nausicaa, which is laid at Corfu; Samuel J. Barrows has a charming book, "Isles and Shrines of Greece" (Little). Translations of some of Sappho's poems are easily found.

      The islands of Crete and Cyprus should have a special meeting to themselves, with emphasis laid on archæological discoveries. Their history is closely connected with that of Greece, though to-day they are both under other than Greek rule.


      Three great islands lie close to Italy and are connected with its history. The first is Corsica. It has a stirring story, especially of the time when it belonged to Genoa, when the great Genoese Towers, still standing, were built to protect it against the Saracens. The fact that Napoleon was a Corsican should be mentioned. Some account of the vendetta should not be omitted and illustrations from Prosper Mérimée's "Colomba" may be read aloud.

      Sardinia, lying close to Corsica, is sometimes significantly called the "Backward Island." One point for its study is the feudal system, which continued there until the middle of the nineteenth century, and another the brigandage for which it has been known for ages. See "The Forgotten Isles," by Vuillier, translated by Frederic Breton (Appleton).

      The history of Sicily is worth some months of study, for it opens the story of the wars of Rome with Carthage. Consider the varied experience of the city of Syracuse, the prosperity and political importance of Sicily in the Middle Ages, the coming of Victor Emmanuel and Garibaldi, in later years. Last, note the impoverished condition of the country to-day. Read from Sicily, in the Story of the Nations series (Putnam), and some translations from Thucydides and Theocritus.

      Malta, a possession of Great Britain, is of interest especially in connection with the Knights of Saint John. Minorca may be looked up also for a special paper. See "Sicily, the Garden of the Mediterranean," by W. S. Monroe (The Page Company).


      The wild, mountainous islands of Scotland are peopled with fishing folk whose language is still mostly Gaelic and whose customs are singularly primitive. Read "A Daughter of Fife," by Amelia E. Barr, to show their strong character. The Hebrides, lower down on the west coast, are wonderfully picturesque. Read William Black's "A Princess of Thule." Mull is remarkable for its beauty and for its Gaelic population and traditions. Iona, a tiny island with a most important early Christian history, has a ruined cathedral and graveyard containing many striking and very ancient Celtic crosses. Staffa, near by, has a famous basaltic formation and cave.

      Most of England's islands are not grouped but stand singly. The Isle of Man, off the west coast, is a somewhat wild place. Read Hall Caine's "The Deemster," to learn of its people. The Isle of Wight, on the south, is a garden spot. Note the famous places and people connected with them and show pictures of Osborne House and Tennyson's home. The Scilly Islands have a romantic past, partly legendary; see Besant's "Armorel of Lyonesse." The Channel Islands, a group, are foreign, quaint, wild, and beautiful. Their history is fascinating and they have been the home of political refugees almost to the present day. Read "The Channel Islands," by J. E. Morris (Macmillan Co.), and "Toilers of the Sea," by Victor Hugo.


      Off the west coast of Africa are a few well-known islands. Toward the north lies Madeira, long famous for its wine; to-day it is being developed into a highly successful market garden, supplying England with fruits and vegetables. Its picturesque population and the old city of Funchal are charming. See "The Story of Madeira," by D. Dimmit (The Methodist Book Concern).

      Just below this lie the volcanic islands known as the Canaries, which are thought to be the Fortunate Isles of antiquity. Strangely enough, they seem to have dropped out of history for a time, and were rediscovered in the fourteenth century. To-day they belong to Spain. Show a picture of the Peak of Teneriffe.

      The Cape Verde Islands deserve a passing glance, largely because Darwin, in his "Volcanic Islands," makes them interesting. Just below these lies St. Helena, the prison of Napoleon, which should have a separate paper. Read from the "Life of Napoleon," by Sir Walter Scott.

      On the opposite coast lies Madagascar, mentioned long ago by Ptolemy. It remained a wild, uncivilized place until a century ago, when it came into touch with trade; since that time it has had a dramatic story. See "Madagascar and Its People," by James Sibree, and "Thirty Years in Madagascar," by T. T. Matthews (Doran).

      Near by lies Mauritius, the Île de France, settled long ago by good French families and well known in modern history. The story of "Paul and Virginia," by Saint Pierre, is laid here, and also that of "My Little Girl," by Besant and Rice. Read both of these.


      The islands of the Pacific are so numerous, so important, and so immensely interesting that clubs can well afford to spend months in studying them. The best plan is to take the map and divide the islands into groups.

      Take first the lovely Sandwich or Hawaiian Islands, twelve in all. One paper should treat of their natural features, especially the famous volcanoes. Another may take up the early history, speaking of the fact that the people voluntarily abandoned idolatry as absurd and were without religion for years, when they asked that help along this line should be sent to them. The story of the coming of the first missionaries and their work is remarkable. A third paper may be on the visit of the native king and queen to England, a fourth may deal with the leper colony at Molokai, and a fifth may describe the establishment of the republic, and, later, its annexation to the United States.

      Following westward on the map, the Caroline Islands and the Ladrones should be studied; Guam, of the latter group, is now a possession of the United States.

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