The Ivory Gate, a new edition. Walter Besant

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The Ivory Gate, a new edition - Walter Besant

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he cried. 'You have known me and all my people. Yet at the first moment you are ready to believe that I have committed a most abominable forgery! You – my father's oldest friend – my mother's Trustee! My own Guardian! You!'

      'Pardon me. There are certain facts in this case. I have laid them before you. I have shown – '

      'To suspect me,' Arundel repeated, 'and all the time another man – that man – your clerk – who knows everything ever done in this office, is in and about the place all day long.'

      'The imitations,' said Checkley quietly, 'were found in his own drawer – by himself.'

      'Who put them there? Who made them? You – villain and scoundrel!'

      'Stop, stop,' said Mr. Dering coldly. 'We go too fast. Let us first prove our facts. We will then proceed to conclusions.'

      'Well, sir, you clearly believe that I forged your name and robbed you of all this money. I have not got ten pounds in the world; but that is not, I suppose, a fact which bears on the case. You think I have seven hundred pounds somewhere. Very good. Think so, if you please. Meanwhile, I am not going to stay in the service of a man who is capable of thinking such a thing. I leave your service – at once. Get some one else to serve you – somebody who likes being charged with forgery and theft.' He flung himself out of the room and banged the door behind him.

      'He has run away,' said Checkley. 'Actually, run away at the very outset! What do you think now?'

      'I do not think. We shall, I daresay, find out the truth in due course. Meantime, these documents will remain in my keeping.'

      'Only, I hope, sir,' the clerk began, 'that after what you've just seen and heard, after such insolence and running away and all – '

      'Don't be an ass, Checkley. So far as appearances go, no one could get at the safe except you and Arundel. So far as the ascertained facts go, there is nothing to connect either of you with the thing. He is a foolish young man; and if he is innocent, which we must, I suppose, believe' – but his look did not convey the idea of robust faith – 'he will come back when he has cooled down.'

      'The imitations of your handwriting in his drawer – '

      'The man who forged the cheque,' said Mr. Dering, 'whoever he was, could easily have written those imitations. I shall see that hot-headed boy's mother, and bring him to reason. – Now, Checkley, we will resume work. And not a word of this business, if you please, outside. You have yourself to think of as well, remember. You, as well as that boy, have access to the safe. Enough – enough.'

      Athelstan Arundel walked home all the way, foaming and raging. No omnibus, cab, or conveyance ever built could contain a young man in such a rage. His mother lived at Pembridge Square, which is four good measured miles from Lincoln's Inn. He walked the whole way, walking through crowds, and under the noses of dray-horses, carriage-horses, and cart-horses, without taking the least notice of them. When he reached home, he dashed into the drawing-room, where he found his two sisters – Hilda and Elsie – one of them a girl of eighteen, the other of thirteen. With flaming cheeks and fiery eyes he delivered himself of his story; he hurled it at their heads; he called upon them to share his indignation, and to join with him in scorn and contempt of the man – their supposed best friend, Trustee, Guardian, Adviser – their father's best friend – who had done this thing – who had accused him, on the bare evidence of two or three circumstantial facts, of such a crime!

      There is something magnetic in all great emotions: one proof of their reality is that they are magnetic. It is only an actor who can endow an assumed emotion with magnetism. Elsie, the younger girl, fell into a corresponding sympathy of wrath: she was equal to the occasion: passion for passion, she joined him and fed the flame. But – for all persons are not magnetic – the elder sister remained cold. From time to time she wanted to know exactly what Mr. Dering had said: this her brother was too angry to remember: she was pained and puzzled: she neither soothed him nor sympathised with him.

      Then the mother returned, and the whole story was told again, Elsie assisting. Now, Mrs. Arundel was a woman of great sense: a practical woman: a woman of keen judgment. She prided herself upon the possession of these qualities, which are not supposed to be especially feminine. She heard the story with disturbed face and knitted brow.

      'Surely,' she said, 'what you tell me, Athelstan, is beyond belief. Mr. Dering, of all men, to accuse you – you – of such a thing! It is impossible.'

      'I wish it was impossible. He accuses me of forging that cheque for 720l. He says that while I was working in his office for him, a fortnight ago, I took a certain cheque book out of the safe, forged his writing on a cheque, and returned the cheque book. This is what he says. Do you call that accusing, or don't you?'

      'Certainly. If he says that. But how can he – Mr. Dering – the most exact and careful of men? I will drive to Lincoln's Inn at once and find out. My dear boy, pray calm yourself. There is – there must be – some terrible mistake.'

      She went immediately; and she had a long interview with the solicitor.

      Mr. Dering was evidently much disturbed by what had happened. He did not receive her as he usually received his clients, sitting in his arm-chair. He pushed back the chair and stood up, leaning a hand on the back of it, a tall, thin, erect figure, gray-haired, austere of face. There was little to reassure the mother in that face. The very trouble of it made her heart sink.

      'I certainly have not accused Athelstan,' he said. 'It is, however, quite true that there has been a robbery here, and that of a large sum of money – no less than 720l.'

      'But what has that to do with my boy?'

      'We have made a few preliminary inquiries. I will do for you, Mrs. Arundel, what I did for your son, and you shall yourself understand what connection those inquiries have with him.'

      He proceeded coldly and without comment to set forth the case so far as he had got at the facts. As he went on, the mother's heart became as heavy as lead. Before he finished, she was certain. There is, you see, a way of presenting a case without comment which is more efficacious than any amount of talk; and Mrs. Arundel plainly perceived – which was indeed the case – that the lawyer had by this time little doubt in his own mind that her son had done this thing.

      'I thought it right,' he continued, 'to lay before him these facts at the outset. If he is innocent, I thought, he will be the better able to prove his innocence, and perhaps to find the guilty person. If he is guilty, he may be led to confession or restitution. The facts about the cheque book and the safe are very clear. I am certain that the safe has not been opened by any other key. The only persons who have had access to it are Checkley and your son Athelstan. As for Checkley – he couldn't do it, he could not possibly do it. The thing is quite beyond him.'

      Mrs. Arundel groaned. 'This is terrible!' she said.

      'Meantime, the notes are numbered: they may be traced: they are stopped: we shall certainly find the criminal by means of those notes.'

      'Mr. Dering' – Mrs. Arundel rose and laid her hand on his – 'you are our very old friend. Tell me – if this wretched boy goes away – if he gives back the money that remains – if I find the rest – will there be – any further – investigation?'

      'To compound a felony is a crime. It is, however, one of those crimes which men sometimes commit without repentance or shame. My dear lady, if he will confess and restore – we shall see.'

      Mrs. Arundel drove home again. She came away fully persuaded in her own mind that her son – her only son – and none other, must be that guilty person. She knew Mr. Dering's room

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