Cato: A Tragedy, in Five Acts. Addison Joseph

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Cato: A Tragedy, in Five Acts - Addison Joseph

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Mr. CoryJuba, Mr. BruntonSyphax, Mr. MurrayLucius, Mr. ClaremontDecius, Mr. WilliamsLucia, Miss MarriottMarcia, Mrs. LitchfieldMutineers, Guards, etcSCENE – The Governor's Palace in Utica


SCENE IA HallEnter Portius and Marcus

      Por. The dawn is overcast, the morning low'rs,

      And heavily in clouds brings on the day,

      The great, the important day, big with the fate

      Of Cato and of Rome – Our father's death

      Would fill up all the guilt of civil war,

      And close the scene of blood. Already Cæsar

      Has ravaged more than half the globe, and sees

      Mankind grown thin by his destructive sword:

      Should he go farther, numbers would be wanting

      To form new battles, and support his crimes.

      Ye gods, what havoc does ambition make

      Among your works!

      Marc. Thy steady temper, Portius,

      Can look on guilt, rebellion, fraud, and Cæsar,

      In the calm lights of mild philosophy;

      I'm tortured e'en to madness, when I think

      On the proud victor – ev'ry time he's named,

      Pharsalia rises to my view! – I see

      Th' insulting tyrant, prancing o'er the field,

      Strew'd with Rome's citizens, and drench'd in slaughter;

      His horse's hoofs wet with patrician blood!

      Oh, Portius! is there not some chosen curse,

      Some hidden thunder in the stores of Heav'n,

      Red with uncommon wrath, to blast the man

      Who owes his greatness to his country's ruin?

      Por. Believe me, Marcus, 'tis an impious greatness,

      And mix'd with too much horror to be envied:

      How does the lustre of our father's actions,

      Through the dark cloud of ills that cover him,

      Break out, and burn with more triumphant brightness!

      His sufferings shine, and spread a glory round him;

      Greatly unfortunate, he fights the cause

      Of honour, virtue, liberty, and Rome.

      His sword ne'er fell, but on the guilty head;

      Oppression, tyranny, and pow'r usurp'd,

      Draw all the vengeance of his arm upon them.

      Marc. Who knows not this? but what can Cato do

      Against a world, a base, degenerate world,

      That courts the yoke, and bows the neck to Cæsar?

      Pent up in Utica, he vainly forms

      A poor epitome of Roman greatness,

      And, cover'd with Numidian guards, directs

      A feeble army, and an empty senate,

      Remnants of mighty battles fought in vain.

      By Heav'n, such virtue, join'd with such success,

      Distracts my very soul! Our father's fortune

      Would almost tempt us to renounce his precepts.

      Por. Remember what our father oft has told us:

      The ways of Heav'n are dark and intricate,

      Puzzled in mazes, and perplex'd with errors;

      Our understanding traces them in vain,

      Lost and bewilder'd in the fruitless search;

      Nor sees with how much art the windings run,

      Nor where the regular confusion ends.

      Marc. These are suggestions of a mind at ease: —

      Oh, Portius! didst thou taste but half the griefs

      That wring my soul, thou couldst not talk thus coldly.

      Passion unpitied, and successless love,

      Plant daggers in my heart, and aggravate

      My other griefs. – Were but my Lucia kind —

      Por. Thou see'st not that thy brother is thy rival;

      But I must hide it, for I know thy temper. [Aside.

      Behold young Juba, the Numidian prince,

      With how much care he forms himself to glory,

      And breaks the fierceness of his native temper,

      To copy out our father's bright example.

      He loves our sister Marcia, greatly loves her;

      His eyes, his looks, his actions, all betray it;

      But still the smother'd fondness burns within him;

      When most it swells, and labours for a vent,

      The sense of honour, and desire of fame,

      Drive the big passion back into his heart.

      What! shall an African, shall Juba's heir,

      Reproach great Cato's son, and show the world

      A virtue wanting in a Roman soul?

      Marc. Portius, no more! your words leave stings behind them.

      Whene'er did Juba, or did Portius, show

      A virtue that has cast me at a distance,

      And thrown me out in the pursuits of honour?

      Por. Marcus, I know thy gen'rous temper well;

      Fling but the appearance of dishonour on it,

      It straight takes fire, and mounts into a blaze.

      Marc. A brother's suff'rings claim a brother's pity.

      Por. Heav'n knows, I pity thee – Behold my eyes,

      Ev'n whilst I speak – Do they not swim in tears?

      Were but my heart as naked to thy view,

      Marcus would see it bleed in his behalf.

      Marc. Why then dost treat me with rebukes, instead

      Of kind condoling cares, and friendly sorrow?

      Por. Oh, Marcus! did I know the way to ease

      Thy troubled heart, and mitigate thy pains,

      Marcus, believe me, I could die to do it.

      Marc. Thou best of brothers, and thou best of friends!

      Pardon a weak distemper'd soul, that swells

      With sudden gusts, and sinks as soon in calms,

      The sport of passions. But Sempronius comes:

      He must not find this softness hanging on me.

[Exit Marcus.Enter Sempronius

      Sem. Conspiracies no sooner should be form'd

      Than executed. What means Portius here?

      I like not that cold youth. I must dissemble,

      And speak a language foreign to my heart.[Aside.

      Good-morrow, Portius; let us once embrace,


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