Western Bird Guide. Reed Charles Keller

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Western Bird Guide - Reed Charles Keller

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81. Diomedea nigripes. 32 to 36 inches

      This bird is of a uniform sooty brown color shading into whitish at the base of the bill, which is rounded. It is noted for its extended flights, following vessels day after day without any apparent period of rest.

      Nest.– They lay a single white egg upon the ground (4.00 × 2.40).


82. Diomedea albatrus. 36 inches

      This bird is much more shy than the former, and when following a vessel will keep a long distance behind in its search for food. With the exception of the primaries, which are black, as are also the shoulders and tail, the entire plumage is white, tinged with yellow on the back of the head.

      Nest.– They breed on the islands in the North Pacific off the coast of Alaska. A single white egg is laid upon the bare ground or rocks.

      Range.– Northern Pacific ocean in summer from Lower California to Alaska; most common in northern part of the range.


82.1. Diomedea immutabilis. 32 inches

      These birds are white with the exception of the back, wings and tail, which are black; bill and feet yellow.

      Nest.– Their single white egg is laid upon the ground or rocks (4.00 × 2.35).

      Range.– This species breeds in large numbers on the island from which it takes its name – Layson Island, of the Hawaiian Group – appearing rarely off the coast of California.


83. Thalassogeron culminatus. 36 inches

      This is a species which inhabits the South Pacific and Indian oceans and is said to occur rarely on the California coast. An egg in the collection of Col. John E. Thayer, Lancaster, Mass., was taken on Gough Island Sept. 1st, 1888. The nest was a mound of mud and grass about two feet high. The single white egg measured 3.75 × 2.25.


84. Phœbetria palpebrata. 36 inches

      This species is entirely sooty brown except the white rim around the eyelids. One white egg is laid (4.10 × 2.75).


      Family Procellariidæ


86b. Fulmarus glacialis glupischa. 18 inches

      In markings these birds closely resemble the Gulls. Bill is shorter and stouter, strongly hooked at the tip, and with the nostrils opening out of a single tube, prominently located on top of the bill. Their flight is graceful like that of the Gulls.

      Nest.– On the islands and cliffs of the mainland of the Northern Pacific they nest in large colonies. Every crevice in the rocks having its tenant. They lay but a single white egg on the bare rocks (2.90 × 2.00).

      Range.– Northern Pacific, southerly to Lower California.


87. Priocella glacialoides. 18 inches

      This species has a paler mantle than others of the family, and the primaries are black.

      Range.– Southern seas, appearing on the Pacific coast of the United States in the summer. They probably breed in the far south during our winter, although we have no definite record relative to their nesting habits.


91. Puffinus creatopus. 19 inches

      Very little is known of the breeding habits of this bird. Upper parts and under-tail coverts are a pale brownish color, darkest on the wings; top of head dark, with throat and breast white, with yellowish bill and pink colored feet.

      Range.– From Monterey, California, to South America.


93. Puffinus opisthomelas. 14 inches

      Similar to the previous, only smaller and somewhat lighter in color. Quite common in southern California and much more so in Lower California.

      Range.– From northern United States to Lower California. A single white egg is laid (2.00 × 1.30).


93.1. Puffinus auricularis. 14 inches

      A more southern species; occurs occasionally on the lower California coast and islands.


95. Puffinus griseus. 17 inches

      This is a southern species which, after nesting on the islands in the far south during our winter months, comes north and appears off the Pacific coast of the United States during our summer months, as far north as Alaska. They are a dark sooty gray, except for the under-coverts, which are whitish.

      Nest.– Habits are the same as the others of the family. The single white egg is laid at the end of the burrows or in crevices under rocks (2.40 × 1.65).


96. Puffinus tenuirostris. 14 inches

      This is much smaller than the preceding, otherwise resembling it in color and markings, being a little lighter under the throat, and the bill more slender in proportion to the size of the bird. Bill and feet nearly black, as is also the one above.

      Nest.– Nesting habits and range of the bird are the same as the Dark-bodied Shearwater; it is not found on the N. A. coast as commonly as the other.


100. Æstrelata fisheri. 7 inches

      This is a handsome bird known only from the type specimen taken off Kadiak Island, Alaska, by Mr. Fisher.


103. Halocyptena microsoma. 5½ inches

      This is the smallest of the family. Their plumage is entirely dark sooty.

      Nest.– They have been found breeding on the islands of Lower California, and they probably do on others farther south. The single egg of this bird is white with a wreath of tiny brown specks about the larger end.


105. Oceanodroma furcata. 8 inches

      These birds have a plumage of bluish gray, the wings being darker and the under parts lightest.

      Nest.– Single egg is laid at the end of a burrow on the ground. Egg white with a fine wreath of purplish black specks about the larger end. Found breeding on the islands of Alaska.


105.2. Oceanodroma kaedingi. 7½ inches

      This bird is similar to the following, but a trifle smaller and the

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