A Synopsis of the Birds of North America. John James Audubon

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A Synopsis of the Birds of North America - John James Audubon

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Muscicapa Richardsonii, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. v. p. 299.

      62. 9. Muscicapa acadica, Gmel. Small Green-crested Flycatcher

      Plate CXLIV. Male and Female.

      Bill broad and much depressed; second quill longest, third a little shorter, first shorter than fourth; tail scarcely emarginate, upper parts dull greenish-olive, the head darker; wings and tail dusky-brown; two bands of dull pale yellow on the wing, the secondary quills broadly edged and tipped with the same; a narrow ring of yellowish-white round the eye; throat greyish-white; sides of neck and fore part of breast greyish-olive, the rest of the lower parts yellowish-white.

      Male, 51/2, 81/2.

      From Texas northward. Migratory.

      Small Green Crested Flycatcher, Muscicapa querula, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. ii. p. 77.

      Small Pewee, Nutt. Man. v. i. p. 288.

      Muscicapa acadica, Bonap. Syn. p. 68.

      Small Green-Crested Flycatcher, Muscicapa acadica, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. ii. p. 256; v. v. p. 427.

      63. 10. Muscicapa fusca, Gmel. Pewee Flycatcher

      Plate CXX. Male and Female.

      Wing much rounded, third quill longest, fourth scarcely shorter, but considerably longer than second, first intermediate between sixth and seventh; tail emarginate; upper parts dull olive, the head much darker; quills and tail dusky brown, secondaries and their coverts edged with pale brown; outer tail-feathers whitish on the outer edge, unless toward the tip; lower parts dull yellowish white, the breast tinged with grey.

      Male, 7, 91/2.

      Throughout the United States, and northward. Spends the winter in vast numbers in the southern parts.

      Pewit Flycatcher, Muscicapa nunciola, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. ii. p. 78.

      Muscicapa fusca, Bonap. Syn. p. 68.

      Pewit Flycatcher or Phœbe, Nutt. Man. v. i. p. 278.

      Pewee Flycatcher, Muscicapa fusca, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. ii. p. 122; v. v. p. 424.

      64. 11. Muscicapa virens, Linn. Wood Pewee Flycatcher

      Plate CXV. Male.

      Slightly crested; second quill longest, first shorter than third and longer than sixth; tail deeply emarginate; upper parts dusky olive, upper part of head much darker; a pale greyish ring round the eye; two bands of greyish-white on the wings, secondaries margined with the same; quills and tail-feathers blackish-brown; throat and breast ash-grey tinged with green, the rest of the lower parts pale greenish-yellow.

      Male, 61/2, 11.

      Throughout the United States. British Provinces. Labrador. Newfoundland. Rocky Mountains. Columbia River. Migratory.

      Wood Pewee, Muscicapa rapax, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. ii. p. 81.

      Wood Pewee, Muscicapa virens, Nutt. Man. v. i. p. 285.

      Muscicapa virens, Bonap. Syn. p. 68.

      Wood Pewee, Muscicapa virens, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. ii. p. 93; v. v. p. 425.

      65. 12. Muscicapa Traillii, Aud. Traill's Flycatcher

      Plate XLV. Male.

      Slightly crested; wing rounded, with the third quill longest, second and fourth almost equal, first a little longer than sixth; tail slightly rounded, and faintly emarginate; upper parts dusky olive, upper part of head much darker; a pale greyish ring round the eye; two bands of greyish-white on the wings, secondaries margined with the same; throat and breast ash-grey, the rest of the lower parts shaded into pale yellow.

      Male, 53/4, 81/2.

      Arkansas. Columbia River. Migratory.

      Traill's Flycatcher, Muscicapa virens, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. i. p. 236; v. v. p. 426.

      66. 13. Muscicapa pusilla, Swains. Least Pewee Flycatcher

      Plate CCCCXXXIV. Fig. 1. Adult.

      Third quill longest, fourth scarcely shorter, second nearly one-twelfth shorter, and exceeding the first by three and a quarter twelfths; tail slightly emarginate; upper parts light greenish-brown; loral band whitish, a narrow pale ring surrounding the eye; wings olive-brown, with two bands of dull white, secondaries margined with the same; tail olive-brown, the lateral feathers lighter, the outer web pale brownish-grey; fore part of neck and a portion of the breast and sides ash-grey, the rest of the lower parts pale yellow.

      Male, 52/12, wing 25/12.

      Columbia River. Fur countries. Labrador. Newfoundland. Rare in the Atlantic States.

      Tyrannula pusilla, Little Tyrant Flycatcher, Swains. & Rich. F. Bor. Amer. v. ii. p. 144.

      Little Tyrant Flycatcher, Muscicapa pusilla, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. v. p. 288.

      67. 14. Muscicapa minuta, Wils. Small-headed Flycatcher

      Plate CCCCXXXIV. Fig. 2. Male.

      Wings short, the second quill longest; tail of moderate length, even; general colour of upper parts light greenish-brown; wings and tail dark olive-brown, the outer feathers of the latter with a terminal white spot on the inner web; a narrow white ring surrounding the eye; two bands of dull white on the wing; sides of the head and neck greenish-yellow, the rest of the lower parts pale yellow, gradually fading into white behind.

      Male, 5, 82/8.

      Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. Exceedingly rare. Migratory.

      Small-headed Flycatcher, Muscicapa minuta, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. vi. p. 62.

      Sylvia minuta, Bonap. Syn. p. 86.

      Small-headed Sylvan Flycatcher, Nutt. Man. v. i. p. 296.

      68. 15. Muscicapa Ruticilla, Linn. Redstart Flycatcher. – American Redstart

      Plate XL. Fig. 1. Male. Fig. 2. Female.

      Second and third quills equal and longest, fourth longer than first; tail rounded. Male with the head, neck all round, fore part of breast, and back, glossy bluish-black; sides of the breast, lower wing-coverts, a patch on the wings formed by the margins of the primaries and the basal half of most of the secondaries, together with three-fourths of both webs of the outer four tail-feathers on each side, and the outer web of the next, bright orange-red; abdomen and lower tail-coverts white. Female with the upper parts yellowish-brown, the head grey, the quills greyish-brown, the tail darker, the parts yellow which in the male are bright orange; the rest of the lower parts white, tinged with yellow. Young similar to the female, more grey above, and with less yellow beneath.

      Male, 5, 61/2. Female.

      Throughout the United States. Abundant. Migratory.

      American Redstart, Muscicapa Ruticilla,

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