A Synopsis of the Birds of North America. John James Audubon

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A Synopsis of the Birds of North America - John James Audubon

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Bay. Common. Migratory.

      Parus Hudsonicus, Lath. Ind. Orn. v. ii. p. 566.

      Hudson's Bay Titmouse, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. ii. p. 543.

      129. 5. Parus rufescens, Towns. Chestnut-backed Tit

      Plate CCCLIII. Fig. 1. Male. Fig. 2. Female.

      Bill moderately stout; tail rather long, emarginate, scarcely rounded; upper part of head and hind neck dark brown, fore neck of a deeper tint of the same; cheeks and sides of neck white; back, rump, and sides of the body under the wings bright chestnut; the rest of the lower parts greyish-white.

      Male, 41/2, wing, 23/8.

      Columbia River. Abundant. Resident.

      Parus rufescens, Chestnut-backed Titmouse, Towns. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, v. vii. p. 190.

      Chestnut-backed Titmouse, Parus rufescens, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. iv. p. 371.

      130. 6. Parus minimus, Towns. Chestnut-crowned Tit

      Plate CCCLIII. Fig. 5. Male. Fig. 6. Female.

      Upper mandible with its outline more arched, the tip acute and considerably elongated; tail very long, emarginate, and much rounded; upper part of the head and hind neck pale brown; upper parts brownish-grey; wings and tail dusky, margined with greyish-white; cheeks of a paler tint than the head; all the lower parts brownish-white, the sides tinged with reddish.

      Male, 41/2, wing, 110½/12.

      Columbia River. Common. Migratory.

      Parus minimus, Chestnut-crowned Titmouse, Towns. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, v. vii. p. 190.

      Chestnut-crowned Titmouse, Parus minimus, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. iv. p. 382.


      Bill of moderate length, slender, straight, a little broader than high at the base, compressed toward the end; upper mandible with its dorsal line straight and declinate, convex at the end, the tip small, acute, the notches small; lower mandible with the angle of moderate length and narrow, the dorsal line straight, the sides convex, the tip narrow. Nostrils basal, oval or oblong. Head rather large, ovate; neck short; body rather slender. Feet of ordinary length, slender; tarsus compressed, with seven anterior scutella; toes moderate, compressed; first stouter, second and fourth nearly equal, third much longer, and adherent at the base; claws moderate, arched, slender, compressed, acute. Plumage soft and blended. Bristles short or weak. Wings of moderate length or long; the first quill very small, the second, third, and fourth longest. Tail long or of moderate length, of twelve feathers. Tongue, sagittate, slender, tapering to a slit and lacerated point. Œsophagus rather narrow, without crop; proventriculus oblong; stomach a gizzard of moderate strength, with the muscles distinct, the epithelium dense and rugous; intestine of moderate length; cœca very small. Trachea simple, with four pairs of inferior laryngeal muscles.

      Of this family, which in Europe is so numerous, there are in North America only two genera, Regulus and Sialia, the former composed of very small birds, allied in manners to the Tits, the latter approaching the Thrushes in form. The connecting links being wanting with us, these genera might seem at first sight very dissimilar.


      Bill short, straight, very slender, a little broader than high at the base, compressed toward the end; upper mandible nearly straight in its dorsal outline, the edges slightly notched, the tip a little declinate, acute; lower mandible with its outline ascending, nearly straight, the tip acute. Nostrils basal, elliptical, concealed by the reversed feathers. Head large, broadly ovate; neck short; body short. Legs rather long; tarsus slender, longer than the middle toe, much compressed, scutella blended, excepting the lower four toes, rather small, much compressed, hind toe large; lateral equal; claws rather long, arched, much compressed, acute. Plumage very loose and full. Short bristles at the base of the bill. Feathers of the head elongated and silky in the adults. Wings of ordinary length, with the first quill very small, the fourth and fifth longest. Tail of ordinary length, emarginate.

      131. 1. Regulus Cuvieri, Aud. Cuvier's Kinglet

      Plate LV. Male.

      Upper parts dull greyish-olive; anterior part of forehead, lore, and a line behind the eye, black; a greyish-white band across the forehead over the eye; a semilunar band of black on the forehead and sides of the head, enclosing a vermilion space; wings and tail dusky, edged with greenish-yellow; secondary coverts, and first row of small coverts tipped with greyish-white; lower parts greyish-white.

      Male, 41/4, 6.

      Pennsylvania. Only one specimen found.

      Cuvier's Crested Wren, Regulus Cuvierii, Nutt. Man. v. i. p. 416.

      Cuvier's Regulus, Regulus Cuvierii, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. i. p. 288.

      132. 2. Regulus Satrapa, Lichtenstein. American Golden-crested Kinglet

      Plate CLXXXIII. Male and Female.

      Male with the upper parts yellowish-green, changing to ash-grey on the neck and sides of the head, to greenish-yellow on the rump; a band of greyish-white across the anterior part of the forehead, which, at the eye, separates into two bands, one extending over, the other under the eye; above this, a broadish band of black, also margining the head on either side; the inner webs and tips of the feathers of this black band pure yellow; the crown of the head, in the included space, bright orange with silky gloss; a dusky spot at the anterior angle of the eye; an obscure dusky line from the angle of the mouth to beneath the eye; quills and coverts dusky, the former margined with greenish-yellow; secondary coverts and first row of small coverts broadly tipped with yellowish-white; base of all the quills, except the four outer yellowish-white; from the seventh primary to the innermost secondary but two, a broad bar of blackish-brown; tail dusky, the feathers edged with greenish-yellow, lower parts greyish-white. Female differs chiefly in having pale yellow substituted for the flame colour of the crown, and less grey on the hind neck. Young without coloured feathers on the head.

      Male, 4, 7.

      Breeds in Labrador and Newfoundland. In autumn migrates to the Southern States, as far as Texas. Columbia River.

      Golden-crested Wren, Sylvia Regulus, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. i. p. 126.

      Regulus cristatus, Bonap. Syn. p. 91.

      American Fiery-crowned Wren, Regulus tricolor, Nutt. Man. v. i. p. 420.

      American Golden-crested Wren, Regulus tricolor, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. ii. p. 476.

      133. 3. Regulus Calendula, Linn. Ruby-crowned Kinglet

      Plate CXCV. Male and Female.

      Upper parts greenish-olive, anteriorly tinged with grey, on the rump inclining to yellow; a patch of vermilion on the crown of the head; quills and tail dusky, edged with greenish-yellow; secondary coverts and first row of small coverts tipped with greyish-white, a circle of the same round the eye; lower parts greenish-white. Female similar, with the tints duller, especially the greenish-yellow of the wings. Young without the coloured patch on the crown, and more deeply tinged with yellow beneath.


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