A Synopsis of the Birds of North America. John James Audubon

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A Synopsis of the Birds of North America - John James Audubon

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Buteo Harlani, Aud. Harlan's Buzzard. – Black Warrior

      Plate LXXXVI. Fig. 1. Male. Fig. 2. Female.

      Size of Common Buzzard, which it resembles in form and proportion. General colour of plumage deep chocolate-brown, glossed with greyish-blue; inner webs of quills white, those of the primaries barred with dusky toward the end; tail lighter than the back, rather narrowly barred with brownish-black, and tipped with brownish-red; lower parts paler, anteriorly streaked, posteriorly barred with brownish-black; lower wing-coverts whitish, spotted with deep brown.

       Male, 21, 45. Female, 22.

      Louisiana. Extremely rare.

      Black Warrior, Falco Harlani, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. i. p. 441. v. v. p. 380.

      Black Buzzard, Falco Harlani, Nutt. Man. v. i. p. 105.

      9. 5. Buteo lineatus, Gmel. Red-breasted Buzzard. – Chicken Hawk, Red-shouldered Hawk, Winter Hawk

      Plate LVI. Fig. 1. Male. Fig. 2. Female. Adult.

      Plate LXXI. Young male.

      Adult with the head, neck, and back light yellowish-red, longitudinally spotted with dark brown; smaller wing-coverts deep yellowish-red, with the centre brown; larger coverts and secondary quills dusky, broadly barred with white; primary quills brownish-black, barred with white; tail brownish-black, narrowly banded and tipped with white. Lower parts of the neck and lower wing-coverts light yellowish-red, the former longitudinally lined with dusky and faintly barred with whitish, the rest of the lower parts barred with light red and reddish-white. Young with the upper parts deep brown, the tail-coverts, tail, and quills barred with brownish-white; the lower parts white, longitudinally streaked and spotted with brown.

      Male, 211/2, 44.

      From Texas to Nova Scotia, and westward to the Missouri. Very abundant. Resident.

      Red-shouldered Hawk, Falco lineatus, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. vi. p. 86. Young.

      Winter Falcon, Falco hyemalis, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. iv. p. 73. Adult.

      Falco hyemalis, Bonap. Syn. p. 33.

      Winter Falcon or Red-shouldered Hawk, Falco hyemalis, Nutt. Man. v. i. p. 106.

      Red-shouldered Hawk, Falco lineatus, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. i. p. 296; v. v. p. 380.

      Winter Hawk, Falco hyemalis, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. i. p. 364. Young.

      10. 6. Buteo Pennsylvanicus, Wils. Broad-winged Buzzard

      Plate XCI. Fig. 1. Male. Fig. 2. Female.

      General colour of upper parts umber-brown; quills blackish-brown, the greater part of their inner webs whitish, with narrow dusky bands; tail with three very broad bands of dark brown; alternating with two broad white bands, and the tips brownish-white; cheeks reddish-brown, with a dark mystachial band; lower parts yellowish-white, barred with light brown, that colour predominating anteriorly. Female similar, lighter above, more tinged with red beneath, where the spots are larger and more irregular. Young with the upper parts brown, streaked and spotted with white; the tail light greyish-brown, with seven dusky bars; lower parts yellowish-white, longitudinally marked with linear-oblong brown spots.

      Male, 16, 38. Female, 19.

      From Maryland to Nova Scotia. Rare in the interior.

      Broad-winged Hawk, Falco Pennsylvanicus, Wils. Amer. Ornith. v. vi. p. 92.

      Falco Pennsylvanicus, Bonap. Syn. p. 29.

      Broad-winged Hawk, Falco Pennsylvanicus, Nutt. Man. v. i. p. 105.

      Broad-winged Hawk, Falco Pennsylvanicus, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. i. p. 461, v. v. p. 377.

      11. 7. Buteo lagopus, Vigors. Rough-legged Buzzard

      Plate CCCCXXII. Fig. 1. Old Male. Fig. 2. Young, first winter.

      Plate CLXVI. Male. Middle age.

      Tarsi feathered in their whole length. Adult male with the general colour of the plumage blackish-brown; the forehead and a large patch on the hind neck white, streaked with blackish-brown; all the feathers of the back, the scapulars, the wing-coverts, the quills, and the tail-feathers, white toward the base, and more or less barred with whitish-grey, or brown; axillar feathers, some of those on the sides, and some of the tibial feathers, with the lower tail-coverts similarly marked; the white forming a conspicuous patch on the under surface of the wing, occupying the greater part of the primaries as well as part of the inner webs of the secondaries; tail brownish-black, barred with greyish-white, there being six black bands on the middle feathers, the last very broad. Female of a uniform dark chocolate-brown, the tail banded, and the same parts white as in the male. Young with the head and neck streaked with umber-brown, and yellowish-white; back umber-brown, variegated with light reddish-brown and yellowish-white; quills dark brown towards the end, the outer webs of the first tinged with grey, the base of all white, that colour extending farther on the secondaries, of most of which, and of some of the primaries, the inner web is irregularly barred with brown; tail white at the base, brown toward the end, with a broad subterminal bar of brownish-black, the tips brownish-white; middle and hind part of the breast, with the sides, brownish-black, the rest of the lower parts pale yellowish-red, streaked or barred with dusky.

      Male, 211/2, 511/2. Female, 23.

      From Maryland northward. Columbia River. Not met with in the interior. Migratory. Not very abundant.

      Black Hawk, Falco niger, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. vi. p. 82. Adult.

      Falco lagopus, Bonap. Syn. p. 32. Young.

      Falco Sanci-Johannis, Bonap. Syn. p. 32. Adult.

      Buteo lagopus, Rough-legged Buzzard, Swains. & Rich. F. Bor. Amer. v. ii. p. 52.

      Rough-legged Falcon, Falco lagopus, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. iv. p. 59, Young; v. v. p. 216, Adult and Young.


      Bill rather short, deep, compressed; upper mandible with the dorsal outline nearly straight and sloping at the base, beyond the cere decurved, the sides sloping and slightly convex, the edges nearly straight, with a slight convexity and a shallow sinus close to the strong subtrigonal tip; lower mandible with the dorsal outline convex, the tip obliquely truncate. Head large, roundish, flattened above. Nostrils oval, oblique, nearer the ridge than the margin. Neck rather short. Body very large. Feet rather short, very robust; tarsi roundish, feathered to the toes; which are rather short, united at the base by short webs, covered above with a series of angular scales, and towards the end with a few large scutella; claws long, curved, rounded, flat beneath, acuminate. Plumage compact, imbricated, glossy; feathers of the head and neck narrow and pointed; space between the bill and eye covered with small bristle-pointed feathers disposed in a radiating manner. Wings long, the fourth quill longest; the first short; the outer six abruptly cut out on the inner web. Tail rather long, ample, rounded.

      12. 1. Aquila Chrysaetos, Linn. Golden Eagle

      Plate CLXXXI. Female.

      General colour of the plumage dark brown glossed with purple; occiput, hind part and sides

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