Here it is now. Юрий Михайлович Низовцев

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Here it is now - Юрий Михайлович Низовцев

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style="font-size:15px;">      Fear delineates the circle of the protecting accustomed.

      Talent is rarely in the status of the necessary.

      In infinity everything is being lost, but in finiteness everything is being found.

      Completeness strongly teases only at vibration.

      The real subject differs from the object by his exceptional insolence.

      If to recognize that elite – the best of people, then it is necessary to agree that foam – the best part of soup.

      The state always resists to us because there are no other people for it.

      The rich are capable to share with the poor only by bad diseases.

      The genius differs from others in that he goes crazy with great success.

      The work is similar to digging of a grave, and the labor – to its landfilling.

      Assignment of the award means nailing of the laureate to the coveted pillar.

      Everything rises in price, but doesn't become cheaper because the ascent is better than the fall.

      Surprise differs from indignation of the fact what a surprised person didn't manage to understand yet that he had been deceived.

      The principal difficulty of mankind consists in absence of understanding of that, for what it is necessary generally.

      Permanently happy is only an idiot slobbering.

      People are inclined to theft because the abiding irritation by another property can be appeased only by transfer it into own asset.

      The person always wants everything were better for him, than what he yet has, without special bases.

      The foundation to the correct policy of downsizing was "Procrustean bed"?

      The person exists for misconceptions, and the attempts the exiting from them.

      It is necessary to work because otherwise it is impossible have a rest!

      It is impossible to live without wars because is impossible to live without neighbors.

      The good without evil is not exist because everyone bears malice, that outside goods do not belong to him.

      Silence is more considerable than a word just how the fish is more considerable than the fisher.

      Harm is good by aversion in relation to benefit.

      The embarrassment is manifested on the threshold of sincerity.

      Money is not evil. They are the equivalent of goods.

      An agnostic differs in what carries the idea of God in the bosom, without letting out it outside.

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