The Quest. Frederik van Eeden

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The Quest - Frederik van Eeden

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Dark figures approached. They were human beings. In terror, I took flight. They chased me, and struck at me with big black things. But my wings went faster than their clumsy legs."

      "When I returned – "

      Here the narrator's voice failed him. After an instant of deep emotion, during which the three listeners maintained a respectful silence, he continued:

      "You may already have surmised it. My tender bride – the brightest, most glowing of all – she had disappeared; kidnapped by cruel human beings. The still, dewy grass-plot was trampled, and her favorite place by the ditch was dark and deserted. I was alone in the world."

      Here the impressionable rabbit once again pulled down an ear, and wiped a tear from his eye.

      "Since that time I have been a different creature. I have an aversion for all idle pleasures. I think only of her whom I have lost, and of the time when I shall see her again."

      "Really! Do you still hope to?" said the rabbit, rejoiced.

      "I more than hope – I am certain. In heaven I shall see my beloved again."

      "But – " the rabbit objected.

      "Bunnie," said the glow-worm, gravely, "I can understand that one who was obliged to grope about in the dark might doubt, but when one can see, with his own eyes! That puzzles me. There!" said the glow-worm, gazing reverently up at the star-dotted skies; "there I behold them – all my forefathers, all my friends, and her, too, more gloriously radiant than when here upon earth. Ah, when shall I be able to rise up out of this lower life, and fly to her who beckons me so winsomely? When, ah, when?"

      With a sigh, the glow-worm turned away from his listeners and crept back again into the dark passage.

      "Poor creature!" said the rabbit. "I hope he is right."

      "I hope so too," added Johannes.

      "I have my doubts," said Windekind, "but it was very touching."

      "Dear Windekind," began Johannes, "I am very tired and sleepy."

      "Then come close to me, and I will cover you with my mantle."

      Windekind took off his little blue mantle and spread it over Johannes and himself.

      So they lay down on the gentle slope, in the fragrant moss, with their arms about each other's neck.

      "Your heads lie rather low," said the rabbit. "Will you rest them against me?"

      They did so.

      "Good-night, Mother!" said Windekind to the moon.

      Then Johannes shut the little gold key tight in his hand, pressed his head against the downy coat of the good rabbit, and fell fast asleep.


      Where is he, Presto? – Where is he? What a fright to wake up in the boat, among the reeds, all alone, the master gone and not a trace of him! It is something to be alarmed about.

      And how long you have been running, barking nervously, trying to find him, poor Presto! How could you sleep so soundly and not notice the little master get out of the boat? Otherwise, you would have wakened as soon as he made the least move.

      You could scarcely find the place where he landed, and here in the downs you are all confused. That nervous sniffing has not helped a bit. Oh, despair! The master gone – not a sign of him. Find him, Presto, find him!

      See! straight before you on the hillside. Is not that a little form lying there? Look! look!

      For an instant the little dog stood motionless, straining his gaze out into the distance. Then suddenly he stretched out his head, and raced – flew with all the might of his four little paws toward that dark spot on the hillside.

      And when it proved to be the grievously wanted little master, he could not find a way to fully express his joy and thankfulness. He wagged his tail, his entire little body quivering with joy – he jumped, yelped, barked, and then pushed his little cold nose against the face of his long-sought friend, and licked and sniffed all over it.

      "Cuddle down, Presto, in your basket," said Johannes, only half awake.

      How stupid of the master! There was no basket there, as any one could see.

      Very, very slowly the day began to break in the mind of the little sleeper.

      Presto's sniffings he was used to – every morning. But dream-figures of elves and moonshine still lingered in his soul as the morning mists cling to the landscape. He feared that the chill breath of the dawn might chase them away. "Eyes fast shut," thought he, "or I shall see the clock and the wall-paper, just as ever."

      But he was not lying right. He felt there was no covering over him. Slowly and cautiously he opened his eyelids a very little way.

      Bright light. Blue sky. Clouds.

      Then Johannes opened his eyes wide and said: "Is it really true?"

      Yes, he lay in the middle of the dunes. The cheerful sunshine warmed him, he breathed the fresh morning air, and in the distance a fine mist skirted the woods. He saw only the tall beech tree beside the pond, and the roof of his house rising above the foliage. Bees and beetles hummed about him; above him sang the ascending skylark; from far away came the sound of barkino-does, and the rumble of the distant town. It was all as plain as day.

      But what had he dreamed and what not? Where was Windekind? And where was the rabbit?

      He could see neither of them. Only Presto, who sat up against him as close as possible, watching him expectantly.

      "Could I have been sleep-walking?" murmured Johannes, softly.

      Beside him was a rabbit-hole. But there were a great many such in the dunes. He sat up straight, so as to give it a good look. What was it he felt in his tightly shut hand?

      A thrill ran through him from the crown of his head to his feet as he opened his hand. There lay a bright little gold key.

      For a time he sat speechless.

      "Presto," said he then, while the tears sprang to his eyes, "Presto, then it is true!"

      Presto sprang up and tried, by barking, to make it clear to his master that he was hungry and wanted to go home.

      To the house? Johannes had not thought of that, and cared little to return. But soon he heard different voices calling his name. Then he began to realize that his behavior would be considered neither kind nor courteous; and that, for a long time to come, there would be no friendly words in store for him.

      For an instant, at the first trouble, his tears of joy were very nearly turned into those of fear and regret. But when he thought about Windekind, who now was his friend – his friend and confidant – of the elf-king's gift, and of the glorious, indisputable truth of all that had occurred, he took his way home, calm and prepared for anything.

      But the meeting was more difficult than he expected. He had not fully anticipated the fear and distress of the household over his absence. He was urged to promise solemnly that he never again would be so naughty and imprudent.

      "I cannot do so," said he, resolutely. They were surprised at that. He was interrogated, coaxed, threatened;

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