Parlous Times: A Novel of Modern Diplomacy. Wells David Dwight

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Parlous Times: A Novel of Modern Diplomacy - Wells David Dwight

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things thereof. Unobtrusive, always harmonious, he knew everyone worth knowing, went everywhere worth going. Lucky the youth who had him for his guide, philosopher and friend. He could show him life's pleasantest paths.

      Stanley was one of these favoured few. They had met soon after he came to England, and the younger man had conceived a genuine admiration for the older.

      It seems hardly necessary to say, that Kent-Lauriston, though (or because) a bachelor, was an authority on matchmaking. He had reduced it to a fine art. His keen eye saw the subtle distinction between the vulgar buying and selling of a woman, with the consequent desecration of the marriage service, and the blind love, which, hot-headed, sacrifices all the considerations of wisdom to the passion of the hour.

      "Never marry without love," he would say, "but learn to love wisely."

      It was to this man that the Secretary determined to make confession. Kent-Lauriston, he was sure, did not approve of the match and would use his strongest arguments to dissuade him from it. Stanley knew this was the moral tonic he needed. He did not believe it would be successful, but he determined to give it a fair trial.

      The Secretary reached his decision and his destination at one and the same moment, and feeling that his good resolutions would be the better sustained by a little nutriment, made his way to the luncheon table for which this particular club was justly famous; indeed, few people patronised it for anything else, situated as it was, almost within city limits, and boasting, as its main attraction, an excellent view of the most uninteresting portion of the Thames.

      Happening to look in the smoking-room, on his way upstairs, Stanley caught sight of Lieutenant Kingsland.

      "Hello!" he said. "You lunching here?"

      "I don't know," returned the other, laughing uneasily. "I'm inclined to think not. Viscount Chilsworth asked me to meet him here to-day; but, as he's half an hour late already – "

      "You think your luncheon is rather problematical?"

      "I was just coming to that conclusion."

      "Make it a certainty, then, and lunch with me."

      "My dear fellow, you forget that I dined with you last night."

      "What of that? When I first came to London, I was told that an English club was a place where one went to be alone – but I prefer company to custom."

      "Yes – but there are limits to imposing on a friend's hospitality. While I'm about it, I might as well share your breakfast and bed."

      "Not the latter, in any event, as long as I'm in small bachelor quarters."

      The Lieutenant laughed.

      "Well, then," he began, "if you'll forgive me – "

      "There's one thing I won't forgive you," interrupted the Secretary, "and that is keeping me a moment longer from my lunch, for I'm ravenously hungry. I just want to send a telegram to Kent-Lauriston, asking him to meet me at the club this afternoon, and then I'll be with you."

      Once they were settled at the table and the orders given, their conversation turned to general subjects.

      "I suppose we'll all meet at the end of the week in Sussex," said the Lieutenant.

      "Yes," replied Stanley, "at Mrs. Roberts'."

      "Is it to be a large party?"

      "I don't imagine so. Sort of house-warming. They've just inherited the estate. Belle Fitzgerald, you and I, and the Port Arthurs – I don't know who else."

      "That reminds me," exclaimed Kingsland, "I must hurry through lunch. I promised the Marchioness I'd do a picture exhibition with her Ladyship at three, and it's nearly two, now."

      "Under orders as usual, I see," said his host, and the Lieutenant shrugged his shoulders and looked sheepish. He was weak, impecunious, handsome and dashing, and rumour said just a bit wild, and, moreover, was known throughout the social world of London as the tame cat of the Dowager Marchioness of Port Arthur; a very distant relative of his, and as the especially privileged companion of her only daughter, Lady Isabelle McLane, on the tacit understanding that he would never so far forget himself as to aspire to that daughter's hand.

      "I say," remarked that officer, who did not relish the turn which the conversation had taken, "tell me something about your country."

      "Do you desire a complete geographical and political disquisition?" asked the Secretary, laughing.

      "Hardly. What's it like?"

      "The climate and Government of my country are both tropical."

      "I suppose you mean intense, and subject to violent changes."

      The Secretary looked out of the window at the most uninteresting view of the Thames, saying:

      "I think we're going to have a thunderstorm."

      "Am I to take that remark in a political sense?" inquired the Lieutenant.

      "I don't believe I've told you," said his host abruptly, discontinuing an inopportune subject, "that I'm a South American only by force of circumstances. My parents were born in the States."

      "My dear fellow," Kingsland hastened to assure him, "I never had the least intention of prying into your affairs, domestic or diplomatic. I was merely wondering if the country you represent brought forth any staple products, which would yield a profitable return to foreign investment?"

      The Secretary mentioned one – which was said to be connected prominently with the treaty which was the subject of his recent visit to the Foreign Office – and so was naturally uppermost in his mind – "but," he added, "that staple is practically a monopoly, controlled by a firm of manufacturers, whose headquarters are in London, and, unless they fail, the outside public would have little chance in the same field."

      "I suppose their failure is hardly likely."

      "I'm not so sure of that – it all depends on a treaty now pending between your Government and mine. Frankly, if I had any money to invest, I would not expend it in that direction."

      "Thank you. By the way, if your land doesn't produce good investments, it certainly brings forth beautiful women. What wonderful beauty that Madame Darcy has, who dined with us last night."

      "Our fathers are old friends," replied Stanley.

      "Ah, what a pity," said the Lieutenant.

      "I don't understand."

      "That she should not have married you, I mean, instead of that bounder Darcy. I have heard his name more than once in official circles, and there's precious little to be said in his favour. But his wife – ah, there's a woman any man might be proud to marry. Such beauty, such refinement, so much reserve. Rather a contrast to our fascinating Belle, eh?"

      "I have the greatest respect for Miss Fitzgerald," said the Secretary stiffly.

      "Yes, but not of the marriageable quality," said the Lieutenant, speaking ex cathedra as one who had also been in the fair Irish girl's train. "Oh no, my dear fellow, a woman of Madame Darcy's type is the woman for you. The Fitzgerald, believe me, would break a man's heart or his bank account, in no time."

      "Look here," said Stanley shortly, "I don't like that sort of thing."


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