The Manchester Rebels of the Fatal '45. Ainsworth William Harrison

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The Manchester Rebels of the Fatal '45 - Ainsworth William Harrison

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them, and then Constance could not fail to be struck by her good looks, and inquired who she was?

      "Can't you guess?" cried Monica.

      "Is it Beppy Byrom?" said Constance, colouring.

      Monica nodded. "What do you think of her?"

      Before a reply could be made, Beppy came up, and an introduction took place. Beppy and Constance scrutinised each other with a rapid glance. But no fault could be detected on either side.

      "Allow me to congratulate you on Sir Richard's escape, Miss Rawcliffe," said Beppy. "Papa sent a warning letter to him, as no doubt you know, but Sir Richard did not receive it in time to avoid the arrest. How courageously Mr. Atherton Legh seems to have behaved on the occasion."

      "Yes, papa owes his deliverance entirely to Mr. Legh," rejoined Constance. "We have good reason to feel grateful to him."

      "'Tis perhaps a superfluous offer," said Beppy. "But since Sir Richard has been compelled to fly, can we be of any service to you? Our house is roomy, and we can accommodate you without the slightest inconvenience."

      "You are extremely kind," said Constance. "I shall probably remain at the inn; but if I do move, it will be to my Aunt Butler's."

      "Yes, mamma would be hurt if my Cousin Constance did not come to her," interposed Monica. "We are going to her presently. She is out of the way of these disturbances, and has probably never heard of them."

      "Your mamma, I believe, is a great invalid, Miss Butler?" remarked Beppy. "I have heard Dr. Deacon speak of her."

      "Yes, she rarely leaves the house. But she has a most capital nurse – so that I can leave her without the slightest apprehension."

      "That is fortunate," said Beppy. "I hope you will soon have good tidings of Sir Richard, Miss Rawcliffe?"

      "I don't expect to hear anything of him till he re-appears with the prince," replied Constance, in a low tone. "I am under no alarm about him."

      "Well, perhaps, the person in greatest jeopardy is Atherton Legh," said Beppy. "I should like to feel quite sure he is safe."

      "Then take the assurance from me, Miss Byrom," observed Jemmy.

      "Do tell me where he is?" she asked.

      "He has taken refuge with Tom Syddall," was the reply, in an undertone.

      "She takes a deep interest in him," thought Constance.

      The two clergymen, who were no other than Mr. Nichols and Mr. Lewthwaite, and who had stood aside during this discourse, now came forward, and were presented to Miss Rawcliffe.

      The conversation then became general, and was proceeding pleasantly enough, when a very alarming sound put a sudden stop to it.

      It was a fire-bell. And the clangour evidently came from the tower of the collegiate church.

      The conversation instantly ceased, as we have said, and those who had been engaged in it glanced at each other uneasily.

      "Heaven preserve us!" ejaculated Mr. Lewthwaite. "With how many plagues is this unfortunate town to be visited? Are we to have a conflagration in addition to the other calamities by which we are menaced?"

      Meantime, the clangour increased in violence, and shouts of "Fire! fire!" resounded in all directions.

      But the alarm of the party was considerably heightened when another fire-bell began to ring – this time close to them.

      From the tower of St. Ann's Church the warning sounds now came – stunning and terrifying those who listened to them; and bringing forth many of the occupants of the houses in the square.

      "It must be a great fire! – perhaps the work of an incendiary!" cried Mr. Nichols. "I will not attribute the mischief to Jacobite plotters, but I fear it will turn out that they are the instigators of it."

      "It looks suspicious, I must own," remarked Mr. Lewthwaite.

      "You have no warrant for these observations, gentlemen," said Jemmy, indignantly.

      Still the fire-bells rang on with undiminished fury, and numbers of people were seen running across the square – shouting loudly as they hurried along.

      "Where is the fire?" cried Beppy.

      "It must be in the neighbourhood of the collegiate church," replied Mr. Lewthwaite. "All the houses are old in that quarter, and built of timber. Half the town will be consumed. That will be lamentable, but it will not be surprising, since the inhabitants have assuredly called down a judgment upon their heads from their propensity to rebellion."

      Jemmy Dawson, who had great difficulty in controlling his anger, was about to make a sharp rejoinder to this speech, when a look from Monica checked him.

      Just then several men ran past, and he hailed one of them, who stopped.

      "Can you tell me where the fire is?" he asked.

      "There be no fire, sir," replied the man, with a grin.

      "No fire!" exclaimed Jemmy, astounded. "Why, then, are the fire-bells being rung thus loudly?"

      "To collect a mob, if yo mun know," rejoined the man.

      "For what purpose?" demanded Jemmy.

      "Rebellion! rebellion! Can you doubt it?" said Mr. Lewthwaite.

      "Ay, yo may ca' it rebellion an yo like, but this be the plain truth," said the man. "T' magistrates ha' just gi'en orders that Salford Bridge shan be blowed up to hinder t' Pretender, as yo ca' him, or t' prince, as we ca' him, fro' comin' into t' town, wi' his army. Now we Jacobites won't let the bridge be meddled with, so we han had the fire-bells rung to rouse the townsfolk."

      "And you mean to resist the authorities?" cried Mr. Lewthwaite.

      "Ay, that we do," rejoined the man, defiantly. "They shan't move a stone of the bridge."

      "Beware what you do! You are rebelling against your lawful sovereign as represented by the magistrates. Forget not that rebellion provokes the Lord's anger, and will bring down his vengeance upon you."

      "I canna bide to listen to a sarmon just now," rejoined the man, hurrying off.

      "Can't we obtain a sight of what is going on at the bridge from the banks of the river?" said Constance.

      "Yes, I will take you to a spot that commands a complete view of the bridge," rejoined Jemmy; "where you can see all that is to be seen, and yet not run the slightest risk."

      "Shall we go, Monica?" said Constance.

      "By all means," cried the other.

      "I should like to make one of the party," said Beppy, who had just recollected that Tom Syddall's shop, where she knew Atherton had taken refuge, adjoined the bridge, and she thought it almost certain the young man would take part in this new disturbance.

      "I advise you not to go, Miss Byrom," said Mr. Lewthwaite. "Neither Mr. Nichols nor myself can sanction such a lawless proceeding by our presence."

      "As you please," said Beppy.

      "Pray come with us, Miss

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