The Pig Brother, and Other Fables and Stories. Richards Laura Elizabeth Howe

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The Pig Brother, and Other Fables and Stories - Richards Laura Elizabeth Howe

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to have a grand feast!” said the child whose nursery it was.

      “Yes, that would be delightful!” said the Play Angel.

      “But there is only one cooky!” said the child whose nursery it was.

      “And it is a very small cooky!” said the child who was a cousin, and therefore felt a right to speak.

      “Not big enough for myself!” said the child whose nursery it was.

      The other two children said nothing, because they were not relations; but they looked at the cooky with large eyes, and their mouths went up in the middle and down at the sides.

      “Well,” said the Play Angel, “suppose we have the feast just the same! I think we can manage it.”

      She broke the cooky into four pieces, and gave one piece to the littlest child.

      “See!” she said. “This is a roast chicken, a Brown Bantam. It is just as brown and crispy as it can be, and there is cranberry sauce on one side, and on the other a little mountain of mashed potato; it must be a volcano, it smokes so. Do you see?”

      “Yes!” said the littlest one; and his mouth went down in the middle and up at the corners.

      The Play Angel gave a piece to the next child.

      “Here,” she said, “is a little pie! Outside, as you see, it is brown and crusty, with a wreath of pastry leaves round the edge and ‘For You’ in the middle; but inside it is all chicken and ham and jelly and hard-boiled eggs. Did ever you see such a pie?”

      “Never I did!” said the child.

      “Now here,” said the Angel to the third child, “is a round cake. Look at it! the frosting is half an inch thick, with candied rose-leaves and angelica laid on in true-lovers’ knots; and inside there are chopped-up almonds, and raisins, and great slices of citron. It is the prettiest cake I ever saw, and the best.”

      “So it is I did!” said the third child.

      Then the Angel gave the last piece to the child whose nursery it was.

      “My dear!” she said. “Just look! Here is an ice-cream rabbit. He is snow-white outside, with eyes of red barley sugar; see his ears, and his little snubby tail! but inside, I think you will find him pink. Now, when I clap my hands and count one, two, three, you must eat the feast all up. One – two – three!”

      So the children ate the feast all up.

      “There!” said the Angel. “Did ever you see such a grand feast?”

      “No, never we did!” said all the four children together.

      “And there are some crumbs left over,” said the Angel. “Come, and we will give them to the brother birds!”

      “But you didn’t have any!” said the child whose nursery it was.

      “Oh, yes!” said the Angel. “I had it all!”


      The owl and the eel and the warming-pan,

      They went to call on the soap-fat man.

      The soap-fat man he was not within:

      He’d gone for a ride on his rolling-pin.

      So they all came back by the way of the town,

      And turned the meeting-house upside down.


      Some children were set to reap in a wheat-field. The wheat was yellow as gold, the sun shone gloriously, and the butterflies flew hither and thither. Some of the children worked better, and some worse; but there was one who ran here and there after the butterflies that fluttered about his head, and sang as he ran.

      By and by evening came, and the Angel of the wheat-field called to the children and said, “Come now to the gate, and bring your sheaves with you.”

      So the children came, bringing their sheaves. Some had great piles, laid close and even, so that they might carry more; some had theirs laid large and loose, so that they looked more than they were; but one, the child that had run to and fro after the butterflies, came empty-handed.

      The Angel said to this child, “Where are your sheaves?”

      The child hung his head. “I do not know!” he said. “I had some, but I have lost them, I know not how.”

      “None enter here without sheaves,” said the Angel.

      “I know that,” said the child. “But I thought I would like to see the place where the others were going; besides, they would not let me leave them.”

      Then all the other children cried out together. One said, “Dear Angel, let him in! In the morning I was sick, and this child came and played with me, and showed me the butterflies, and I forgot my pain. Also, he gave me one of his sheaves, and I would give it to him again, but I cannot tell it now from my own.”

      Another said, “Dear Angel, let him in! At noon the sun beat on my head so fiercely that I fainted and fell down like one dead; and this child came running by, and when he saw me he brought water to revive me, and then he showed me the butterflies, and was so glad and merry that my strength returned; to me also he gave one of his sheaves, and I would give it to him again, but it is so like my own that I cannot tell it.”

      And a third said, “Just now, as evening was coming, I was weary and sad, and had so few sheaves that it seemed hardly worth my while to go on working; but this child comforted me, and showed me the butterflies, and gave me of his sheaves. Look! it may be that this was his; and yet I cannot tell, it is so like my own.”

      And all the children said, “We also had sheaves of him, dear Angel; let him in, we pray you!”

      The Angel smiled, and reached his hand inside the gate and brought out a pile of sheaves; it was not large, but the glory of the sun was on it, so that it seemed to lighten the whole field.

      “Here are his sheaves!” said the Angel. “They are known and counted, every one.” And he said to the child, “Lead the way in!”


      “Mother,” said the child; “are there really angels?”

      “The Good Book says so,” said the mother.

      “Yes,” said the child; “I have seen the picture. But did you ever see one, mother?”

      “I think I have,” said the mother; “but she was not dressed like the picture.”

      “I am going to find one!” said the child. “I am going to run along the road, miles, and miles, and miles, until I find an angel.”

      “That will be a good plan!” said the mother. “And I will go with you, for you are too little to run far alone.”

      “I am not little any more!” said the child. “I have trousers; I am big.”

      “So you are!” said the mother. “I forgot. But it is a fine day, and I should like the walk.”


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