Dutch the Diver: or, A Man's Mistake. Fenn George Manville

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Dutch the Diver: or, A Man's Mistake - Fenn George Manville

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face Mr Parkley and Mr Pugh when they come off in the morning?”

      “Lads on’y gone off to have a good drink, p’raps, sir,” suggested Oakum.

      “Drink? No. They’ve been got at and bribed, or persuaded not to go. The scoundrels! I’ll have them before the nearest magistrate and punish them for this.”

      “Got to ketch ’em first,” growled Oakum to himself.

      “Look here, when did you find this out?” exclaimed the captain.

      “When you heerd me shout,” said Oakum. “’Pollo here thought he heard a noise, and we came and looked.”

      “And I see de boat go astern wif all de men in, sah,” said ’Pollo, importantly.

      “It’s a planned thing, or the men would not have gone off like that,” said the captain. “Mark my words, John, that foreigner’s at the bottom of this. Did either of you see him come near the ship?”

      “I did, sah,” cried ’Pollo.

      “You did?” exclaimed the captain.

      “Yes, sah, jus’ ’fore dark I see um get in boat ’low de wharf, and two men row boat wif um.”

      “Are you sure?”

      “Yes, sah, I quite sure. I see um sit in de stern wrap up in um cloak, and smoke cigar. But he nebber come nigh de ship.”

      “I thought as much,” groaned the captain. “Here, go below, John. The night air’s chilly. There’s nothing the matter, my child,” he continued tenderly, “only some of the crew have absconded.” For just then Bessy Studwick, very quiet and trembling, had come to his side. “Well, gentlemen, I’m very sorry, but I could not help it, and now I shall have to ask you to share the watch with Mr Jones and myself. Oakum and ’Pollo, go below. Oakum, you will take the next watch with Mr Jones; Mr Meldon, or you Mr Wilson, will, perhaps, join me in the morning watch.”

      Both gentlemen expressed their willingness, and the night passed off without further misadventure.

      Captain Studwick was quite right, for the Cuban had hovered about the schooner until darkness set in, when, watching his opportunity, he caught the attention of one of the men, who absolutely refused to listen to him at first, but as Lauré bribed higher, and vowed that it was a mad voyage, of which he had himself repented, as he would not expose the men to the risks of the deadly coast where the treasure lay, the man began to listen.

      “There are fevers always on those shores, of the most deadly kind,” he whispered; “and I shall feel as if I had sent a party of good British seamen to their death.”

      At last his words and his money began to tell. This man was won over, and when the others were brought under the persuasive ways of the Cuban, the dread of punishment for desertion was mastered by another sovereign or two, and after his last words they gave way.

      “Take your choice,” he had said at last; “a dog’s death and your body for the sharks in that pestilent clime, or the money I give you. You can take the night train for London, have your run there, and then get a good vessel afterwards.”

      An additional sovereign to the man he felt most likely to be his tool made him promise to cut the hawser, and then all went well for the infamous design, except that this man repented of part of his bargain, and the crew of stout, able seamen was taken off, and landed a mile or so above where the schooner lay in the tideway.

      By eight o’clock in the morning Mr Parkley and Dutch came off to announce that they had discovered through ’Pollo that when he saw Tolly and the other diver they were on their way to the station, and had taken tickets for London.

      “Did you ever have worse news?” said Mr Parkley, bitterly. “It may be months before we can get others who will go, for Layman, my other man, is ill.”

      “Yes,” said the captain, quietly.

      “What do you mean?” exclaimed Mr Parkley, aghast.

      “Our friend the Cuban has seduced all the men away, and stopped the expedition.”

      “I’ll be – No, I won’t swear,” exclaimed Mr

      Parkley, turning red with fury. “Stopped the voyage, has he! Got my divers away, and the crew, has he! Look here, Dutch Pugh; look here, Captain Studwick. I’m a man who takes a good deal of moving, but when I do move it takes more to stop me. I’ll move heaven and earth to carry this plan out, and I’ll spend every sixpence I’ve got, but what I’ll beat that scoundrel.”

      “You will apply to the magistrates about the men?” said the captain; “at least, shall I?”

      “No,” said Mr Parkley, sharply. “Might just as well commence proceedings against that scoundrel. Waste of time. Dutch Pugh, you’ll stand by me?”

      “Indeed I will, Mr Parkley,” said Dutch, calmly, as he held out his hand.

      “And I’m sure I will,” exclaimed the captain.

      “I knew you would,” said Mr Parkley, warmly. “I’m determined now, for it’s evident that that rascal will try all he can to thwart me. Come down in the cabin, and let’s see what’s to be done. We’ll have a meeting.”

      They were all seated round the cabin table soon after, and the matter was discussed in all its bearings, Captain Studwick saying that he had no fear of being able to get a dozen good men in a day or two, if they were prepared to pay pretty highly.

      “Then you must pay highly,” said Mr Parkley; “but look here, every step you take must be with the knowledge that this Lauré is trying to thwart you.”

      “I will not boast,” said Captain Studwick, “but if I get a crew on board here again, I think it will take two Laurés to trick me.”

      “Good!” said Mr Parkley, beginning to brighten up. “What I want is to get off at once. It will be horrible to stay, for we shall be the laughing-stock of the whole town. The chaff was beginning last night.”

      “But about divers?” said the captain.

      “Yes, there is the difficulty. It is not every man who will train for it, as it is a risky thing. Perhaps I may be able to train one or two of the men we get. At all events, go I will, and I will not be beaten.”

      “I’m afraid that would be but a poor chance,” said Dutch, who sat there pale and troubled, but had hardly spoken.

      “Don’t throw cold water on it, Pugh, for Heaven’s sake,” cried Mr Parkley, testily.

      “I do not wish to do that,” said Dutch. “I wish to help you.”

      “Well, then,” cried Mr Parkley, sharply, “I shall take old Rasp. He’ll go to oblige me, old as he is; and if it is necessary I will go down myself. I’ve not been down for years now, but sooner than that scoundrel shall crow over me I’ll do all the diving myself.”

      “There will be no necessity,” said Dutch, quickly.

      “What do you mean?” exclaimed Mr Parkley.

      “I will go with you myself,” said Dutch.


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