Grace Harlowe with the American Army on the Rhine. Chase Josephine

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Grace Harlowe with the American Army on the Rhine - Chase Josephine

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style="font-size:15px;">      “That I be dismissed and sent back to my organization.”

      “Thank you. I am glad you told me the story. It is most interesting, I assure you. Mrs. Gray, it was on my urgent recommendation that you were directed to join this march and go with us to the Rhine. Having done so I shall make it my business to see to it that a crazy woman and a misinformed officer do not interfere with my plans. I will discuss this matter with you further later on. Captain, do you mind ordering some men to place this car back in the road?”



      THE general saluted and stepped away, and in a moment or so a squad of soldiers ran to the car.

      “All hands out, please,” called Grace. “No need to have them lift us with the car.”

      Up to this time J. Elfreda had not dared permit herself to catch Grace’s eye, knowing very well that were she to do so she would laugh. Perhaps “Captain” Grace was of the same opinion regarding her own emotions, so she avoided Elfreda’s eyes. The men quickly boosted the car back into the road.

      “Take the wheel and make a fresh start, Elfreda,” directed Grace, after thanking the doughboys.

      “I beg most respectfully to be excused. Mrs. Smythe, I ask to be relieved from driving. An empty road and a wide one is the only safe place for me to experiment. May I turn the wheel over to Mrs. Gray?”

      The supervisor half nodded. She was dazed, at least she appeared to be so, and had not a word to say. At least two of her companions in the car found themselves wondering what her thoughts were at that moment. After a little Elfreda ventured to speak.

      “How wide and expansive the morning is,” she observed.

      “Very,” agreed Grace. “I don’t know what you are talking about, but I agree with you.”

      A great silence hovered over the army automobile, so far as the rear seat was concerned, though eventually Grace and Elfreda fell to discussing army matters of a general nature. At noon they halted for mess, then proceeded on at slow speed, for they were close up to the engineers, who were following the advance column to examine roads for mines and repair them where necessary.

      Thus far not a gun had been fired, though at any moment a blast was looked for by every one in the Third Army. Airplanes were constantly buzzing overhead, observation balloons were continuously on watch in the skies, and every precaution was being taken to guard against a surprise. That night their bedroom again was in a cellar, and once more Won Lue brought them fagots and water.

      They had left Mrs. Chadsey Smythe at the cellar that had been assigned to her. Miss Cahill arrived at about the same time on an army truck and shared the cellar with Madame, Miss O’Leary and the maid, Marie Debussy.

      “Grace Harlowe, I take off my hat to you,” Elfreda exclaimed, throwing off her cap and blouse. “Chad got her deserts that time, but, woman, look out for her. Revenge is as sweet to her as it is to you.”

      “Revenge is not sweet to me,” objected Grace. “I am so sorry that I turned the tables on her as I did, but it was an opportunity that I could not miss. At least it served one useful purpose; Madame did not speak to me all the rest of the day. What a heavenly relief. Do you suppose the general knew who she was?”

      “He may have known who she was, but I do not believe he understood that she was the woman to whom you referred. I hope the general doesn’t find out that he was abusing the woman to her face,” Elfreda chuckled.

      “He will learn it the first time I see him. I feel that I did an inexcusable thing in drawing him into the muss as I did. I am always doing the wrong thing at the wrong time.”

      “It is war,” reminded Elfreda. “Ah! Here comes our friend the Chinaman. Good evening, Won. What is it?”

      “Plenty fline apple,” he answered, emptying out full two quarts of red apples from a gas mask bag.

      “Oh, isn’t that fine,” glowed Elfreda. “I haven’t had an apple since I left America. Grace, what do you think of that?”

      “I think Won must have found an orchard in a cellar somewhere. Thank you ever so much. Why do you do so many nice things for us?”

      “Nicee lady, a-la. Missie see nicee birdie fly fly away?” Won accompanied the words with a wink and knowing smirk.

      “What do you mean?” demanded Grace, regarding him narrowly.

      For answer Won formed a spiral in the air with one hand, raising the hand a little higher with each circle, then sending the hand flitting through the air in imitation of a bird’s flight.

      Grace caught the meaning instantly.

      “Oh, you mean a bird?”

      “Les. Plidgin bird. Him fly, a-la. Missie see plidgin fly.”

      “Did you see it, Won?”

      “Me savvy. Me see.”

      “Do you know where they came from, where they were going or who sent them? Understand me?”

      “Not know. Plenty blad man. Mebby Chinaman blad man.”

      “Why do you tell me, then?”

      “Missie no like blad man, no likee plidgin go so,” pointing to the east.

      “Thank you. I understand. You must keep watch, Won, and let me know who is making the ‘plidgin fly-fly.’”

      Won nodded and chuckled, then shaking hands with himself, trotted away without another word.

      “What was that wild heathen talking about?” demanded Elfreda. “You appeared to understand perfectly what he was getting at, but I couldn’t make a single thing out of it.”

      “He was trying to convey to me that something bad is going on in the Third Army.”

      “What is the something?”

      “Perhaps I shall be able to tell you about that later. Won is a wise Chinaman. He knew that I knew something was going on and wished to let me know he was on our side. I don’t believe many of the Orientals in the labor battalion are in the same class with our friend. To change the subject, do you know I feel sorry for that poor little Marie Debussy. The half dumb way she looks at you is almost heart-breaking. Mrs. Smythe must make her life miserable. When we get to the Rhine we must try to do something for the girl. Did you observe that Miss Cahill came through on a camion to-day?”

      “Yes, I observed it.”

      “Mrs. Smythe evidently did not propose to be so crowded.”

      “No, she wished to be free to jump if you hit another bridge,” declared Elfreda.

      Supper was attended with the same smoke-screen as had happened at the meal of the previous evening, but they enjoyed their mess and chatted and teased each other until it was time to turn in.

      Grace was up at daybreak again, but did not awaken her companion. The morning was very chill, but the air was clear, and Grace with her binoculars surveyed the surrounding country as well as she could in the half light of the early morning, appearing

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