In Strange Company: A Story of Chili and the Southern Seas. Boothby Guy

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In Strange Company: A Story of Chili and the Southern Seas - Boothby Guy

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shrugged her shoulders, and made a little gesture with her hands, as one who would say, "who knows." Then her manner changed completely, and leaning forward, she placed one hand on his arm. He had been earnestly regarding her all this time, endeavouring to read in her face what was passing in her mind. Now he prepared himself for the struggle he felt was imminent.

      "My Marcos," she said softly, and the name came very prettily from her lips, "I suppose you have heard that people call me a witch, because they say I turn men's heads. They also say – no, do not speak till I have done – that sometimes I can read men's thoughts, and not unfrequently foretell future events."

      "Then, Juanita," he answered, as soon as he could get a word in, "you certainly could not have come at a better time. You shall read my fate, and advise me as to what course I should pursue regarding it."

      Without another word she lifted his hand, which lay upon the arm of her chair, and examined it carefully. The flickering candle-light fell upon her bent head, and danced amid the luxuriant tangle of her hair.

      "Shall I tell you everything I see?" she asked. He saw that her face had grown suddenly very serious.

      "Why not?" he replied.

      "Because I am frightened, Marcos," she answered, shuddering, "because there is something terrible written on your hand."

      "In what way?"

      "Treachery, Marcos, and for a large sum of money!"

      He snatched his hand angrily away, and to cover his embarrassment affected entire disbelief.

      "You are indeed a fortune-teller! You will accuse me of having assassinated the President directly. And pray what else did you see?"

      "I had better not tell you, you will only be angry with me."

      "Angry with you! Never!"

      "Marcos, I saw on your hand more than you dream. Hush, listen to me; you are contemplating flight."

      "That is not a difficult thing to see. If things do not improve here, many of us will be driven into clearing out. You must be smarter than that, Juanita."

      "Oh, but that is not all. I see that you have sent great treasure away to a far country, and that you intend to follow it."

      "This is beautiful! What – what else?"

      "That your professed love for me is only lip service, for you intend to desert me."

      "That is about as true as the rest. Have you anything further?"

      "That your treasure amounts to over £200,000 of English money, and that it is directed to a – let me see," – here she pretended to study his hand again, – "Sir Benjamin Plowden (bah! your English names!) who lives in the East India Avenue of your great smoky London. Is that true? Ah! I see it is."

      There was a ring of triumph in her voice. She had played a doubtful card, and scored a victory. For the moment Veneda was totally unnerved; his face, pale before, was now snow-white; large beads of perspiration covered his forehead.

      "How did you learn all that nonsense?" he stammered.

      "Why, from your hand, of course," came the mocking reply. "And is it such nonsense? Marcos, Marcos, I have always said you were a clever man, but you must be cleverer still to deceive me. Woman's wit – you know the proverb. Will you have more? Shall I tell you, for instance, what Macklin and the Society would say of it, and what key guards your treasure-chamber?"

      "By all means, if there is such a thing," he cried, his nervousness lifting his voice almost to a falsetto. Meanwhile his eyes seemed to be attempting to read her very soul. Perhaps his scrutiny relieved him, for the expression on his face changed.

      "I knew you couldn't do it," he said quietly. "I return your compliment; you're very clever, but you must be cleverer still to deceive me."

      "How do you know that I don't understand it?" she inquired, with just a suspicion of nervousness now in her voice. "Since I can tell so much, how do you know that I can't tell all?"

      "Because, my dear" – he had quite recovered himself by this time, and was bitterly regretting having betrayed his feelings so openly – "even if I had any such business on hand, I am certain you don't know what you pretend, otherwise you would have it in your eyes. Ah!"

      His attention was attracted to a small writing-table standing in a corner of the room. The blotting-book lay upon it turned upside down. Seizing it, he fell to turning the leaves. One was missing.

      "Ha! ha! my little sorceress!" he cried mockingly, "you are discovered. It is an old trick and a good one. I remember blotting the first two sides of the letter on a fresh page. To obtain your information, you have simply torn that out, and held it against the light. But the rest, the most important part, was not blotted at all. So you can do me no harm after all."

      "Why should you think I wish to harm you?"

      "I don't think you do; I only think you might. And you see, of £200,000, two hundred thousand pounds' worth of care must be taken. By the way, since you know so much, I doubt if it would be prudent to let you out of this house again."

      Ignoring the threat entirely, she continued the conversation as if it had not been uttered.

      "At least you might have trusted me, Marcos."

      "Have I said that I do not?"

      "You have not said so in so many words, but I know you don't. Besides, you are leaving Chili to-morrow night."

      "How do you know that?"

      "I forget, but it's true, isn't it, Marcos? – and you will take me with you, won't you? Even if you no longer love me, you will have pity on me? You will not leave me to their mercy? I am so tired of this life of spying and conspiracy, and I would be so faithful to you."

      Her voice trembled. He stopped his restless pacing up and down the room, and looked at her. As far as he could see there was only a great love for himself shining in her eyes. She looked wondrously beautiful. It was a temptation and a danger; yet perhaps, all things considered, it was the safest course. A second later he had made up his mind, and as he did so a corresponding light came into his eyes. It would have been hard to tell which was more in earnest. Resuming his seat beside her, he said —

      "Juanita, I do love you, and I believe I can trust you; come what may, we will go together."

      "My own dear love!"

      He took her hand and gravely kissed it. The crisis was past.

      Both felt they had scored a victory, but both felt it would require very little to overthrow it. Five minutes later she was speeding home unaccompanied, for she would not hear of his being seen in the streets with her. In the security of her own room she regarded herself in her glass, and as she did so she said half aloud —

      "He did his very best to put me off the scent, but I beat him in the end. One thing is certain, he carries the piece of paper that is to authorize the payment of the money about with him, in a large locket fastened round his neck with a double chain. I felt it when my head rested on his breast. Two hundred thousand pounds – it's the greatest stake I ever played for. With that I should be a free woman again. Come what may, my Marcos, I'll never desert you till I have shared it with you or relieved you of it."

      When she

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