The Man with a Shadow. Fenn George Manville

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The Man with a Shadow - Fenn George Manville

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your insolence, sir! Don’t speak to me like that. What the deuce do you mean?”

      “What do I mean, sir? I mean this – and I beg that you will not adopt that bullying tone toward me.”

      “Bullying tone! You shall find something else besides a bullying tone if you interfere with me;” and as the young man spoke he gave his hunting-whip a flourish.

      The curate’s cheeks flushed, and his brow contracted with anger; but he maintained his calmness as he continued:

      “You asked me what I mean. I mean this: I, as their elder brother, and a clergyman of the Church of England, occupy the post of guardian to my two orphan sisters. They are happy in their life with me at the old Rectory, and I naturally look with serious eyes at the man who tries to tamper with that happiness. I should feel troubled if a gentleman came to the house in a straightforward, honourable way, and said to me, ‘Sir, I love one of your sisters; I ask your permission to visit at your house; give sanction to the engagement:’ but when – ”

      “Oh, if you are going to preach, I’m off. Finish it on Sunday.”

      The curate’s colour grew deeper as he stepped before the young man, and stopped his departure.

      “I am not going to preach, sir; but I am going to make you hear what I have to say.”


      “Yes, sir, make, in spite of your insults. You are the brother of the chief man in this village, and I am only the curate; but you are to a certain extent under me; and now you have driven me to it, I am, I repeat, going to make you hear what I have to say.”

      “Oh, are you?” mockingly.

      “Yes. I say, when instead of approaching my sister in an honourable way, a man who is noted for his blackguardly conduct toward more than one poor girl in this village – ”

      “Look here, parson, is this meant as an insult?”

      ” – Comes to my house, and is requested to cease his visits, and then lays siege to the affections of one of my sisters in a cowardly, contemptible, clandestine fashion, I say, that man is unworthy of the treatment I should accord to a gentleman, and calls for that which I would give to some low-lived cad.”

      “Here, I say,” cried Tom Candlish fiercely; “do you mean to tell me I am not your sister’s equal?”

      “I tell you, sir, that no one who makes himself the associate of betting men, racecourse touts, and low-lived jockeys is the equal of the lady you have named, while one who, in opposition to my wishes, insists upon writing to the weak, foolish girl, and persuades her to meet him as you have done, merits a sound castigation.”

      “Once more, do you mean to tell me, I am not your sister’s equal?”

      “I do; and no amount of repentance, sir, for your ill-deeds would make you so.”

      “Look here!” cried the young fellow, “you’ve been talking to me like a man sometimes, and then you’ve been dodging into your clerical jargon again. I’ve listened to you pretty patiently, and have borne more than I should from any one else because you are a parson; but you’ve gone too far, and now it’s my turn. If Leo – ”

      “Miss Leonora Salis, sir.”

      “If Leo tells me she won’t have any more to say to me, I shall go; but as for you – hark here. I shall write to her, I shall meet her, and I shall ask her to meet me just as often as I please. Not her equal, I! Why, you miserable, beggarly, hundred-a-year, threadbare curate, how dare you address me as you do? Do you know who I am?”

      “Yes: Tom Candlish, brother of Sir Luke Candlish, of Candlish Hall.”

      “Yes, sir, descendants of one of our finest English families.”

      “Descendants, sir,” retorted the curate, “of a miserly, money-spinning old scoundrel, who gave impecunious James the First so many hundred pounds for a contemptible baronetcy, which has come down to one of as disgraceful a pair as ever sat like a blight upon a pleasant English village.”

      “You insolent hound!” roared Tom Candlish; “I’ll ride over to May and have you kicked out of your curacy.”

      “Do,” said the curate.

      “No, I won’t, for Leo’s sake. But, look here, master parson, don’t you interfere with me, or, by God, sir! I’ll give you the most cursed horsewhipping I ever gave man in my life. By George! if it wasn’t for your white neck-cloth and black coat, hang me. I’d do it now.”

      He extended one hand, as if to grasp the curate’s collar, and raised his hunting-whip menacingly; but in an instant it was whisked out of his hand, and sent flying.

      “You object to my white tie and black coat, eh, Tom Candlish?” said the curate, rapidly throwing them off and across a neighbouring oak branch; “there, then, for the time being they shall not afflict your eyes or put me out of your reach. Now then, we are on equal terms. Strip off that scarlet coat, you miserable popinjay.”

      “What do you mean?” cried Tom Candlish, turning mottled in the face.

      “I mean, sir, that words are no use to such a scoundrel as you: that a curate is also a man. In this case he is the lady’s brother, and in addition there are a score of insults to wipe away. Take off your coat.”

      “What!” cried Tom Candlish, with a sneering laugh. “Look here – do you know that I can fight?”

      “I know you were in a blackguardly prize-fight, sir, in a ring where your opponent was a sort of champion of the Bilston colliers.”

      “Yes, so put on your coat and go home while you’re safe.”

      “And I know that I have not clenched my fist in anger, sir, since I left Oxford, twelve years ago; but if you had beaten Tom Sayers it would not move me now. One of us two does not leave this wood without a sound thrashing, and, please goodness, that’s going to be you.”

      The Reverend Hartley Salis, M.A., rapidly rolled up his shirt-sleeves over his white arms; while it was observable that the nearly new scarlet hunting-coat worn by handsome Tom Candlish, of Candlish Hall, came off very slowly, possibly on account of its excellent fit.

      Chapter Five.

      The Doctor’s Patients Want him at Home

      “Ah! Horace, old man, back again?”

      “Yes. I should have come on sooner, but I – Hallo! gloves! Why, what’s the matter with your hands?”

      “Oh! nothing. Rubbed the skin off my knuckles. That’s all.”

      “Humph!” said the curate’s visitor – Horace North; and there was a curious twinkle in his eyes. “I say, I should have been over sooner, but I found a letter from Luke Candlish, asking me to go across to the Hall, as his brother was unwell.”

      “Oh!” said the curate quietly.

      “Went over and found the squire nearly drunk. He’s killing himself fast.”

      “They’re a nice pair,” said the curate grimly.


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