The Pearl of the Andes: A Tale of Love and Adventure. Gustave Aimard

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The Pearl of the Andes: A Tale of Love and Adventure - Gustave Aimard

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the young man said, "it is impossible to tell a friend that he is a fool more politely."

      The three men continued to ascend, dragging their horses after them by their bridles, which was no easy matter in a narrow path where the animals stumbled at every step. At length, however, they gained the entrance of a natural grotto, into which they coaxed the noble creatures. They supplied them with food, and then closed up the entrance of the grotto with large stones, leaving only a narrow passage of air.

      "Now let us begone," said Curumilla.

      They threw their guns upon their shoulders, and set forward with a resolute step. After three quarters of an hour of this painful ascent the Ulmen stopped.

      "This is the place," he said.

      The three men had attained the summit of an elevated peak, from the top of which an immense and splendid panorama lay unrolled before their eyes.



      As soon as they had set foot on the platform, Don Tadeo and the count sank exhausted. Curumilla left them undisturbed for a few minutes to recover their breath, then requested them to look around them. Beneath their feet was the Canyon del Rio Seco, with its imposing granite masses and its thick clumps of verdure.

      "Oh!" Louis exclaimed, enthusiastically, "how splendid this is!"

      Don Tadeo, accustomed from his infancy to such sublime panoramas, only cast an absent glance over the magnificent prospect. His mind was intent upon his daughter, the beloved child whom he hoped soon to deliver.

      "Are we going to remain here long?" he asked.

      "For a few minutes," Curumilla replied.

      "What is the name of this place?" the count said.

      "It is the peak which the palefaces call the Corcovado." said the Ulmen.

      "The one upon which you appointed to light the signal fire?"

      "Yes; let us hasten to prepare it."

      The three men constructed an immense pile of wood.

      "Now," said Curumilla, "rest, and do not stir till my return."

      And without entering into further detail, Curumilla sprang down the steep declivity of the mountain, and disappeared among the trees. The two friends sat down near the pile, and waited pensively the return of the Ulmen. The troop commanded by Joan approached the defile, simulating all the movements of Indians, and were soon within gunshot of the Canyon. Antinahuel had perceived them, and had for some time been watching their movements. Notwithstanding all his cunning, the Toqui did not for an instant suspect a stratagem. The presence of Joan at the head of the troop, whom at the first glance he had recognised, completed his conviction.

      Joan plunged into the defile without evincing the least hesitation; but scarcely had he proceeded a dozen yards when an Indian sprang out of a thicket, and stood in front of him. This Indian was Antinahuel himself.

      "My son comes late," said the Toqui, casting a suspicious glance at him.

      "My father will pardon me," Joan replied, respectfully; "I had notice only last night."

      "Good," continued the chief; "I know my son is prudent. How many lances does he bring with him?"

      "A thousand."

      As may be perceived, Joan bravely doubled the number of his soldiers.

      "Oh! oh!" said the Toqui, joyfully, "a man may be pardoned for coming late when he brings so numerous a troop with him."

      "My father knows I am devoted," the Indian replied.

      "I know you are; my son is a brave warrior. Has he seen the Huincas?"

      "I have seen them."

      "Are they far distant?"

      "No; they are coming – in less than three-quarters of an hour they will be here."

      "We have not an instant to lose. My son will place his warriors in ambush."

      "Good! It shall be done; my father may leave it to me."

      At this moment the troop of false Indians appeared at the entrance of the defile, into which they boldly entered, after the example of their leader.

      "My son will use all possible diligence," said Antinahuel, and hastened back to his post.

      Joan and his men went forward at full gallop; they were watched by from a thousand to fifteen hundred invisible spies, who, at the smallest suspicion, created by a doubtful gesture even, would have massacred them without mercy.

      Joan, after having made his men dismount and conceal their horses in the rear, distributed them with a calmness and collectedness that must have banished the suspicions of the chief. Ten minutes later the defile appeared as solitary as before. Joan had scarcely gone six paces into the thicket when a hand was laid upon his shoulder. He turned sharply round; Curumilla was before him.

      "Good!" the latter murmured, in a voice low as a breath; "let my son follow me with his men."

      Joan nodded assent, and with extreme precaution and in perfect silence three hundred soldiers began to escalade the rocks in imitation of the Ulmen. The three hundred men led by Joan, who had escaladed the wall of the defile on the opposite side of the canyon, were divided into two troops. The first had taken up a position above Black Stag, and the second, a hundred strong, were massed as a rear post. As soon as Curumilla had prepared the manoeuvre we have just described, he quitted Joan and rejoined his companions.

      "At last!" they cried, both in a breath.

      "I began to be afraid something had happened to you, chief," said the count.

      Upon which Curumilla only smiled. "Everything is ready," he said; "and when the palefaces please, they can penetrate into the defile."

      "Do you think your plan will succeed?" Don Tadeo asked anxiously.

      "I hope it will," the Indian replied.

      "What are we to do now?"

      "Light the fire, and depart."

      "How depart? Our friends?"

      "They stand in no need of us; as soon as the fire is alight we will set out in search of the young maiden."

      "God grant that we may save her!"

      Curumilla, after lighting a bit of tinder which he had in a horn box, collected with his feet a heap of dried leaves, placed the tinder beneath them, and began to blow with all his might. The fire, acted upon by the breeze, which at that height blew strongly, was rapidly communicated, and shortly a thick column of flame mounted roaring to the sky.

      "Good!" said Curumilla to his companions; "they see the signal."

      "Let us begone, then, without delay," cried the count, impatiently.

      "Come on, then," said Don Tadeo.

      The three men plunged into the immense virgin forest which covered the summit of the mountain, leaving behind them that sinister beacon – a signal for murder

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