The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. Volume 1 of 2. Чарльз Диккенс

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The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. Volume 1 of 2 - Чарльз Диккенс

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woman – woman – bewitching woman,” and down came the sovereign, with the Dragon (called by courtesy a woman) uppermost.

      Mr. Tupman rang the bell, purchased the tickets, and ordered chamber candlesticks. In another quarter of an hour the stranger was completely arrayed in a full suit of Mr. Nathaniel Winkle’s.

      “It’s a new coat,” said Mr. Tupman, as the stranger surveyed himself with great complacency in a cheval glass, “the first that’s been made with our club button,” and he called his companion’s attention to the large gilt button which displayed a bust of Mr. Pickwick in the centre, and the letters “P. C.” on either side.

      “P. C.,” said the stranger – “queer set out – old fellow’s likeness, and ‘P. C.’ – What does ‘P. C.’ stand for – Peculiar Coat, eh?”

      Mr. Tupman, with rising indignation and great importance, explained the mystic device.

      “Rather short in the waist, an’t it,” said the stranger, screwing himself round to catch a glimpse in the glass of the waist buttons, which were half way up his back. “Like a general postman’s coat – queer coats those – made by contract – no measuring – mysterious dispensations of Providence – all the short men get long coats – all the long men short ones.” Running on in this way, Mr. Tupman’s new companion adjusted his dress, or rather the dress of Mr. Winkle; and, accompanied by Mr. Tupman, ascended the staircase leading to the ball-room.

      “What names, sir?” said the man at the door. Mr. Tracy Tupman was stepping forward to announce his own titles, when the stranger prevented him.

      “No names at all;” and then he whispered Mr. Tupman, “Names won’t do – not known – very good names in their way, but not great ones – capital names for a small party, but won’t make an impression in public assemblies – incog. the thing – Gentlemen from London – distinguished foreigners – anything.” The door was thrown open; and Mr. Tracy Tupman and the stranger entered the ball-room.

      It was a long room, with crimson-covered benches, and wax candles in glass chandeliers. The musicians were securely confined in an elevated den, and quadrilles were being systematically got through by two or three sets of dancers. Two card-tables were made up in the adjoining card-room, and two pair of old ladies, and a corresponding number of stout gentlemen, were executing whist therein.

      The finale concluded, the dancers promenaded the room, and Mr. Tupman and his companion stationed themselves in a corner to observe the company.

      “Charming women,” said Mr. Tupman.

      “Wait a minute,” said the stranger, “fun presently – nobs not come yet – queer place – Dock-yard people of upper rank don’t know Dock-yard people of lower rank – Dock-yard people of lower rank don’t know small gentry – small gentry don’t know tradespeople – Commissioner don’t know anybody.”

      “Who’s that little boy with the light hair and pink eyes, in a fancy dress?” inquired Mr. Tupman.

      “Hush, pray – pink eyes – fancy dress – little boy – nonsense – Ensign 97th – Honourable Wilmot Snipe – great family – Snipes – very.”

      “Sir Thomas Clubber, Lady Clubber, and the Miss Clubbers!” shouted the man at the door in a stentorian voice. A great sensation was created throughout the room by the entrance of a tall gentleman in a blue coat and bright buttons, a large lady in blue satin, and two young ladies, on a similar scale, in fashionably-made dresses of the same hue.

      “Commissioner – head of the yard – great man – remarkably great man,” whispered the stranger in Mr. Tupman’s ear, as the charitable committee ushered Sir Thomas Clubber and family to the top of the room. The Honourable Wilmot Snipe and other distinguished gentlemen crowded to render homage to the Miss Clubbers; and Sir Thomas Clubber stood bolt upright, and looked majestically over his black neckerchief at the assembled company.

      “Mr. Smithie, Mrs. Smithie, and the Misses Smithie,” was the next announcement.

      “What’s Mr. Smithie?” inquired Mr. Tracy Tupman.

      “Something in the yard,” replied the stranger. Mr. Smithie bowed deferentially to Sir Thomas Clubber, and Sir Thomas Clubber acknowledged the salute with conscious condescension. Lady Clubber took a telescopic view of Mrs. Smithie and family through her eye-glass, and Mrs. Smithie stared in her turn at Mrs. Somebody else, whose husband was not in the Dock-yard at all.

      “Colonel Bulder, Mrs. Colonel Bulder, and Miss Bulder,” were the next arrivals.

      “Head of the Garrison,” said the stranger, in reply to Mr. Tupman’s inquiring look.

      Miss Bulder was warmly welcomed by the Miss Clubbers; the greeting between Mrs. Colonel Bulder and Lady Clubber was of the most affectionate description; Colonel Bulder and Sir Thomas Clubber exchanged snuff-boxes, and looked very much like a pair of Alexander Selkirks – “Monarchs of all they surveyed.”

      While the aristocracy of the place – the Bulders, and Clubbers, and Snipes – were thus preserving their dignity at the upper end of the room, the other classes of society were imitating their example in other parts of it. The less aristocratic officers of the 97th devoted themselves to the families of the less important functionaries from the Dock-yard. The solicitors’ wives and the wine-merchant’s wife headed another grade (the brewer’s wife visited the Bulders); and Mrs. Tomlinson, the post-office keeper, seemed by mutual consent to have been chosen the leader of the trade party.

      One of the most popular personages in his own circle present was a little fat man, with a ring of upright black hair round his head, and an extensive bald plain on the top of it – Doctor Slammer, surgeon to the 97th. The Doctor took snuff with everybody, chatted with everybody, laughed, danced, made jokes, played whist, did everything, and was everywhere. To these pursuits, multifarious as they were, the little Doctor added a more important one than any – he was indefatigable in paying the most unremitting and devoted attention to a little old widow, whose rich dress and profusion of ornament bespoke her a most desirable addition to a limited income.

      Upon the Doctor, and the widow, the eyes of both Mr. Tupman and his companion had been fixed for some time, when the stranger broke silence.

      “Lots of money – old girl – pompous Doctor – not a bad idea – good fun,” were the intelligible sentences which issued from his lips. Mr. Tupman looked inquisitively in his face.

      “I’ll dance with the widow,” said the stranger.

      “Who is she?” inquired Mr. Tupman.

      “Don’t know – never saw her in all my life – cut out the Doctor – here goes.” And the stranger forthwith crossed the room; and, leaning against a mantelpiece, commenced gazing with an air of respectful and melancholy admiration on the fat countenance of the little old lady. Mr. Tupman looked on, in mute astonishment. The stranger progressed rapidly; the little Doctor danced with another lady; the widow dropped her fan, the stranger picked it up, and presented it, – a smile – a bow – a curtsey – a few words of conversation. The stranger walked boldly up to, and returned with, the master of ceremonies; a little introductory pantomime; and the stranger and Mrs. Budger took their places in a quadrille.

      The surprise of Mr. Tupman at this summary proceeding, great as it was, was immeasurably exceeded by the astonishment of the Doctor. The stranger was young, and the widow was flattered. The Doctor’s attentions were unheeded by the widow; and the Doctor’s indignation was wholly lost on his imperturbable rival. Doctor Slammer was paralysed. He, Doctor Slammer,

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