Joan Thursday: A Novel. Vance Louis Joseph

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Joan Thursday: A Novel - Vance Louis Joseph

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of you) surely you must understand that no decent fellow wants to go to the girl he's in love with and make a proposition like this: 'I've got thirty-six hundred and you've got three hundred and sixty thousand; let's marry and divide.'"

      "How long have you been writing plays?"

      "Oh … several years."

      "And how many have you written?"

      "Quite a few."

      "And how much have you made at it?"

      "Next to nothing, but – "

      "Then why do you persist?"

      "Because it's the thing I want to do."

      "But you can't make any money at it – "

      "I may make a lot before long. Meanwhile, I like it."

      "But if you'd only listen to reason and let Tankerville – "

      "With all the best intentions in the world, dear Helena, Tankerville couldn't make me a successful business man. It isn't in me. Permit me to muddle along in my own, 'special, wrong-headed way, and the chances are I'll make good in the end. But, once and for all, I refuse positively to give up my trade and try to make sense of Wall Street methods."

      Helena moved her shoulders impatiently. For an instant she was silenced. Then: "But marriage needn't necessarily put an end to your playwriting. A good marriage – as with Venetia – ought even to help, I should think."

      "But you persist in forgetting I'm not a fortune hunter."

      "But," she countered smartly, "Marbridge is."

      He said: "Oh – Marbridge!" as if dumbfounded.

      She smiled quietly, a very wise and superior smile.

      To this point the car had been steadily ascending; the noise of the motor, together with the frequent stutterings of the exhaust with the muffler cut-out, had been sufficient to disguise the substance of their communication from the ears of the operator. Now, however, they surmounted the highest point and began the more gradual descent to the Tankerville estate. And with less noise there was consequently very little talking on the part of the two on the rear seat. For which Matthias wasn't altogether sorry. He wanted time to think – to think about Venetia Tankerville in the new light cast upon her by his aunt's concluding remark: as affected by her friendship with Vincent Marbridge.

      In the natural swing of events, it would never have occurred to him to consider Marbridge's attentions seriously. Nobody ever took Marbridge seriously, he believed, aside from a few exceptionally foolish women…

      Noiselessly the car slipped down a mile-long avenue to the brow of a promontory. On either hand Tanglewood's long parked terraces fell away to the water: on the left the harbour of Port Madison, on the right, Long Island Sound.

      Matthias was barely conscious of these things; his mood was haunted by an extraordinarily clear vision of Vincent Marbridge: not tall, but by no means short; a trifle stout, but none the less a well-knit figure of a man, and tremendously alive; dark, with a broad, blunt, good-humoured face and seal-brown eyes that were exceedingly handsome and expressive; keen-witted and accomplished, knowing almost everybody and every place and thing worth knowing; hedonist and egoist, selfish, unscrupulous, magnetic, fascinating.

      Impressed, Matthias frowned. His aunt eyed him covertly, with a sly, semi-affectionate, semi-malicious smile shadowing her mouth.

      Slackening its pace, the car took the wide semicircle of the drive and slid sedately to a dead stop by the carriage-block. Matthias pulled himself together, jumped out, and gave his hand to his aunt. They turned toward the house.

      Tankerville's pretentious marble palace crowned the brow of the headland with an effect as exquisite as a dream of an ancient French château realized in snow. For this its owner had his wife to thank. Helena, unable to curb her husband's desire for the most expensive and ostentatious place obtainable, had at least guided his choice of design. It was too magnificent, it was overpowering, but it was beautiful; and it was more than ever beautiful at this hour, with its walls in part bathed in a rose-pink light of sunset, in part shadowed as with a wash of violet, and with all its admirable proportions stark against the dusky sapphire of the Sound.

      An unwonted stillness clung about the place. Matthias wondered.

      "It might be the palace of the Sleeping Beauty," he said. "Why this deadly and benumbing silence? What – "

      "Oh, simply that Tankerville decided this morning to take everybody down to Huntington for lunch. They got away quite early, in the Enchantress. Come out on the terrace; we'll look for them."

      They passed through a wide, cool, panelled hallway.

      "Why didn't you go?"

      "You know I hate the water. Besides, I had a headache – at least, I had one until the Enchantress got under way; and furthermore I meant to stay at home and meet you and talk it out."

      "Venetia went, of course?"

      "Of course —and Marbridge – and everybody!"

      He grunted thoughtfully. They descended to a terrace which jutted airily out over the edge of a cliff, with a sheer drop of a hundred and fifty feet to the beach.

      Helena, dropping languidly into a wicker chair, motioned Matthias to the broad marble balustrade.

      "Any sign of the Enchantress, O perturbed nephew?"

      He lingered there for an instant, marvelling with an inexhaustible wonder at the magnificent sweep of the view, then remembering, raked the waters until he discovered Tankerville's power-cruiser standing in toward the dock from the bottle-neck mouth of Port Madison harbour.

      Returning, he reported, seated himself near his aunt, lighted a cigarette.

      "Why did you ask him here anyway?" he demanded abruptly.

      "Who?" she parried mischievously.

      "Marbridge, of course," he admitted, sulking in the face of her manifest amusement.

      "Jealous, Jackie?"

      "Oh – if you insist."

      She laughed. "The most encouraging symptom you've yet betrayed!.. I didn't ask him. Tankerville did. He likes him. The man's amusing, after all."

      "But you like him?"

      "He amuses me."

      "He's not precisely a tame cat…"

      "Dear boy!" she laughed again, "I didn't fetch you out here to worry about me. I'm fire-proof. Venetia's quite another pair of shoes. Fret about her as much as you like."

      "When does he go – Marbridge, I mean?"

      "Monday, I think. At least, I believe Tankerville asked him for a week only."

      "And that's why you asked me, this particular week?"

      "I thought you'd be a good counter-irritant; and hoped you'd come to your senses and secure Venetia against all Marbridges for all time to come. You gave me to understand you would."

      "Pardon," he corrected a trifle stiffly: "I admitted to you in strict

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