This Man's Wife. Fenn George Manville

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This Man's Wife - Fenn George Manville

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him, gazing up at her in so boyish and piteous a manner that she spoke again.

      “Indeed, indeed, Mr Bayle, I thought our intimacy so pleasant, I was so happy with you.”

      “Then I may hope,” he cried passionately. “Millicent, dear Millicent, all my life has been spent in study; I have read so little, I never thought of love till I saw you, but it has grown upon me till I can think only of you – your words, the tones of your voice, your face, all are with me always, with me now. Millicent, dear Millicent, it is a man’s first true love, and you could give me hope.”

      “Oh, hush! hush!” she said gently, as she held out her hand to him, which he seized and covered with his kisses, till she withdrew it firmly, and shook her head. “I am more pained than I can say,” she said softly. “I tell you I never thought of such a thing as this.”

      “But you will,” he said, “Millicent, my love!”

      “Mr Bayle,” she said, with some attempt at firmness, “if I have ever by my thoughtlessness made you think I cared for you, otherwise than as a very great friend, forgive me.”

      “A friend!” he cried bitterly.

      “Yes, as a friend. Is friendship so slight a thing that you speak of it like that?”

      “Yes,” he cried; “at a time like this, when I ask for bread and you give me a stone.”

      “Oh, hush!” she said again softly; and there was a sad smile through her tears. “I should be cruel if I did not speak to you plainly and firmly. Mr Bayle, what you ask is impossible.”

      “You despise me,” he cried passionately, “because I am so boyish – so young.”

      “No,” she said gently, as she laid her hand upon his shoulder. “Let me speak to you as an elder sister might.”

      “A sister!” he cried angrily.

      “Yes, as a sister,” replied Millicent gently. “Christie Bayle, it was those very things in you that attracted me first. I never had a brother; but you, with your frank and free-hearted youthfulness, your genuine freshness of nature, seemed so brotherly, that my life for the past few months has been brighter than ever. Our reading, our painting, our music – Oh, why did you dash all these happy times away?”

      “Because I am not a boy,” he cried angrily; “because I am a man – a man who loves you. Millicent, will you not give me hope?”

      There was a pause, during which she stood gazing right over his head as he still sat there with outstretched hands, which he at last dropped with a gesture of despair.

      “No,” she said at last; “I cannot give you hope. It is impossible.”

      “Then you love some one else,” he cried with boyish anger. “Oh, it is cruel. You led me on to love you, and now, in your coquettish triumph, you throw me aside for some other plaything of the hour.”

      Millicent’s brow contracted, and a half-angry look came into her eyes.

      “This talk to me of brotherly feeling and of being a sister, is it to mock me? It is as I thought,” he cried passionately, “as I have heard, with you handsome women; you who delight in giving pain, in trifling with a weak, foolish fellow’s heart, so that you may bring him to your feet.”

      “Christie – ”

      “No,” he raged, as he started to his feet, “don’t speak to me like that. I will not be led on again. Enjoy your triumph, but let it be made bitter by the knowledge that you have wrecked my life.”

      “Oh, hush! hush! hush!” she said softly. “You are not yourself, Christie Bayle, or you would not speak to me like this. You know that you are charging me with that which is not true. How can you be so cruel?”

      “Cruel? It is you,” he cried passionately. “But, there, it is all over. I shall leave here at once. I wish I had never seen the town.”

      “Christie,” she said gently, “listen to me. Be yourself and go home, and think over all this. I cannot give you what you ask. Come, be wise and manly over this disappointment. Go away for a week, and then come back to me, and let our pleasant old friendship be resumed. You give me pain, indeed you do, by this outburst. It is so unlike you.”

      “Unlike me? Yes, you have nearly driven me mad.”

      “No, no. No, no,” she said tenderly. “Be calm. Indeed and indeed, I have felt as warm and affectionate to you of late as a sister could feel for a brother. I have felt so pleased to see how you were winning your way here amongst the people; and when I have heard a light or contemptuous utterance about you, it has made me angry and ready to speak in your defence.”

      “Yes, I know,” he cried; “and it is this that taught me that you must care for me – must love me.”

      “Cannot a woman esteem and be attached to a youth without loving him?”

      “Youth! There! You treat me as if I were a boy,” he cried angrily. “Can I help seeming so young?”

      “No,” she said, taking his hand, “But you are in heart and ways very, very young, Christie Bayle. Am I to tell you again that it was this brought about our intimacy, for I found you so fresh in your young manliness, so different to the gentlemen I have been accustomed to? Come: forget all this. Let us be friends.”

      “Friends? No, it is impossible,” he cried bitterly. “I know I am boyish and weak, and that is why you hold me in such contempt.”

      “Contempt? Oh, no!”

      “But, some day,” he pleaded, “I’ll wait – any time – ”

      “No, no, no,” she said flushing, “it is impossible.”

      “Then,” he raged as he started up, “I am right. You love some one else. Who is it? I will know.”

      “Mr Bayle!”

      There was a calm queenly dignity in her look and words that checked his rage; and she saw it as he sank into the nearest chair, his face bent down upon his hands, and his shoulders heaving with the emotion that escaped now and then in a hoarse sob.

      “Poor boy!” she said to herself as the indignation he had roused gave way to pity.

      “Christie Bayle,” she said aloud, as she approached him once more, and laid her hand upon his shoulder.

      “Don’t touch me,” he cried hoarsely as he sprang up; and she started back, half frightened at his wild, haggard face. “I might have known,” he panted. “Heaven forgive you! Good-bye – good-bye for ever!” Before Millicent could speak he had reached the door, and the next minute she heard his hurried steps as he went down the street.

      Volume One – Chapter Nine.

      The Scales Fall from Sir Gordon’s Eyes

      Millicent stood listening till the steps had died away, and then sat down at the writing-table.

      “Poor boy!” she said softly, as she passed her hand over her eyes, “I am so sorry.”

      She laid down the pen, and ran over her conduct – all that she had said and

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