Down the Slope. Otis James

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Down the Slope - Otis James

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they call themselves regulators, eh?" Fred said, half to himself, as he deciphered the message after considerable difficulty.

      "That's some of Skip's doings. He's started a reg'lar s'ciety, an' fellers what don't join have to step round mighty lively sometimes."

      "Do you belong?"

      Chunkey hesitated an instant as if ashamed of the fact, and then replied:

      "It don't pay to keep out, 'cause they run things to suit therselves, an' a feller can't hold his job very long when they're down on him."

      "According to that I shan't be here a great while unless this command is obeyed?"

      "That's what I'm afraid of. Why not come up with a little treat, an' settle the whole thing that way? You can't do anything by fightin', for there are so many."

      Fred hesitated an instant as if considering the matter, and then replied angrily:

      "I won't be forced into anything of the kind! If you belong to the gang tell them that I shall protect myself the best I know how, and somebody will get hurt when there's another row."

      Chunky had an opportunity to repeat the message at once, for Fred had but just ceased speaking when Skip beckoned for him to come to the other side of the building, and a command from the chief of the regulators was not to be disobeyed with impunity.

      Fred was watching the movements of his enemies narrowly when Donovan approached on his way to the water casks.

      "Have the boys been tryin' to make you pay your footing?" the breaker boss asked.

      "Yes, sir, and it looks as if they didn't intend to let me stay very long," Fred replied, as he held up the notification to quit.

      "What are you going to do about it?" and the man looked curiously at the boy.

      "Stay where I am until they get the upper hand. I can't treat, for I haven't the money, and I may be able to show that the regulators are not the bosses here."

      "I like your pluck, my lad, and can, perhaps, give you a lift. Skip shall have a flea in his ear before the whistle sounds again; but, of course, it's none of my business what happens after working hours."

      "I don't expect any assistance, sir, and if they down me it can't be helped."

      "You've taken a pretty big contract; but between us both I reckon it can be carried out."

      Then Donovan continued on, and, looking up, Fred saw that all his enemies had been watching the interview closely.

      "They may conclude it isn't best to tackle me, if he is going to take a hand," he thought, and at this moment Chunky returned.

      "Now you have got yourself in a scrape!"

      "How so?"

      "Skip and all the fellers saw you talkin' to Donovan, an' they know you showed him the message from the regulators."

      "What of that?"

      "They don't 'low anything of the kind, an' you've got to take a thumpin', even if you do treat."

      "So I'm to get a double dose, eh?"

      "That's about the size of it. Skip says you'll be laid up for a week when the s'ciety gets through with you."

      "I'm much obliged for the promise; but don't believe quite all he says."

      Chunky shook his head as if to intimate that the case was a desperate one, and then the nooning had come to an end. The clouds of coal dust which had but just settled rose again as the machinery was put in motion, and all was activity once more.

      Although Fred had spoken so bravely he felt seriously disturbed, and during the remainder of the day his mind was fully occupied with thoughts of how he might successfully resist his enemies.

      When night came he had arrived at no satisfactory conclusion, and at the signal to cease work Chunky ran swiftly away thus showing that while he would not join with the society as against his mate, he did not intend to take sides with him.

      Donovan's promise of assistance was not a vain one. When Fred emerged from the breaker a few paces behind Chunky he saw the boss waiting for him, and the latter said in a friendly tone:

      "It don't do you much good to be seen talkin' to me, for both men an' boys hate what are called bosses' pets; but we'll stave off this row till you get used to the ropes, when it's a case of taking care of yourself."

      Under the protection of Donovan, Fred walked to his home, feeling a bit ashamed of thus avoiding the meeting with the regulators, and more than one jeering cry did he hear before reaching the house.

      "Be careful of yourself now," Donovan said, as they arrived at the cottage. "This won't make the lads any better disposed toward you, an' it isn't safe to move 'round very much in the dark."

      "I'll come home alone to-morrow an' have it out."

      "Don't be rash. Wait for a chance, an' if Skip gets hurt pretty bad nobody here'll feel sorry."

      Then Fred entered the house, and after a bath, a hot supper, during which his mother spoke many encouraging words, and a long consultation to his best course, he felt little fear of the regulators.

      Mrs. Byram had good news for her son. The wife of the superintendent had introduced her to several other ladies who promised to give her employment, and the prospect of earning money seemed better than was anticipated when the question of moving to the settlement had been under discussion.

      "We shall get along famously," she said, "and, perhaps, it won't be many months before it will be possible to get enough ahead so we can venture to the city. I am going to open an account at the store in your name, for what little cash we had is very nearly exhausted."

      "When are you going?"

      "Now. I shall be busy to-morrow, and you must have a hearty supper."

      "I'll go; the store isn't the nicest place possible during the evening."

      "But the boys who are watching for you?"

      "They won't dare to do anything when the men are around," Fred replied, carelessly, and taking the memorandum which his mother had prepared, he left the house.

      The one street of the settlement was almost deserted, for it was yet too early to see the toilers who would spend the short time of rest in the open air near the store, and Fred's business was soon transacted. The desired credit was readily granted, and with his arms filled with packages he started toward home once more.

      For the first time in the past twenty-four hours he had forgotten the existence of the regulators, and the fact that Skip Miller with half a dozen companions was waiting for him never came into his mind until a hand was suddenly pressed over his mouth, as a hoarse voice whispered:

      "Catch hold his legs an' arms, fellers! Never mind the stuff now."

      In a twinkling Fred was lifted from the ground by a boy at each limb, while the one who had spoken kept a firm hold upon his mouth, and in this fashion he was carried swiftly along in the direction of the breaker, as he thought.

      "We'll have to fetch them bundles so's to make it look as if he fell in," some one said, and a voice, which he recognized

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