Five Minute Stories. Richards Laura Elizabeth Howe

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Five Minute Stories - Richards Laura Elizabeth Howe

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he’s to practise well,

      Or do his horrid sums,

      Or “Hippopotamus” to spell,

      Or clean to wash his thumbs:

      It matters not, for with a frown

      The corners of his mouth go down, —

      “I can’t! I can’t! I can’t! I can’t! I can’t!”

      Oh! what a joyful day ’twill be

      For mother and for son,

      When smiling looks they both shall see

      Beneath the smiling sun.

      For in his heart he knows ’tis stuff,

      And knows that if he tries enough,

      He can! he can! he can! he can! he can!


      “Look carefully!” said the kind Nurse, turning down a corner of the flannel blanket. “Don’t touch her, dears, but just look.”

      The children stood on tiptoe and peeped into the tiny red face. They were frightened at first, the baby was so very small, but Johnny took courage in a moment.

      “Hasn’t she got any eyes?” he asked. “Or is she like kittens?”

      “Yes; she has eyes, and very bright ones, but she is fast asleep now.”

      “Look at her little hands!” whispered Lily. “Aren’t they lovely? Oh, I do wish I could give her a hug!”

      “Not yet,” said Nurse. “She is too tender to be hugged. But Mamma sends word that you may give her something, – a name. She wants you and Johnny to choose the baby’s name, only it must not be either Jemima, Keziah or Keren-Happuch.”

      The Nurse went back into Mamma’s room, and left Johnny and Lily staring at each other, too proud and happy to speak at first.

      “Let’s sit right down on the floor and think!” said John. So down they sat.

      “I think Claribel is a lovely name!” said Lily, after a pause. “Don’t you?”

      “No!” replied Johnny, “it’s too girly.”

      “But baby is a girl!”

      “I don’t care. She needn’t have such a very girly name. How do you like Ellen?”

      “Oh, Johnny! why, everybody’s named Ellen. We don’t want her to be just like everybody. Now Seraphina is not common.”

      “I should hope not. I should need a mouth a yard wide to say it. What do you think of Bessie?”

      “Oh, Bessie is very well, only – well, I should be always thinking of Bessie Jones, and you know she isn’t very nice. I’ll tell you what, Johnny! suppose we call her Vesta Geneva, after the girl Papa told us about yesterday.”

      “Lily, you are a perfect silly! Why, I wouldn’t be seen with a sister called that! I think Polly is a nice, jolly kind of name.”

      “Well, I don’t.”

      “You needn’t get mad if you don’t. Cross-patch!”

      “You’re perfectly horrid, John Brown; I sha’n’t play with you any more.”

      “Much I care, silly Lily!”

      “Well!” said Nurse, coming in again, “what is the name to be, dears? Mamma is anxious to know.”

      Two heads hung very low, and two pairs of eyes sought the floor and stayed there. “Shall I tell you,” the good Nurse went on, taking no notice, “what I thought would be a very good name for baby?”

      “Oh yes! yes! do tell us, ’cause we can’t get the right one.”

      “Well, I thought your mother’s name, Mary, would be the very best name in the world. What do you think?”

      “Why, of course it would! We never thought of that. Oh, thank you, Nurse!” cried both voices, joyously. “Dear Nurse! will you tell Mamma, please?”

      Nurse nodded, and went away smiling, and Lily and John looked sheepishly at each other.

      “I – I will play with you, if you like, Johnny, dear.”

      “All right, Lil.”


      Oh! the cupperty-buts! and oh! the cupperty-buts! out in the meadow, shining under the trees, and sparkling over the lawn, millions and millions of them, each one a bit of purest gold from Mother Nature’s mint. Jessy stood at the window, looking out at them, and thinking, as she often had thought before, that there were no flowers so beautiful. “Cupperty-buts,” she had been used to call them, when she was a wee baby-girl and could not speak without tumbling over her words and mixing them up in the queerest fashion; and now that she was a very great girl, actually six years old, they were still cupperty-buts to her, and would never be anything else, she said. There was nothing she liked better than to watch the lovely golden things, and nod to them as they nodded to her; but this morning her little face looked anxious and troubled, and she gazed at the flowers with an intent and inquiring look, as if she had expected them to reply to her unspoken thoughts. What these thoughts were I am going to tell you.

      Half an hour before, she had called to her mother, who was just going out, and begged her to come and look at the cupperty-buts.

      “They are brighter than ever, Mamma! Do just come and look at them! golden, golden, golden! There must be fifteen thousand million dollars’ worth of gold just on the lawn, I should think.”

      And her mother, pausing to look out, said, very sadly, —

      “Ah, my darling! if I only had this day a little of that gold, what a happy woman I should be!”

      And then the good mother went out, and there little Jessy stood, gazing at the flowers, and repeating the words to herself, over and over again, —

      “If I only had a little of that gold!”

      She knew that her mother was very, very poor, and had to go out to work every day to earn food and clothes for herself and her little daughter; and the child’s tender heart ached to think of the sadness in the dear mother’s look and tone. Suddenly Jessy started, and the sunshine flashed into her face.

      “Why!” she exclaimed, “why shouldn’t I get some of the gold from the cupperty-buts? I believe I could get some, perfectly well. When Mamma wants to get the juice out of anything, meat, or fruit, or anything of that sort, she just boils it. And so, if I should boil the cupperty-buts, wouldn’t all the gold come out? Of course it would! Oh, joy! how pleased Mamma will be!”

      Jessy’s actions always followed her thoughts with great rapidity. In five minutes she was out on the lawn, with a huge basket beside her, pulling away at the buttercups with might and main. Oh! how small they were, and how long it took even to cover the bottom of the basket. But Jessy worked with a will, and at the end of an hour she had picked enough to make at least a thousand dollars, as she calculated. That would do for one day, she thought; and now for the grand experiment! Before going out she had with much labor filled the great kettle with water, so now the water was boiling, and she had only to put the buttercups

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