Of High Descent. Fenn George Manville

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Of High Descent - Fenn George Manville

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the day in question the glass was being applied to a purpose rather reprehensible, perhaps, but with some excuse of helping Duncan Leslie’s affair of the heart. From his window he could see the old granite-built house, and with interruptions, due to rocks and doublings and jutting pieces of cliff, a great deal of the winding and zigzag path, half steps, which led down to the shore.

      As, then, was frequently the case, the glass was directed toward the residence of the Vines, and Duncan Leslie saw Louise and Madelaine go down to the sea, stand watching the receding tide, and then go off west.

      After gazing through the glass for a time he laid it down, with his heart beating faster than usual, as he debated within himself whether he should go down to the shore and follow them.

      It was a hard fight, and inclination was rapidly mastering etiquette, when two figures, hitherto concealed, came into view from beneath the cliff and began to follow the ladies.

      Duncan Leslie’s eyes flashed as he caught up the glass again, and after looking through it for a few minutes he closed it and threw it down.

      “I’m making a fool of myself,” he said bitterly. “Better attend to my business and think about it no more.”

      The desire was upon him to focus the glass again and watch what took place, but he turned away with an angry ejaculation and put the glass in its case.

      “I might have known better,” he said, “and it would be like playing the spy.”

      He strode out and went to his engine-house, forcing himself to take an interest in what was going on, and wishing the while that he had not used that glass in so reprehensible a way.

      Oddly enough, just at that moment Uncle Luke was seated outside the door of his little cottage in its niche of the cliff below the mine, and wishing for this very glass.

      His was a cottage of the roughest construction, which he had bought some years before of an old fisherman; and his seat – he could not afford chairs, he said – was a rough block of granite, upon which he was very fond of sunning himself when the weather was fine.

      “I’ve a good mind to go and ask Leslie to lend me his glass,” muttered the old man. “No. He’d only begin asking favours of me. But all that ought to be stopped. Wonder whether George knows. What’s Van Heldre about? As for those two girls, I’ll give them such a talking to – the gipsies! Bah! it’s no business of mine! I’m not going to marry.”

      “Yes, let’s sit down,” said Madelaine, turning round. “Oh!”

      “What is it? sprained your ankle?”

      “No. Mr Pradelle and Harry are close by.”

      “Let’s walk on quickly then, and go round back by the fields.”

      “But it will be six miles.”

      “Never mind if it’s sixteen,” said Louise, increasing her pace.

      “Hallo, girls,” cried Harry, and they were obliged to face round.

      There was no warm look of welcome from either, but Pradelle was too much of the London man of the world to be taken aback, and he stepped forward to Louise’s side, smiling.

      “You have chosen a delightful morning for your walk, Miss Vine.”

      “Yes, but we were just going back.”

      “No; don’t go back yet,” said Harry quickly, for he had strung himself up. “Vic, old fellow, walk on with my sister. I want to have a chat with Miss Van Heldre.”

      The girls exchanged glances, each seeming to ask the other for counsel.

      Then, in a quiet, decisive way, Madelaine spoke.

      “Yes, do, Louie dear; I wanted to speak to your brother, too.”

      There was another quick look passing between the friends, and then Louise bowed and walked on, Pradelle giving Harry a short nod which meant, according to his judgment, “It’s all right.”

      Louise was for keeping close to her companion, but her brother evidently intended her to have a tête-à-tête encounter with his friend, and she realised directly that Madelaine did not second her efforts. In fact the latter yielded at once to Harry’s manoeuvres, and hung back with him, while Pradelle pressed forward, so that before many minutes had elapsed, the couples, as they walked west, were separated by a space of quite a couple of hundred yards.

      “Now I do call that good of you, Maddy,” said Harry eagerly. “You are, and you always were, a dear good little thing.”

      “Do you think so?” she said directly, and her pleasant bright face was now very grave.

      “Do I think so! You know I do. There, I want a good talk with you, dear. It’s time I spoke plainly, and that we fully understood one another.”

      “I thought we did, Harry.”

      “Well, yes, of course, but I want to be more plain. We’re no boy and girl now.”

      “No, Harry, we have grown up to be man and woman.”

      “Yes, and ever since we were boy and girl, Maddy, I’ve loved you very dearly.”

      Madelaine turned her clear searching eyes upon him in the most calm and untroubled way.

      “Yes, Harry, you have always seemed to.”

      “And you have always cared for me very much?”

      “Yes, Harry. Always.”

      “Well, don’t say it in such a cold, serious way, dear.”

      “But it is a matter upon which one is bound to be cool and very serious.”

      “Well, yes, of course. I don’t know that people are any the better for showing a lot of gush.”

      “No, Harry, it is not so deep as the liking which is calm and cool and enduring.”

      “I s’pose not,” said the young man very disconcertedly. “But don’t be quite so cool. I know you too well to think you would play with me.”

      “I hope I shall always be very sincere, Harry.”

      “Of course you will. I know you will. We began by being playmates – almost like brother and sister.”

      “Yes, Harry.”

      “But I always felt as I grew older that I should some day ask you to be my darling little wife; and, come now, you always thought so too?”

      “Yes, Harry, I always thought so too.”

      “Ah, that’s right, dear,” said the young man, flushing. “You always were the dearest and most honest and plain-spoken girl I ever met.”

      “I try to be.”

      “Of course; and look yonder, there’s old Pradelle, the dearest and best friend a fellow ever had, talking to Louie as I’m talking to you.”

      “Yes, I’m afraid he is.”


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