Of High Descent. Fenn George Manville

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Of High Descent - Fenn George Manville

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style="font-size:15px;">      “Hang it all! I’m about sick of this,” said Harry. “How mad Aunt Marguerite would be if she could see me now!”

      He looked round at the low dirty sheds on one side, at the row of furnaces on the other, two of which emitted a steady roar as the tin within gradually turned from a brown granulated powder to a golden fluid, whose stony scum was floating on the top.

      “It’s enough to make any man kick against his fate. Nice occupation for a gentleman, ’pon my word!”

      A low whistle made him look up. “Why, Vic,” he cried; “I thought you were in town.”

      “How are you, my Trojan?” cried the visitor boisterously. “I was in town, but I’ve come back. I say, cheerful work this for Monsieur le Comte Henri des Vignes!”

      “Don’t chaff a fellow,” said Harry angrily. “What brought you down?”

      “Two things.”

      “Now, look here, Vic. Don’t say any more about that. Perhaps after a time I may get her to think differently, but now – ”

      “I was not going to say anything about your sister, my dear boy. I can wait and bear anything. But I suppose I may say something about you.”

      “About me?”

      “Yes. I’ve got a splendid thing on. Safe to make money – heaps of it.”

      “Yes; but your schemes always want money first.”

      “Well, hang it all, lad! you can’t expect a crop of potatoes without planting a few bits first. It wouldn’t want much. Only about fifty pounds. A hundred would be better, but we could make fifty do.”

      Harry shook his head.

      “Come, come; you haven’t heard half yet. I’ve the genuine information. It would be worth a pile of money. It’s our chance now – such a chance as may never occur again.”

      “No, no; don’t tempt me, Vic,” said Harry, after a long whispered conversation.

      “Tempt? I feel disposed to force you, lad. It makes me half wild to see you degraded to such work as this. Why, if we do as I propose, you will be in a position to follow out your aunt’s instructions, engage lawyers to push on your case, and while you obtain your rights, I shall be in a position to ask your sister’s hand without the chance of a refusal. I tell you the thing’s safe.”

      “No, no,” said Harry, shaking his head; “it’s too risky. We should lose and be worse off than ever.”

      “With a horse like that, and me with safe private information about him!”

      “No,” said Harry, “I won’t. I’m going to keep steadily on here, and, as the governor calls it, plod.”

      “That you’re not, if I know it,” cried Pradelle, indignantly. “I won’t stand it. It’s disgraceful. You shan’t throw yourself away.”

      “But I’ve got no money, old fellow.”

      “Nonsense! Get some of the old man.”

      “No; I’ve done it too often. He won’t stand it now.”

      “Well, of your aunt.”

      “She hasn’t a penny but what my father lets her have.”

      “Your sister. Come, she would let you have some.”

      Harry shook his head.

      “No, I’m not going to ask her. It’s no good, Vic; I won’t.”

      “Well,” said Pradelle, apostrophising an ingot of tin as it lay at his feet glistening with iridescent hues, “if any one had told me, I wouldn’t have believed it. Why, Harry, lad, you’ve only been a month at this mill-horse life, and you’re quite changed. What have they been doing to you, man?”

      “Breaking my spirit, I suppose they’d call it,” said the young man bitterly.

      Harry shook his head.

      “Get out! I won’t have it. You want waking up,” said Pradelle, in a low, earnest voice. “Think, lad, a few pounds placed as I could place ’em, and there’s fortune for us both, without reckoning on what you could do in France. As your aunt says, there’s money and a title waiting for you, if you’ll only stretch out your hand to take ’em. Come, rouse yourself. Harry Vine isn’t the lad to settle down to this drudgery. Why, I thought it was one of the workmen when I came up.”

      “It’s of no use,” said Harry gloomily, as he seated himself on the ingots of tin. “A man must submit to his fate.”

      “Bah! a man’s fate is what he makes it. Look here; fifty or a hundred borrowed for a few days, and then repaid.”

      “But suppose – ”

      “Suppose!” cried Pradelle mockingly; “a business man has no time to suppose. He strikes while the iron’s hot. You’re going to strike iron, not tin.”

      “How? Where’s the money?”

      “Where’s the money?” said Pradelle mockingly. “You want fifty or a hundred for a few days, when you could return it fifty times over; and you say, where’s the money?”

      “Don’t I tell you I have no one I could borrow from?” said Harry angrily.

      “Yes, you have,” said Pradelle, sinking his voice. “It’s easy as easy. Only for a few days. A temporary loan. Look here.”

      He bent down, and whispered a few words in the young man’s ear, words which turned him crimson, and then deadly pale.

      “Pradelle!” he cried, in a hoarse whisper; “are you mad?”

      “No. I was thinking of coming over to Auvergne to spend a month with my friend, the Count. By and by, dear lad – by and by.”

      “No, no; it is impossible,” said Harry, hoarsely, and he gave a hasty glance round. “I couldn’t do that.”

      “You could,” said Pradelle, and then to himself; “and, if I know you, Harry Vine, you shall.”

      Volume One – Chapter Ten.

      Harry Vine has a Want

      Breakfast-time, with George Vine quietly partaking of his toast and giving furtive glances at a Beloe in a small squat bottle. He was feeding his mind at the same time that he supplied the wants of his body. Now it was a bite of toast, leaving in the embrowned bread such a mark as was seen by the dervish when the man asked after the lost camel; for the student of molluscous sea-life had lost a front tooth. Now it was a glance at the little gooseberry-shaped creature, clear as crystal, glistening in the clear water with iridescent hues, and trailing behind it a couple of filaments of an extreme delicacy and beauty that warranted the student’s admiration.

      Louise was seated opposite, performing matutinal experiments, so it seemed, with pots, cups, an urn, and various infusions and crystals.

      Pradelle was reading the paper, and Harry was dividing his time

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