The Curved Blades. Wells Carolyn

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The Curved Blades - Wells Carolyn

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is she dead?”

      “Yes,” answered Haviland, briefly. He stood, hands in pockets, gazing at the startling figure.

      “Who? – What? – ” Anita’s eyes riveted themselves on something else.

      Around the neck of Miss Lucy was, – yes, it was– a snake!

      With a low scream, Anita flung herself into Haviland’s arms, but he put her gently away from him.

      Aghast at this repulse, Anita put her hand across her eyes and turned to leave the room.

      “Mind where you go, ’Nita!” called out Haviland, and the girl stopped just in time to save herself from stepping into a mass of débris.

      “Why!” she cried, “why, it’s Miss Lucy’s tray!”

      It was. The silver tray that had held the breakfast tea was on the floor, and near it a jumbled heap of silver and broken china that had once been a costly Sevres set. Dainty white serviettes were stained with the spilled tea and a huge wet spot was near the overturned silver teapot.

      Hastily Anita ran from the room, but she sank down on a couch in the hall just outside the door, utterly unable to go further.

      Fascinated by the beady eyes of the green snake, Pauline stared at it, with clenched hands. Haviland stepped nearer and lightly touched it.

      “Is it – is it alive?” gasped Pauline.

      “It’s paper,” replied Haviland quietly. “A paper snake, a toy, – you know.”

      “But who put it there? Aunt Lucy is deathly afraid of snakes! Did fright kill her? Gray, is she – murdered?”

      “Yes, Pauline, she has been killed. But could it be – fright? Impossible!”

      “Not for her! You don’t know her horror of snakes. Why, going through the Japanese department of a shop, I’ve seen her turn white and fairly fly from the counter where those paper things were displayed.”

      “But what else killed her? There is no wound, no shot, no blood.”

      “Get the doctor, Gray! Don’t wait a minute. Telephone at once.”

      “He can do nothing, Pauline. She is dead.” Haviland spoke like a man in a daze.

      “But no matter, we must call him. Shall I?”

      “No, I will.”

      “Go into her bedroom, – use that telephone by her bedside.”

      Obediently, Haviland went on to the adjoining room, the soft rugs giving forth no sound of his footfalls.

      The door was ajar, and as he opened it, he called, “Come here, Pauline; look, the night lights are burning, and the bed untouched. She hasn’t been to bed at all.”

      “Of course she hasn’t. She has her hair as it was last evening. But her comb is broken.”

      “Broken! It’s smashed! It’s in tiny bits! She has been hit on the head, – don’t touch her, Pauline! You mustn’t! I’ll call Dr. Stanton. You go out of the room. Go and find Anita.”

      But Pauline staid. Turning her back to the still figure in the chair, she gazed curiously at the upset tray on the floor. She stooped, when Haviland’s voice came sharply from the next room. “Don’t touch a thing, Pauline!” he cried, as he held his hand over the transmitter.

      She looked up, and then as she saw him turn back to speak into the instrument, she stooped swiftly and picking up something from the floor she hurried from the room.

      She found Anita on the couch in the hall, and speaking somewhat sharply, Pauline said, “Where’s Estelle?”

      “Mercy! I don’t know!” and Anita’s blue eyes stared coldly. “How should I know anything about Estelle?”

      “But she must have brought that tray an hour ago. Did she upset it, or who?”

      “Pauline, why do you act as if I knew anything about this matter. Is it because you do?”

      The blue eyes, cold like steel, and the dark ones, flashing fire from their shadows, looked steadily at each other.

      Gray Haviland came hurriedly out to the hall.

      “The doctor will be here at once,” he said; “and he will call the coroner.”

      “Coroner!” screamed Anita; and ran away to her own room.

      “Let her alone,” said Pauline, contemptuously; “but Gray, we must nerve ourselves up to this thing. Don’t you think we ought to – to put away the jewels? It’s wrong to let any one come into a room where a fortune in jewels is displayed like that.”

      “But Doctor Stanton said to touch nothing, – nothing at all. You see, Pauline, in a murder case, – ”

      “Oh, I know; ‘nothing disturbed till the Coroner comes,’ and all that. But this is different, Gray. Doctor Stanton didn’t know there are two hundred thousand dollars’ worth of jewelry on that – that – on her.”

      “How do you know so exactly?”

      “I’m not exact, but she has told me times enough that the rope of pearls cost one hundred thousand, and that corsage ornament she is wearing and her rings and ear-rings are easily worth the same sum. I tell you there will be policemen here, and it isn’t right to throw temptation in their way.”

      “Besides,” and Anita’s voice spoke again as she reappeared in the doorway, “besides, Pauline, they are all yours now, and you should be careful of them!”

      The tone more than the words conveyed a veiled insolence, and Pauline accepted it for such. With a sudden determined movement, she went swiftly to her aunt’s side, and unfastened the long rope of pearls, the wonderful glittering sunburst, and a large diamond and emerald crescent that held together the glistening silk folds. The rings and ear-rings she could not bring herself to touch.

      “It is only right,” she contended, as if trying to persuade herself, “these are too valuable to risk; no one could fail to be tempted by them.”

      “Why don’t you finish your task?” said Anita, smiling unpleasantly, “why leave so much?”

      “No one would attempt to take the rings or ear-rings,” said Pauline, steadily, “and that scarab bracelet is not of great value.”

      “I thought that was a most valuable antique that her nephew sent her.”

      “She thought so, too,” said Pauline, carelessly, “but Carr told me it was an imitation. Not one expert in a hundred can tell the difference, anyway.”

      As Pauline placed the mass of gems in the safe, the doctor came. “What does it mean?” cried the bewildered man, coming into the room. “Miss Carrington – ”

      Words failed him as he saw the astounding sight. For surely, no one had ever before seen a murdered woman, sitting before her dressing-table, staring but smiling, and garbed as for a fancy-dress ball!


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