The Forbidden Way. Gibbs George

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The Forbidden Way - Gibbs George

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isn't it, Gretchen?"

      "Partly. Love is so silly. You know, daddy, I've given Cort his congé."

      Janney turned testily. "What nonsense you children talk!"

      "I mean it, though, daddy," she went on calmly. "I'm too fond of Cort ever to think of marrying him. We settled that still more definitely to-day. Since you were so inconsiderate, you two, as to neglect to provide me with a brother, I've adopted Cort."

      "Really, Gretchen, you're getting more hopeless every day," sighed her mother. "What does Cortland say?"

      "I?" laughed Bent. "What is there left for me to say? We're hopelessly friendly, that's all. I'm afraid there's nothing left but to take to drink. May I?"

      He lifted the decanter of Scotch and poured himself a drink, but Janney, with a scowl in the direction of his daughter, left the room.

      "You mustn't speak so heartlessly, dear," said Mrs. Janney. "You know it always makes your father angry. You must be patient with her, Cortland."

      "I am," said that gentleman, helping himself to a cigarette. "I'm the soul of patience, Mrs. Janney. I've pleaded and begged. I've even threatened suicide, but all to no purpose. There's no satisfaction in shooting one's self on account of a girl who's going to laugh at your funeral."

      He threw himself hopelessly into a big English chair and sighed exuberantly, while Gretchen gave him a reproachful look over her mother's shoulder. "My poor boy, don't give her up," said the lady, genuinely. "All will come right in time, I'm sure. You must be sweeter to him, Gretchen. You really must."

      "I suppose I must," said Gretchen with an air of resignation. "I'll not be any more cruel than I can help."

      When the good lady left the room they looked at each other for a moment, and then burst into shameless laughter.

      "Poor mother! She never had a sense of humor. I wouldn't laugh at your funeral, though, Cort. That was unkind. You know, I'm afraid father is very much provoked."

      Bent's laughter died, and he gazed at the ash of his cigarette. "He's really quite serious about it, isn't he?"

      "Oh, yes. It's an awful nuisance, because, in his way, he has a will as strong as mine."

      Bent smiled. "I'm glad I'm not in his boots. You're fearfully stubborn, Gretchen."

      "Because I insist on marrying whom I choose?"

      "Because you insist on not marrying me."

      Miss Janney sank in a chair by the table, fingering the pages of a magazine. She said nothing in reply, but in a few moments spoke carelessly.

      "Tell me something about Lawrence Berkely, will you?"

      "Larry? You've only met him once. Your curiosity is indecent."

      "You know he's coming here with the Wrays."

      "Not really? That's going a bit strong. I don't think I'll stand for that."

      "Oh, yes, you will. He's quite as good as we are. He belongs to the Berkelys of Virginia. Mrs. Rumsen knows them."

      "That's convincing. Any one Aunt Caroline knows will need no card to Saint Peter. Oh, Larry's all right. But I warn you not to fall in love with him."

      "That's precisely what I've done," she asserted.

      He glanced at her amusedly, but she met his look coolly.

      "It's true, Cort. He's actually the only man I've met since I came out who really isn't eligible. I'm so delighted. Of course, father would never have permitted it if he'd only known that Mr. Berkely wasn't rich. He hasn't much use for poor people. Oh, he's well enough off, I suppose, as Mr. Wray's partner, but then he doesn't own any of that fabulous gold mine."

      "How do you know all these things?"

      "He told me. Besides, he's terribly good looking, and has had something the matter with his lungs."

      "Well, of all the – "

      "That's why he's been living in the West. But he's quite well now. Isn't it splendid? I only hope he'll like me. Don't you think he has wonderful eyes?"

      "I'm sure I never noticed. See here, Gretchen, you're talking rot. I'm going to tell your father."

      "Oh, I don't care," airily. "But if you do, I'll tell Mr. Wray."


      "Yes – that you're in love with his wife."

      Miss Janney exploded this bombshell casually while she removed her hat, watching him carefully meanwhile in the mirror. If she had planned her coup, she could not have been more fully rewarded, for Cortland started up, clutching at the chair arms, his face aghast; but when his eyes met hers in the mirror he sank back again, laughing uneasily.

      "What – who on earth put that silly idea into your head?"

      "You – yourself. I watched you at the Warringtons."

      "What nonsense! I've known Camilla a long time."

      "Not so long as you've known me. And you never looked at me like that." She laid her hat beside her crop on the table, then turned quickly and put her hand over his on the chair arm. "You may trust me, Cortland, dear. If I'm going to be your sister, I may as well begin at once. It's true, isn't it?"

      He remained silent a long while, his gaze fixed on the open fire before him. Then at last he turned his hand over so that his fingers clasped hers. "Yes," he whispered, "it's true, Gretchen. It's true."

      "I'm so sorry, Cort," she murmured. "I suspected from your letters. I wish I might have helped you. I feel somehow that I am to blame – that we ever got engaged. Won't you tell me how it happened that she married him – instead of you?"

      "No, no," he said, rising and walking to the window. "She – she married Wray – because – because she loved him, that's all. I wasn't the man."

      Gretchen watched him wistfully, still standing beside the chair he had vacated, full of the first deep sympathy she had ever known. Slowly she walked over and put her hand timidly on his shoulder.

      "You'll forgive me, won't you, Cort? I wouldn't have spoken if I had known how deeply you felt." She turned aside with a bitter little laugh. "Isn't it queer that life should be so full of complications? Everybody expects you and me to marry each other – at least, everybody but ourselves, and we won't because – why is it that we won't? Chiefly because everybody expects us to – and because it's so easy. I'm sure if there was any reason why we shouldn't marry, I'd love you quite madly. Instead of which, you're in love with a married woman, and I – I'm interested in a youth with sad romantic eyes and an impaired breathing apparatus."

      "Gretchen, don't be silly," he said, smiling in spite of himself.

      "I'm really serious – you'll see." She stopped and clutched Bent's arm. "Tell me, Cort. He's not married already, is he?"

      "You silly child. Not that I know of. Berkely is a conscientious sort of a bird – he wouldn't have let you make love to him – "

      "I didn't," with dignity, "we talked about the weather mostly."

      "That must have been romantic."

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