The Tiger Lily. Fenn George Manville

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The Tiger Lily - Fenn George Manville

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that painful drawing in of the breath, as she sat there almost within touch. She, the suffering woman, who had from the first accorded to him what had seemed to be the warmest friendship; and now the blood rose to his brain, and his resolutions, his fierce accusations, appeared to have been all in vain.

      He dared not look round in the terrible silence which had ensued. He could only think that he was alone with the woman against whom his friend had warned him, and for the moment, in the giddy sensation that attacked him, he felt that he must rush from the room.

      Then he started, and the brush fell from his hand, for there was a quick movement in the chair on his left, and he turned sharply, to find Valentina’s eyes filled with tears, but not dimmed so that he could not read the yearning, passionate look with which she gazed at him, as she said in a low, thrilling whisper —

      “You heard – you saw – all. Have you no pity for me – no word to say?”

      For a few moments not a word.

      The Contessa rose and took a step toward him, with her hands raised appealingly.

      “You do not – you cannot – understand,” she half whispered, “or you would speak to me. Can you not see how alone I am in the world, insulted, outraged, by that man whose wife I was almost forced to become? Wife!” she cried, “no, his slave, loaded with fetters of gold, which cut into my flesh till my life becomes insufferable. Mr Dale – Armstrong, I thought you sympathised with me in my unhappy state. Have I not shown you, since fate threw us so strangely together, that my life has been renewed that everything has seemed changed?”

      He looked at her wildly, and the palette he held fell upon the rich thick carpet in the struggle going on within his breast.

      “Are you dumb?” she whispered softly; “have you been blind to my sufferings?”

      “No, no!” he cried. “Indeed, I have not. But you must not speak like this. It is madness. I have seen and pitied. I have felt that your husband – ”

      “Husband!” she said contemptuously.

      “Oh, hash!” he cried. “Lady Dellatoria, you are angry – excited. Yes, I see and know everything, but for your own sake, don’t – for Heaven’s sake, don’t speak to me like this.”

      “Why,” she said bitterly, “are you not honest and true?”

      “No,” he cried wildly. “It is mere folly. It has all been a terrible mistake my coming here. I cannot – I will not continue this work. It is impossible. The Conte insults me. He is dissatisfied. Lady Dellatoria, I cannot submit to all his – ”

      He shrank from her, for her hand was laid upon his arm.

      “Yes,” she said, as she raised her face towards his; “he insults you, as he insults me; he – poor, weak, pitiful creature – insults you who are so true and manly. I am not blind. I have seen all that you try to hide. You pity me; you have shown yourself my sympathetic friend. Yes, and I have seen more – all that you have tried so hard to hide in your veneration – your love for a despairing woman. Mr Dale – Armstrong,” she whispered – and her voice was low, tender, and caressing; her eyes seeking his with a passionate, yearning look, which thrilled him – “don’t leave me now; I could not bear it.”

      “Lady Dellatoria!” he panted wildly, as honour made one more stand in his behalf.

      “Valentina,” she whispered, “who casts off all a woman’s reserve for you, the first who ever taught her that, after all, there is such a thing as love in this weary world, and with it hope and joy.”

      The hands which had rested upon his arm rose to his shoulders, and tightened about his neck, as she laid her burning face upon his breast.

      Chapter Five.

      Lady Grayson’s Purse

      With one quick motion, Armstrong threw Valentina back into her seat, and snatched up palette and brushes, mad with rage and shame, as he made an effort to go on painting. For the drawing-room door had been opened with a good deal of rattling of the handle, and he expected that the next minute he would have to turn and face the husband.

      But it was a woman’s voice, full of irony and sarcasm, and he turned sharply, to see that the Contessa sat back in her chair with a strangely angry light in her dark eyes, gazing at Lady Grayson.

      “Pray forgive me, dear,” said the latter mockingly. “So sorry to disturb you. I was obliged to come back, for I have lost my purse. Did I leave it here?”

      “How could you have left it here?” said the Contessa coldly, as she quivered beneath her friend’s gaze.

      “I thought, love, that perhaps I had drawn it out with my handkerchief. It is so tiresome to lose one’s purse; is it not, Mr Dale?”

      “Worse, madam, not to have one to lose,” said Armstrong, who was placing his brushes in their case.

      “How droll you are,” said Lady Grayson; “as if anybody except a beggar could be without a purse. But surely you have not done painting the portrait?”

      “Yes, Lady Grayson, I have done painting the portrait,” replied Dale gravely.

      “And all through my interruption. Oh, my dearest Valentina, how could I be so indiscreet as to come and interrupt your charming sitting.”

      “Would it be a sin to strangle this mocking wretch, who is triumphing over her shame and my disgrace?” thought Dale.

      The Contessa was silent, and the situation growing maddening, when Lady Grayson suddenly exclaimed – “Why, there! I told the dear Conte that I felt sure I had dropped it here; and when I am influenced about anything happening, as I was in this case, I am pretty sure to be right.”

      She said this meaningly, with a smile at the other actors in the scene, and then took a few steps toward the couch she had occupied, and, picking from it the missing purse, held it up in triumph, and with her eyes sparkling with malicious glee.

      “I am so glad,” she cried; “I was so sure. Goodbye once more, dearest Valentina. Good morning, Mr Dale. Oh, you fortunate man,” she continued, gazing at the canvas. “To paint like that. Ah, well, perhaps it may be my turn next,” she added, with a mocking glance at the Contessa. “What, you going too, Mr Dale? Then I did spoil the sitting.”

      “No, madam,” said Armstrong coldly; “your arrival was most opportune. Lady Dellatoria, my man shall come for the canvas.”

      Valentina darted a wildly reproachful look at him, which he met for a moment, flushed, and turned from with a shiver.

      “May I see you to your carriage, Lady Grayson?” he said.

      “Oh, thank you, Mr Dale: if you would. Goodbye, dearest,” she cried, with a triumphant mocking look at the fierce, beautiful face. “You must let me drop you at your studio, Mr Dale,” she continued; and as the door closed behind them, Valentina started from her chair to press her hands to her temples, uttering a low, piteous moan.

      “Cast off! and for her!” she cried wildly. “She has always been trying to lure him from me – him – my husband; and she could not rest in her suspicions without coming back.”

      She ran to the window to stand unseen, gazing down, and to her agony she saw Dale step into the carriage, take his seat beside Lady

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