Two Little Women. Wells Carolyn

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Two Little Women - Wells Carolyn

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here we are!" and he picked up a kitchen poker that had appeared from nowhere in particular.

      With that he beat and pounded and banged the watch, and then with a big spoon, he dipped up spoonfuls of the mixture and let it run back into the hat. The children could distinctly see the bits of brass or steel wheels and springs, and even fragments of the gold case.

      Lollie looked a little sober, but said no word of fear for his watch's safety.

      "Now, we'll cook it," said the magician, and he poured the "omelet" into a bright, clean frying-pan.

      "Where's the fire?" he asked, holding the pan high aloft, and looking all about.

      "There isn't any," said Mr. Fayre; "you didn't tell me to provide a fire."

      "You should have known enough for that!" shouted the magician, as if in anger. "Well, as we have no fire, of course, we can't make our omelet. So take back your things."

      From the frying-pan he poured a cup of clear milk, which he gave to Mrs. Fayre. Then he took out of the same pan two eggs, which he handed to Genie, intact and unbroken. Then he hesitated, saying, "What else did I borrow?"

      "A watch!" "A gold watch!" cried a dozen voices.

      "Oh, yes, to be sure!" and the magician, smiling, passed the pan to Lollie, and there on its clean, shining surface, lay the gold watch, absolutely unharmed.

      Such a clapping of applause! for many of the young audience had been forced to believe that the watch was utterly ruined.

      That closed the entertainment, and soon after that the young guests went home.

      "How do you s'pose he did it?" Dolly asked of Dotty, as they sat in the swing, talking over the party.

      "Oh, it's easy enough," returned Dotty. "They don't really break up the watch, you know."

      "Of course I know that! But how do they do it? What becomes of the broken eggs and all?"

      "I don't know, but I've seen magic tricks before and they always bring everything out right somehow!"



      The day after the party the two girls sat as usual in the big swing talking things over.

      "I like that boy with the funny name," said Dotty; "the one they call Lollie. Such a silly name for a boy!"

      "Yes; such a dignified name as Lorillard ought not to have such a silly nickname. But he's always called Lollie. He is a nice boy, but I like Joe Collins better."

      "Yes, he's funny and makes you laugh all the time. But those twin boys are the nicest of all. What funny names they all have. Tod and Tad!"

      "How do you like the girls?"

      "The Rawlins girls are nice and Celia Ferris. But I like you best, Dolly, and except for parties I don't care so much about a crowd. Let's go roller skating."

      "Oh, no; let's sit here and swing; it's too hot to skate."

      "Pshaw! come on. You're too lazy for anything. You just sit around and do nothing and that's what makes you so fat. Get your skates and I'll race you around the block. Really, Doll, you ought to take more exercise or you'll get terribly fat."

      "Well, you'd better not take so much then, for you're as thin as a ping-wing now!"

      "What's a ping-wing?"

      "I don't know, but it's the thinnest thing there is. All right, I'll skate around the block once or twice, and then we'll go and see if there are any little cakes left over from yesterday."

      In a short time the two girls had their skates on and started to roll along the smooth, wide pavements of Summit Avenue.

      "Let's do this," proposed Dotty. "Start right here in front of our house; you go one way and I the other round the whole block and see if we can come back and meet right straight here."

      "All right, but I know I can't go as fast as you do. You skate like a streak of lightning."

      "Well, I'll go sort of slow for me, and you go as swift as you can, and let's try to come together right here."

      The two girls started in opposite directions, and turned their respective corners on their way around the block. In due time they passed each other in the street back of their own, and Dotty nodded approval as she saw they were about half way round. They didn't pause to exchange any words but, waving their hands, went on their way and rounded again on Summit Avenue.

      As they saw each other approach, they regulated their speed in a careful attempt to meet exactly where they had started. Dotty had to curb her speed and go a little more slowly or she would be ahead of time. But Dolly saw that it would take a pretty strong spurt for her to reach the goal, so when they were about ten feet apart Dolly made a special effort and put all her strength into a last grand dash. Dotty hadn't looked for this and as she rolled rather slowly to the appointed place Dolly came along and with a fell swoop, unable to control her direction, she crashed right into Dotty and the two girls went down in a heap. The impact was so sudden and unexpected that neither had a chance to save herself in any way and there was a tangle of waving arms and legs, and skate-rollers as the crash occurred.

      "I've broken myself," Dolly announced calmly, though her voice sounded dazed and queer. Dotty opened her mouth to speak but changed her mind and gave voice to the wildest kind of a shriek. She followed this up with several others of increasing force and volume and looked at Dolly, wondering why she didn't yell too. But the reason was that Dolly had fainted and the white face and closed eyes of her friend made Dotty scream louder than ever.

      Various members of the two families ran to the scene, as well as several neighbours.

      Mrs. Fayre and Mrs. Rose looked on somewhat helplessly at the two girls, but Aunt Clara went at once at the rescue. She and Trudy lifted Dotty to her feet and found she could stand.

      "Try to stop screaming, dearie," said Aunt Clara, "and tell me where you're hurt."

      "I don't know," cried Dotty; "I don't know and I don't care! But Dolly is dead! My Dolly, my own Dollyrinda is dead! And it's all my fault 'cause I made her go skating, and my arm hurts awful! Ow!"

      "Her arm is broken," said Mrs. Bayliss, gently lifting Dotty's right hand, which caused more piercing shrieks. "What shall we do? Somebody call a doctor quick!"

      Meanwhile the strong arms of a neighbour's gardener had lifted Dolly and was carrying her toward her own home.

      "It's her leg that's bruk," he said, holding her as gently as possible. "It's good luck she fainted; she'll come round all right, but she's bruk a bone, the poor dear."

      It seemed ages to the anxious mothers and friends, but it was really only a short time before doctors arrived and the two little sufferers were put to bed and their injuries attended to.

      Sure enough Dolly's leg was broken, and Dotty had a fractured arm.

      Both houses were in a tumult of confusion as surgeons and nurses took possession and bones were set and splints and bandages applied.

      Dolly Fayre took it quietly and seemed almost awestricken, when at last she realised that she was in her bed to stay for several weeks.


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