Dave Porter At Bear Camp: or, The Wild Man of Mirror Lake. Stratemeyer Edward

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Dave Porter At Bear Camp: or, The Wild Man of Mirror Lake - Stratemeyer Edward

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Maine, and back.

      "That will be fine," Dave had answered; and a little later a party had been made up, including Phil, Dave, Roger, and Shadow, and also Ben Basswood, who, as my old readers know, was one of Dave's old friends from Crumville. With the boys went Mr. Lawrence. When embarking on this trip, none of those on board had dreamed of the strenuous time now so close at hand.

      "I wonder how long it will take us to reach that vessel?" observed Roger, after Mr. Lawrence had followed the captain.

      "A quarter of an hour at least," replied Dave. "It will depend somewhat on how much steam the firemen can get up. I don't believe we are running at full speed now."

      "This steamer used to be a pretty good boat," said Phil, "but she is getting old now, and I heard dad say something about laying her up for repairs next Fall."

      "Wonder if we'll get a chance to do any rescue work," observed Ben.

      "I guess we'll do all we can," returned Shadow.

      "Look! Look!" cried Dave, pointing with his hand. "The smoke is getting thicker than ever!"

      "Maybe the poor people on that steamer will have to jump overboard before we can reach them," said Phil. "A fire like that must be pretty hot."

      Soon the youths knew by the pounding of the engine that the Eaglet was running at increased speed. The course had been changed, and now the craft was headed directly for the burning boat.

      "She's a rather small affair, that's certain," remarked Roger.

      "Looks to me as if she might be a pleasure boat," remarked Phil, who, taking after his father, knew considerable about sea-going matters. "She's a private steam yacht, to my way of thinking." And later on this proved to be the case.

      As the Eaglet drew closer to the burning vessel, the boys saw that there was great excitement on board the steam yacht. Sailors and others were rushing to and fro over the deck, and two streams of water from hoses were being directed to one part of the vessel, down a hatchway. The smoke was as thick as ever, and sometimes, as the wind shifted, the steam yacht was hidden entirely from view.

      Fortunately the sea was comparatively calm, there being only a slight breeze from the northeast. As the Eaglet drew closer, the boys heard Captain Bradley giving directions to some of the sailors to get ready to launch two of the small boats.

      "Dad, why can't we take another small boat and go out?" asked Phil of his father. "We know how to row. We did lots of it on the river up at Oak Hall."

      "Very well," answered Mr. Lawrence. "But I want all of you to keep out of danger."

      Soon they were within hailing distance of the steam yacht. They could now see the persons on deck plainly, and made out fully a score of men, and three or four women, and also one or two children. The smoke was as thick as ever, but so far no flames were visible.

      "Save us, oh, save us!" screamed some one aboard the burning vessel. "We are burning up!"

      The words had scarcely been uttered when there came from the interior of the steam yacht a dull explosion. Then, of a sudden, something that looked like a bunch of rockets flew up into the air. With a loud hissing and with sparks flying in all directions, the bunch of rockets described a graceful curve and then headed directly for the deck of the Eaglet!



      "Look out there!"

      "Don't let those rockets hit you!"

      "Say, this is like a Fourth of July!"

      Such were some of the cries that came from the boys on the forward deck of the steamer when they saw the bunch of rockets flying swiftly toward them. They had barely time to leap to one side when, with a loud hissing, two of the rockets fell on the deck not far away. The others just grazed the rail and swept overboard.

      "We've got to put them out!" yelled Phil, and started to rush forward, intending to stamp on the rockets, when Dave hauled him back.

      "Look out, Phil! They may be on the point of explo – "

      Bang! Bang! Dave did not have time to finish what he was saying when the rockets went off in rapid succession, hurling the bits of fire in all directions. Phil was burnt a little on one cheek, and Dave and Roger each had a hand scorched, but that was all. Then, realizing that the worst was over, all the boys rushed forward and stamped out what was left of the flames.

      "Anybody hurt up there?" It was a cry from Captain Bradley, who came forward on a run, followed by Mr. Lawrence.

      "No. We're all right," gasped Phil. "But we might not be if it hadn't been for Dave;" and he gave our hero a grateful look.

      The explosion on the steam yacht had caused a wilder panic than ever, and in a twinkling a number of those on board leaped into the water.

      "Man the boats!" was the order from Captain Bradley.

      The Eaglet had already heaved to, and two rowboats manned by the sailors and commanded by the first mate and a boatswain were soon lowered to the water. While this was being done, the boys, led by Phil and Dave, rushed to a third rowboat.

      "Now be careful, boys," warned Mr. Lawrence. "Perhaps I had better go with you."

      "Just as you say, Dad," answered Phil. "We can take care of ourselves though."

      "All right then, I won't go, for you may want the room for those you pick up," answered the shipowner; and a moment later the rowboat was in the water and following the other small craft to the side of the burning vessel.

      Seeing those from the Eaglet coming to the rescue, several others leaped overboard, so that those in the rowboats had all they could do to move without hitting any one.

      "Save me! Save me! Don't let me drown!" yelled an elderly man, and caught hold of one of the oars.

      "All right, we'll save you. Take it easy," returned the first mate of the Eaglet; and soon those in the mate's rowboat had the man on board. In the meantime, the boat in command of the boatswain pulled in a woman and a little boy.

      Dave and his chums had their craft headed to where they had made out the forms of a woman and a girl struggling in the water. They soon reached the first of the pair, and after considerable difficulty managed to drag her on board.

      "Oh, thank you, thank you!" gasped the woman, as she sank down on the stern seat. "Now save Della! save Della!" she cried, and then suddenly collapsed.

      Dave had his eyes on the girl, and was on the point of reaching for her when she suddenly threw up her arms and disappeared.

      "She's gone under!" gasped Roger.

      "Will she come up again?" asked Shadow, anxiously.

      "There she is! Over there!" yelled Phil, and pointed to a spot several yards away.

      A hand and an arm had shown themselves, but that was all. In less than two seconds they disappeared again.

      Dave had done some rapid thinking. Before leaving the steamer the boys had thrown off their coats. Now standing up, Dave cast his cap to the bottom of the boat, and made a quick dive overboard.


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