A Woman Perfected. Marsh Richard

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A Woman Perfected - Marsh Richard

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long ago there was a little difficulty about a right of way; I don't know if you heard of it. He came to me about it; I then asked him who acted for him in town; he said no one."

      "You are sure?"

      "I am; for a man in his position it struck me as odd."

      "He must have had a man in town, you misunderstood him. You haven't gone through all the papers?"

      "Not all."

      "Then we shall come upon it; I'll help you with the rest. There are no doubt papers elsewhere; probably in his bedroom, or at his rooms in town. Have you found out what was his London address?"

      "I have found nothing which shows that he had one."

      "But he must have had a London address; why, he spent quite a large part of the year in town."

      "I happen to know that the only London address Miss Lindsay ever had was the Carlton Club; they may be able to tell us there."

      "Of course they'll be able to tell us. Found any cash?"

      "Not a penny."

      "Anything which stands for cash?"

      "Nothing; except what I have told you."

      He had said nothing about what was in his breast-pocket.

      "Lindsay was a man of secretive habits; if he could help it he never let his left hand know what his right hand was doing. When you come to deal with the affairs of a man like that you're handicapped; but there can be no sort of doubt that he was a man of considerable means. It must have cost him something to live here; where did the money to do that come from? It must have come from somewhere."

      "It seems that there are a good many debts; as you are possibly aware, there is a good deal owing round here."

      "He was a man who hated paying."

      Suddenly the doctor glanced up from the papers he was examining to glare at his companion.

      "Look here, Nash, what are you hinting at?"

      "I am merely answering your questions."

      "Yes, but you're answering them in a way I don't like."

      The younger man smiled.

      "I am afraid that I didn't realize that my answers had to be to your liking, whatever the facts might be."

      The doctor returned to the papers; he looked as if he could have said something vigorous, but refrained. After a while he had to admit that his researches, so far, had been without result.

      "Well, there seems to be nothing here, and that's a fact. These papers seem to contain material for a history of the Cloverlea estate since it came into Lindsay's possession; and that's all. Now for the safe."

      "I've gone through that."

      "I'll go through it also; though from the look of it, it doesn't seem as if there were much to go through." He pulled out one of the small drawers at the bottom. "Hallo, what have we here?" He took out an oblong wooden box. "What's this on the lid? 'Peter Piper's Popular Pills.'"


      The exclamation came from Nash.

      "Here it is, large as life, in good bold letters; there ought to be something valuable in here." He opened the lid. "An envelope with papers in it; what's this writing on it? 'Analyses of the constituent parts of Peter Piper's Popular Pills by leading analytical chemists.' What fools those fellows are! Lindsay's writing; he doesn't seem to have had a high opinion of some one; let's hope there's nothing libellous. What's here besides? A bottle purporting to contain Peter Piper's Popular Pills; the man seems to have had them on the brain. And-other bottles containing the ingredients of which they're made; so it says outside them; as I'm alive! and the man kept this stuff inside his safe! Nash, why are you looking at me like that?"

      Mr. Nash was regarding the doctor with a somewhat singular expression on his face; when the doctor put the question to him he started, as if taken by surprise.

      "Looking at you? was I looking at you?"

      "Glaring was the better word."

      "It was unconscious. Are you-are you sure that they are Peter Piper's Popular Pills in that box?"

      "Sure? As if I could be sure about a thing like that! what do I know about such filth? look for yourself."

      Mr. Nash examined the box with a show of interest which its contents scarcely seemed to warrant.

      "How extremely-curious."

      "Fancy a man like Lindsay harbouring such stuff as that! I should think it was curious!"

      Though both men used the same adjective one felt that each read into it a different meaning.

      When Mr. Nash started to leave the house he found that the dogcart, which he supposed was still in waiting, had disappeared. He asked no questions, but drew his own conclusions. As he passed down the avenue, and perceived that Miss Harding was strolling among the trees, he smiled. So soon as the lady saw him she began to ply him with questions.

      "Well, what's happened?"

      "One thing's happened, you've sent away my dogcart."

      She looked at him with mischief in her eyes.

      "Walking will do you more good than driving; and it will cost you less. Besides, it will give you an opportunity of exchanging a few words with me. I hope you don't mind."

      "On the contrary, I'm delighted."

      "What have you found?"

      "I've found his will; he's left his daughter everything."

      "Everything! How splendid! I'm so glad he's left her everything!"

      Miss Harding's face could not have been more radiant had she received a personal benefit.

      "I shouldn't be over hasty in offering her your congratulations if I were you; it's quite possible that everything won't amount to very much."

      She seemed struck by his tone even more than by his words.

      "Herbert! What do you mean?"

      Mr. Nash kicked a pebble with his toe; then he whistled to himself; then he said, just as her patience was at an end-

      "It's a bit awkward to explain, but it's this way; Banyard and I have been going through his books and papers, and everything there was to go through; and there was a good deal, as you know; and we haven't come on anything which points to money or money's worth. I've been putting two and two together, and I rather think I understand the situation; when all's over and settled I shouldn't be surprised if Miss Lindsay would be very glad indeed to have your little fortune."

      "My-my little fortune?"

      "I'm alluding to the snug little legacy left you by your venerated aunt."

      "It's-it's impossible!"

      "More impossible things have happened; and I think I'm almost inclined to bet twopence that her fortune's

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