At the Sign of the Silver Flagon. Farjeon Benjamin Leopold

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At the Sign of the Silver Flagon - Farjeon Benjamin Leopold

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no need to play Romeo to Margaret. Margaret!" he whispered to himself, finding a subtle charm in the name; "My Margaret!" and then aloud, "Has your Leading Lady ever played such a character?"

      "Yes," replied Mr. Hart, without any direct meaning, "in 'Faust.'"

      Philip's face flushed scarlet, not at the words, but at the tone, which was sad and significant, without the speaker intending it to be so.

      "I know you to be a gentleman-" pursued Mr. Hart.

      "I thought you to be one," interrupted Philip hotly.

      "I hope you will see no reason to change your opinion," said Mr. Hart.

      "I see a reason already."

      "Let me hear it," asked Mr. Hart, secretly pleased at the young man's ill-humour.

      "You associated my Margaret's name-"

      "Your Margaret!" exclaimed Mr. Hart. "My Margaret, if you please!"

      "Mine!" cried Philip, in a loud voice.

      "Mine!" echoed Mr. Hart, in a calmer tone.

      "Call her down and ask her!" demanded Philip in his rashness, without considering; and, for the life of him, Mr. Hart could not help laughing long and heartily.

      "O that you were twenty years younger!" said Philip.

      "O that I were!" exclaimed Mr. Hart, with grave humour. "Then you would really have cause for uneasiness when you hear me call her mine."

      "How do you make her yours?"

      "I stand to her in the light of a father," replied Mr. Hart more seriously. "When I persuaded her mother in town to let her accompany us, I promised that I would look after her and protect her. Therefore she is mine, because I am her father."

      "And without any 'therefore,'" responded Philip, "she is mine, because I am her lover."

      "Ah," said Mr. Hart, with a bright smile, "here is a case to be settled, then. But if every pretty girl was her lover's, then one might belong to fifty, or more, for there are hearts enough. Why, you rash-head! do you know how many men in Silver Creek might call your Margaret theirs by the same right as that by which you claim her?"

      "No," said Philip, a little sulkily, "I don't know."

      "Then I'll tell you. To my certain knowledge, sixty-nine; to my almost as certain conviction, some five hundred. She had forty-two offers of marriage the first week, and has had twenty-seven since. Come now, divide her between the sixty-nine lovers who have declared themselves; what part of her is yours?"

      "You talk nonsense," said Philip roughly.

      "Well, suppose you talk sense," said Mr. Hart blandly.

      "It is hardly believable," cried Philip, clenching his fist. "Sixty-nine offers of marriage! She never told me, and I'm her lover."

      "She has told me, and I'm only her father."

      "By proxy," corrected Philip.

      "Well, by proxy."

      "Why should she tell you and not me?" asked Philip, more sulkily still.

      "Because, my dear Philip," said Mr. Hart, laying his hand kindly on the young man's arm, "up to the present, as I have said, she is mine, and not yours; and because she has a frank open nature, and must confide in some one. As I come first, she confides in me. She has given me all the letters to read, and a rare collection they are. If they were printed they would be a curiosity."

      "I should like to see them, and the names at the bottom of them."

      "So that you might fight all the writers for falling in love as you have done! Well, you would have enough to do, for you would have to fight according to the fashion of different countries. I have made an analysis, my dear Philip. Seven Frenchmen, four Germans, one Spaniard, three Americans, fifty-three Englishmen, Irishmen, and Scotchmen, and one Chinaman, have offered marriage to-I will say-our Margaret."

      "A Chinaman! Good heavens! such a creature to raise his eyes to my Margaret! Tell me, at least, his name, that I may cut his pigtail from his dirty crown!"

      "There's an Ah in it and a Sen in it and a Ping in it; and if you can find him out by those signs you are very welcome. But why should a Chinaman not love? Hath he not eyes, hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? His letter is the greatest curiosity of the lot, and he has evidently educated himself in the English language. I know his proposal by heart. Here it is: 'You welly good English girl; me welly good Chinaman. You mally me, welly good match. Roast pig and m'landy (brandy) for dinner every day. M'lenty gold-make m'lenty more. Me take you to my country, by bye. Chinaman welly good man.' Then comes the Ah and the Sen and the Ping. But let us be serious, although this is true enough that I have told you-truth with a comical side to it. You were angry with me a little while ago."

      "Yes, for associating my Margaret's name with mine in the character of Faust."

      "I had no distinct intention in my mind, Philip; the conversation happened to take that turn. It would pain me very much to have to think of you in that way. But Margaret is a simple good girl, and it is my duty to look after her. I never knew till to-night that you were paying marked attention to her."

      "Who told you?"

      "Our Leading Lady."

      Philip Rowe smiled: he had his vanities.

      "O, indeed!" he said, with assumed carelessness.

      "And that will bring me back presently to a subject I mentioned when I surprised you to-night. First, however, there is another thing to be settled. You must cease your attentions to Margaret."

      "Not if I know it!" said Philip, with a defiant shake of his head. "I mean to marry her. If you throw any obstacles in the way I'll run away with her to-morrow, in spite of your teeth."

      He laughed confidently: he knew his power.

      "But you are a gentleman," remonstrated Mr. Hart. "And she is a lady," quoth Philip.

      If love's guild could give titles, a peasant would rank higher than a duchess. Not that there was anything common about Margaret. She was born of humble parents, it is true; but she was a good girl, and that is enough for any man.

      It was enough for Mr. Hart. He gazed at Philip in frank and honest admiration; but he determined to apply a test. He was not a suspicious man, but he had a duty to perform.

      "Suppose there is an obstacle already in the way," he said, looking Philip steadily in the face; "suppose she is already married."

      Philip staggered, and the blood deserted his face. "Good God!" he cried. "Then she has been playing me false!"

      Mr. Hart wished he had not applied the test; he was satisfied of Philip's sincerity.

      "Not so fast!" he cried, in a cheery tone, "not so fast! I only said 'suppose;' I didn't say it was so. How you young hot spirits jump at conclusions."

      But it was a few minutes before Philip recovered himself.

      "You frightened me," he said, with a feeble smile. "Then it is not true! If I had considered a moment, I should have known; for if truth and innocence have a home in this world, they

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