Dorothy Dale at Glenwood School. Penrose Margaret

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Dorothy Dale at Glenwood School - Penrose Margaret

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on conversation without delaying the dinner preparations.

      "That spring suit," he said laughing, "I'll just throw down on the rubbish heap. The clothes are so covered with mud, I am sure they never could be cleaned, and if Sam will have time to get in town before the picnic perhaps he can sell me these things. Or, if not, I'll buy whatever he wants and send them out."

      "Well, he won't need the overalls till next week," answered the mother.

      "Then I can buy them?" asked Nat.

      "And the shoes – "

      "I'll have a pair sent out directly I reach town. I'll see that they come special so there will be no mistake."

      "And the shirt – you are welcome to that."

      "Now then," said Nat, "here's five dollars, whatever will be over the price of the clothes I am sure I owe you – "

      "Five dollars!" exclaimed the woman with genuine surprise. "Why, bless you boy, that would buy my Sam a full, whole winter suit."

      "Get him one, then," insisted Nat. "I would be glad to help him, as he certainly has helped me greatly. Just surprise him with a new suit for the picnic. We'll be off as soon as I get my share of that milk, if they have left me any, then he will know nothing of the accident. You can give him a complete surprise," seeing the look of delight on the poor woman's face.

      "But you dasen't drink none of that cold milk," she protested. "Step right over here to a cup of tea, it's just fresh. But I don't feel I should take all that money."

      "Oh, just to give Sam a little surprise," argued Nat, "and indeed, I owe it to you, for I might have taken an awful cold," and he drank down his "piping" hot tea.

      "Well, Sam will be happy," admitted the mother fondly, "and if you can afford it – "

      "Of course I can. There, they have actually stopped drinking. We are so much obliged for the invitation to take dinner, Mrs. Hardy, but we couldn't really stay," finished Nat.

      "No," said Dorothy, coming in at that moment, "it is very kind of you to ask us, Mrs. Hardy, but my cousin says we must go on. Here is something for the milk – "

      "No more money!" declared the woman. "I've taken more now than the Bible would say was due me."

      "Oh, just this change," urged Dorothy.

      "Not a penny! Not one cent!" Mrs. Hardy insisted, but as Dorothy stepped out to join the others, who by this time were getting into the car, she managed to find a place to hide the coins – where Mrs. Hardy would find them later on.

      "I'm to the bat," said Ned, as Nat took up his place in front.

      "Not much," shouted Nat. "I haven't been put out yet, and, in overalls and blue shirt, Nat, the good-looking and always well-dressed boy, let loose the Fire-Bird for another fly through the country."



      "What do you suppose will happen next?" asked Dorothy, as the automobile sped along the narrow road through a woodland way.

      "Don't tempt the fates," cautioned Ned, "we can always get enough trouble without beckoning it."

      "It was good sport, meeting the little country woman and all that," said Nat, "but I must admit I did not enjoy the mud bath. I have heard of mud baths in sanitariums. Do you suppose they are that kind?"

      "Oh, no," laughed Ned. "They perfume the mud and mix it with bay rum. Then they allow it to trickle down your spinal column to the rhythm of your favorite poem – so many drops to so many feet."

      "I'll never forget how you looked when you came up on that rail," declared Tavia, merrily. "I have heard of such things, but that is the first time I ever saw any one really ride a rail – "

      "And my initial performance, I assure you. Well, do not be so painfully faithful as never to forget my appearance. I think you might sympathize with a fellow."

      But Tavia only laughed more heartily. She declared he could not have been drowned; of course it was wet and cold and muddy —

      "And he might have fallen, and not have been able to get to his feet again," remarked Dorothy, with apprehension. "I am awfully afraid of mysterious accidents; and who can tell what is at the bottom of a spring?"

      "For expert testimony," replied Nat, "apply to Nathaniel White, Esquire. He is in every way qualified – Oh, I say, my knee! Ouch! Can't move it," and he winced in pain.

      "Let me get there," insisted Ned, "you may take a kink somewhere and make us turn turtle. Besides you will not get so much breeze back here."

      Nat was easily persuaded now, for the fact was he did not feel at all comfortable – the mud bath was getting in its work, – so the machine was stopped while he got in the tonneau and his brother took the place at the wheel.

      "Put this dust robe around you," ordered Dorothy. "You may miss your coat in spite of the day, for the wind is sharp when we cut through the air this way. I do hope you will not be ill – "

      "Never! That race Mrs. Hardy gave me, or made me take, saved my life. But it's pleasant to change seats. Ned will get a lot of laughs from Tavia, and I will enjoy a chance to talk with you."

      So the little party dashed along, until a turn in the road brought a row of houses into view, and presently, among them, could be seen a sign that indicated eatables were for sale there. Both girls and boys went in to do the buying – so keen were their appetites now that each preferred to do his or her own selecting. Tavia wanted buns, cheese and pickles. Nat had cheese, rye bread and butter (he bought a quarter of a pound) and besides he found, on the very tip top shelf, some glass jars of boneless herring.

      "Let's make a regular camp dinner," suggested Ned. "Buy some potatoes and sliced bacon, make tea or coffee – "

      "In what?" asked Dorothy.

      "Oh, yes, that's so. We did not bring the lunch basket. By the way, you have not seen the basket mother received for her birthday. It has everything for a lunch on the road; a lamp to cook over, tea and coffee pot, enameled cups, plates, good sharp knives – the neatest things, all in a small basket. Mother never lets us take it out, when we're alone. She thinks so much of it."

      "I should think she would," remarked Dorothy. "But we were speaking of a camp lunch – "

      "Yes, let's," joined in Nat. "It's no end of fun, roasting potatoes in a stone furnace."

      "And toasting bacon on hat pins," suggested Tavia.

      So it was agreed the camp lunch should be their meal, Dorothy and Ned doing most of the work of buying and finding things fresh enough to eat in the old-fashioned dusty store, while Tavia and Nat tasted pickles and tried buns, until Dorothy interposed, declaring if either ate another mouthful before the real meal was ready they would not be allowed a single warm morsel.

      "Just one potato," pleaded Nat. "I do so love burnt potatoes."

      "And a single slice of bacon," urged Tavia. "I haven't had that kind of bacon since we were out at the Cedars, and I think it is so delicious."

      "Then save your appetites," insisted Dorothy, "and help with the work. No looking for fresh spring water this time. Nat, carry this bottle of milk. Ned has

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