Final Proof: or, The Value of Evidence. Ottolengui Rodrigues

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Final Proof: or, The Value of Evidence - Ottolengui Rodrigues

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knows? We're all honest, till we're caught."

      "Tell me this. If Mr. Berial keeps that screw-driver always in his own possession, how could any one have a duplicate of it made?"

      "Dead easy. If you can't see that, you're as soft as the old man."

      "Perhaps I am. But tell me how it could be done."

      "Why, just see. That tool is double-ended. But one end is just a common, ordinary screw-driver. You don't need to imitate that. The other end is just a screw that fits into the thread at the end of the bolts. Now old Berial keeps his precious screw-driver locked up, but the bolts lay around by the gross. Any man about the place could take one and have a screw cut to fit it, and there you are."

      This was an important point, and Mr. Barnes was glad to have drawn it out. It now became only too plain that the patented device was no hindrance to any one knowing of it, and especially to one who had access to the bolts. This made it the more necessary to find the man Jerry.

      "There was another man besides yourself who assisted at the Quadrant funeral, was there not?" asked Mr. Barnes.

      "There was another man, but he didn't assist much. He was no good."

      "What was this man's name?"

      "That's why I say he's no good. He called himself Jerry Morton, but it didn't take me long to find out that his name was really Jerry Morgan. Now a man with two names is usually a crook, to my way of thinkin'."

      "He gave up his job here this morning, did he not?"

      "Did he?"

      "Yes. Can you tell why he should have done so? Was he not well enough paid?"

      "Too well, I take it. He got the same money I do, and I done twice as much work. So he's chucked it, has he? Well, I shouldn't wonder if there was good reason."

      "What reason?"

      "Oh, I don't know. That story about old Quadrant floatin' back was in the papers to-day, wasn't it?"


      "Very well. There you are."

      "You mean that this man Morgan might have had a hand in that?"

      "Oh, he had a hand in it all right. So did I and the boss, for that matter. But the boss and me left him screwed tight in his box, and Jerry he was left behind to pick up, as it were. And he had the wagon too. Altogether, I should say he had the chance if anybody. But mind you, I ain't makin' no accusations."

      "Then, if Jerry did this, he must have had a duplicate screw-driver?"

      "You're improvin', you are. You begin to see things. But I never seen him with no screw-driver, remember that."

      "Was he in Mr. Berial's employment at the time of the other affair?"

      "What other affair?"

      "The case of the young lady from whose finger the diamond ring was stolen."

      "Oh, that. Why, he might have been, of course, but then, you know, we was only supposin' a case there. We didn't say that was a real affair." Randal laughed mockingly.

      "Have you any idea as to where I could find this man Morgan?"

      "I don't think you will find him."

      "Why not?"

      "Skipped, I guess. He wouldn't chuck this job just to take a holiday."

      "Do you know where he lived?"

      "Eleventh Avenue near Fifty-fourth Street. I don't know the number, but it was over the butcher shop."

      "If this man Morgan did this thing, can you imagine why he did it?"

      "For pay; you can bet on that. Morgan ain't the man as would take a risk like that for the fun of the thing."

      "But how could he hope to be paid for such an act?"

      "Oh, he wouldn't hope. You don't know Jerry. He'd be paid, part in advance anyway, and balance on demand."

      "But who would pay him, and with what object?"

      "Oh, I don't know. But let me tell you something. Them brothers weren't all so lovin' to one another as the outside world thinks. In the fust place, as I gathered by listenin' to the talk of the servants, the one they called Amos didn't waste no love on the dead one, though I guess the other one, Mark, liked him some. I think he liked the widow even better." Here he laughed. "Now the dead man wanted to be cremated – that is, he said so before he was dead. The widow didn't relish the idea, but she ain't strong-minded enough to push her views. Now we'll suppose a case again. I like that style, it don't commit you to anything. Well, suppose this fellow Mark thinks he'll get into the good graces of the widow by hindering the cremation. He stands out agin it. Amos he says the old fellow wanted to be burned, and let him burn. 'He'll burn in hell, anyway.' That nice, sweet remark he did make, I'll tell you that much. Then the brothers they quarrel. And a right good row they did have, so I hear. Now we'll suppose again. Why couldn't our friend, Mr. Mark, have got up this scheme to stop the cremation?"

      Mr. Barnes was startled to hear this man suggest exactly what Mark himself had hinted at. Could it be only a coincidence or was it really the solution of the mystery? But if so, what of the body that was really cremated? But then again the only evidence in his possession on that point was the bare statement in the note received from Mr. Mitchel. Two constructions could be placed upon that note. First, it might have been honestly written by Mr. Mitchel, who really believed what he wrote, though, smart as he was, he might have been mistaken. Secondly, the note might merely have been written to send Mr. Barnes off on a wrong clue, thus leaving Mr. Mitchel a chance to follow up the right one. Resuming his conversation with Randal, Mr. Barnes said:

      "Then you imagine that Mr. Mark Quadrant hired this man Morgan to take away the body and hide it until after the funeral?"

      "Oh, I don't know. All I'll say is, I don't think Jerry would be too good for a little job like that. Say, you're not a bad sort, as detectives go. I don't mind givin' you a tip."

      "I am much obliged, I am sure," said Mr. Barnes, smiling at the fellow's presumption.

      "Don't mention it. I make no charge. But see. Have you looked at the corpse at the Morgue?"

      "No. Why?"

      "Well, I stopped in this morning and had a peep at him. I guess it's Quadrant all right."

      "Have you any special way of knowing that?"

      "Well, when the boss was injectin' the embalmin' fluid, he stuck the needle in the wrong place first, and had to put it in again. That made two holes. They're both there. You might wonder why we embalmed a body that was to be cremated. You see, we didn't know the family wasn't going to let him be seen, and we was makin' him look natural."

      "And you are sure there are two punctures in the body at the Morgue?"

      "Dead sure. That's a joke. But that ain't the tip I want to give you. This is another case of diamond rings."

      "You mean that there were diamond rings left on the hand when the body was placed in the coffin?"

      "One solitaire; a jim dandy. And likewise a ruby, set deep

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