Partners of the Out-Trail. Bindloss Harold

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Partners of the Out-Trail - Bindloss Harold

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Perhaps you had better go ahead and talk to her. Carrie's rather fed up, but she mayn't be as frank to you."

      Jim urged the pack-horse he was leading and came up with Carrie, who was a short distance in front. He wondered what he had better talk about, but found it easier to amuse her than he had thought. Carrie did not look tired now; she had a touch of color and her eyes were bright. She laughed at his remarks, although he admitted that his humor was clumsy, and did not seem to mind when the horse splashed her with mud. Carrie had pluck, but he imagined her cheerfulness was forced. By and by a knot on the pack-rope slipped and some tools and cooking pans fell with a clash. When Jim began to pick them up Carrie stopped a yard or two in front.

      "You needn't hurry; I'll go on," she said. "It's cleaner away from the horses, and one can look for the dry spots."

      Jim gave her a quick glance. Although she smiled, her voice had a note of strain. It had not been easy for her to pretend and he had forced her to the effort.

      "I'm sometimes dull, but I mean well," he said apologetically.

      "Of course, you meant well. Jake sent you, didn't he? He knows something about my moods."

      Jim colored and, seeing his embarrassment, she laughed.

      "You don't deserve that; I get mad now and then. The thing's my fault, any way. I started well, but hadn't grit enough to keep it up. However, hadn't you better pick those pans out of the mud?"

      Jim replaced the articles and when he had refastened the load waited for Jake.

      "It looks as if Carrie had turned you down," the latter remarked.

      "I'm not surprised," Jim rejoined. "I've been talking like a drummer when she wanted to be alone."

      "Oh, well," said Jake, "you haven't a very light touch, but I expect she saw your intention was good."

      "She did not; she saw you had sent me. Your sister is cleverer than you think."

      Jake grinned and pulled his horse round a hole. "They're all cleverer than we think. Sometimes it's an advantage and sometimes a drawback. Anyhow, I guess I won't meddle again. Carrie will make good if we leave her alone – "

      He turned, for the horse behind them pushed forward and bit the animal he led.

      "Watch out!" he shouted. "Drive your beast on!"

      Jim did so and then stopped a few yards off, while the animals plunged round each other and a man behind ran up. Jake, sticking to the bridle, was dragged about; his horse's load struck against a tree and a flour-bag burst. While he tried to stop the white stream running from the hole, the other horse seized his arm and shook him savagely. Its driver joined in the struggle with a thick branch, and the men and animals floundered about the trail while the flour ran into the mud.

      "Let up with the club!" Jake shouted. "The dried apples have gone now. You have hit the bag."

      "Hold your beast, then," gasped the other. "This trouble's not going to stop until mine gets in front."

      Jake with an effort pulled the kicking animal between two trees and there was quietness when the other passed. It looked round for a moment, and then plodded forward steadily while the desiccated apples ran down on the trail.

      "Now we'll stop and fix those bags," Jake remarked. "Why in thunder did you let the brute go, Bill?"

      "He was mushing along good and quiet and I wanted to light my pipe. Reckon he forgot he wasn't in his place."

      Then they heard a laugh and saw Carrie close by. Jake was covered with mud and flour, and his hat, which had been trampled on, hung over his hot face.

      "You look the worse for wear," she said.

      "I guess I feel like that," Jake replied, indicating his torn overalls. "Putting some of the damage right will be a job for you, but my hat's past your help. You wouldn't think it cost three dollars, not long since!"

      "But what was the kicking and biting about?"

      "You heard the explanation! Bill's cayuse forgot he wasn't in his proper place. When he remembered, he tried to get there."

      "I don't understand yet."

      "A pack-horse knows his place in the row. He's a creature of habit and hates to see another animal where he ought to be, but Bill was late in loading up and we didn't stop for him. If I'd known what was coming to me, I'd have waited. Now you have got the thing."

      Carrie laughed and Jim noted there was no reserve in her amusement. Her moodiness had vanished.

      "It's ridiculous, but you must indulge him another time," she said. "Food is dear."

      They went on with lighter hearts. The struggle and Carrie's laugh had braced them, and by and by bright sunbeams touched the trunks beside the narrow trail.



      The rain had stopped and big drops fell from the dark firs about the camp. Daylight was going; all was very quiet but for the distant sound of falling water, and the smoke of the sulky fire went straight up. White chips and empty provision cans lay beside the freshly-chopped logs. Jake had left camp after supper, the men had gone to fish, and Carrie had taken off her wet boots and sat by the fire, trying to dry her clothes. For the last three or four days the party had traveled across very rugged country, and had now reached the spot where the new line would branch off.

      Carrie was cold and depressed. One of the men who joined Probyn was cook, and although she had undertaken his duties cheerfully she found them harder than she thought. Then when they pitched camp the wood the men brought was wet, the fire would not burn well, and the extra good supper she had meant to cook was spoiled. This was the climax of a number of small troubles and hardships, and Carrie's patience had given way. By and by, Jim came out of the gloom and stopped by the fire.

      "Crying, Carrie! Why is that?"

      Carrie, who had not heard his steps, started and tried to hide her feet behind her draggled skirt.

      "I wasn't," she said, rather sharply. "Anyhow, if I was, you oughtn't to have noticed."

      "Perhaps not. Jake told me not long since my touch wasn't light. But what has gone wrong?"

      "It's all gone wrong," she answered drearily. "I oughtn't to have come. Supper was the last thing – "

      "The supper was quite good," Jim declared.

      "Quite good! Well, I suppose that's all you can say for it honestly. If you liked it, it's curious you didn't eat very much. Then, you see, I can cook, and I wanted to make a little feast to celebrate your beginning the job."

      "Nobody could cook at a fire like that. Besides, folks are not fastidious in camp. When you're chopping and cutting rock all day, you can eat whatever you get."

      "Your touch is certainly not light; I'd sooner you were fastidious," Carrie rejoined.

      "Looks as if I'd taken the wrong line," Jim said gently. "I hate to see you disturbed."

      "Do you hate it very much?"

      "Yes," said Jim. "That's why I'm awkward."

      Carrie gave him a quick glance and

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