Tales of two people. Hope Anthony

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Tales of two people - Hope Anthony

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And all before those lazy chaps, Roger and Cromlech, are out of bed!”

      So saying, Lord Lynborough vaulted the wall again in high good humour.



      DEPRIVED of their leader’s inspiration, the other two representatives of Scarsmoor did not brave the Passage Perilous to the sea that morning. Lynborough was well content to forgo further aggression for the moment. His words declared his satisfaction —

      “I have driven a wedge – another wedge – into the Marchesa’s phalanx. Yes, I think I may say a second wedge. Disaffection has made its entry into Nab Grange, Cromlech. The process of isolation has begun. Perhaps after lunch we will resume operations.”

      But fortune was to give him an opportunity even before lunch. It appeared that Stabb had sniffed out the existence of two old brasses in Fillby Church; he was determined to inspect them at the earliest possible moment. Lynborough courteously offered to accompany him, and they set out together about eleven o’clock.

      No incident marked their way. Lynborough rang up the parish clerk at his house, presented Stabb to that important functionary, and bespoke for him every consideration. Then he leant against the outside of the churchyard wall, peacefully smoking a cigarette.

      On the opposite side of the village street stood the Lynborough Arms. The inn was kept by a very superior man, who had retired to this comparative leisure after some years of service as butler with Lynborough’s father. This excellent person, perceiving Lynborough, crossed the road and invited him to partake of a glass of ale in memory of old days. Readily acquiescing, Lynborough crossed the road, sat down with the landlord on a bench by the porch, and began to discuss local affairs over the beer.

      “I suppose you haven’t kept up your cricket since you’ve been in foreign parts, my lord?” asked Dawson, the landlord, after some conversation which need not occupy this narrative. “We’re playing a team from Easthorpe to-morrow, and we’re very short.”

      “Haven’t played for nearly fifteen years, Dawson. But I tell you what – I daresay my friend Mr Wilbraham will play. Mr Stabb’s no use.”

      “Every one helps,” said Dawson. “We’ve got two of the gentlemen from the Grange – Mr Stillford, a good bat, and Captain Irons, who can bowl a bit – or so John Goodenough tells me.”

      Lynborough’s eyes had grown alert. “Well, I used to bowl a bit, too. If you’re really hard up for a man, Dawson – really at a loss, you know – I’ll play. It’ll be better than going into the field short, won’t it?”

      Dawson was profuse in his thanks. Lynborough listened patiently.

      “I tell you what I should like to do, Dawson,” he said. “I should like to stand the lunch.”

      It was the turn of Dawson’s eyes to grow alert. They did. Dawson supplied the lunch. The club’s finances were slender, and its ideas correspondingly modest. But if Lord Lynborough “stood” the lunch – !

      “And to do it really well,” added that nobleman. “A sort of little feast to celebrate my homecoming. The two teams – and perhaps a dozen places for friends – ladies, the Vicar, and so on, eh, Dawson? Do you see the idea?”

      Dawson saw the idea much more clearly than he saw most ideas. Almost corporeally he beheld the groaning board.

      “On such an occasion, Dawson, we shouldn’t quarrel about figures.”

      “Your lordship’s always most liberal,” Dawson acknowledged in tones which showed some trace of emotion.

      “Put the matter in hand at once. But look here, I don’t want it talked about. Just tell the secretary of the club – that’s enough. Keep the tent empty till the moment comes. Then display your triumph! It’ll be a pleasant little surprise for everybody, won’t it?”

      Dawson thought it would; at any rate it was one for him.

      At this instant an elderly lady of demure appearance was observed to walk up to the lych-gate and enter the churchyard. Lynborough inquired of his companion who she was.

      “That’s Miss Gilletson from the Grange, my lord – the Marchesa’s companion.”

      “Is it?” said Lynborough softly. “Oh, is it indeed?” He rose from his seat. “Good-bye, Dawson. Mind – a dead secret, and a rattling good lunch!”

      “I’ll attend to it, my lord,” Dawson assured him with the utmost cheerfulness. Never had Dawson invested a glass of beer to better profit!

      Lynborough threw away his cigar and entered the sacred precincts. His brain was very busy. “Another wedge!” he was saying to himself. “Another wedge!”

      The lady had gone into the church. Lynborough went in too. He came first on Stabb – on his hands and knees, examining one of the old brasses and making copious notes in a pocket-book.

      “Have you seen a lady come in, Cromlech?” asked Lord Lynborough.

      “No, I haven’t,” said Cromlech, now producing a yard measure and proceeding to ascertain the dimensions of the brass.

      “You wouldn’t, if it were Venus herself,” replied Lynborough pleasantly. “Well, I must look for her on my own account.”

      He found her in the neighbourhood of his family monuments which, with his family pew, crowded the little chancel of the church. She was not employed in devotions, but was arranging some flowers in a vase – doubtless a pious offering. Somewhat at a loss how to open the conversation, Lynborough dropped his hat – or rather gave it a dexterous jerk, so that it fell at the lady’s feet. Miss Gilletson started violently, and Lord Lynborough humbly apologised. Thence he glided into conversation, first about the flowers, then about the tombs. On the latter subject he was exceedingly interesting and informing.

      “Dear, dear! Married the Duke of Dexminster’s daughter, did he?” said Miss Gilletson, considerably thrilled. “She’s not buried here, is she?”

      “No, she’s not,” said Lynborough, suppressing the fact that the lady had run away after six months of married life. “And my own father’s not buried here, either; he chose my mother’s family place in Devonshire. I thought it rather a pity.”

      “Your own father?” Miss Gilletson gasped.

      “Oh, I forgot you didn’t know me,” he said, laughing. “I’m Lord Lynborough, you know. That’s how I come to be so well up in all this. And I tell you what – I should like to show you some of our Scarsmoor roses on your way home.”

      “Oh, but if you’re Lord Lynborough, I – I really couldn’t – ”

      “Who’s to know anything about it, unless you choose, Miss Gilletson?” he asked with his ingratiating smile and his merry twinkle. “There’s nothing so pleasant as a secret shared with a lady!”

      It was a long time since a handsome man had shared a secret with Miss Gilletson. Who knows, indeed, whether such a thing had ever happened? Or whether Miss Gilletson had once just dreamed that some day it might – and had gone on dreaming for long, long days, till even the dream had slowly and sadly faded away? For sometimes it does happen like that. Lynborough meant nothing – but no possible effort (supposing he made it) could enable him to look as if he meant nothing.

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