The Everlasting Arms. Hocking Joseph

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The Everlasting Arms - Hocking Joseph

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and, try as I may, I can't get it to start again."

      Her face was slightly flushed, partly with her endeavours to start the engine and partly with impatience; but this did not detract from her more than usually handsome appearance. For she was handsome; indeed, Dick thought he had never seen such a striking girl. And this was no wonder. It is only rare that nature produces such a perfect specimen of young womanhood as he saw that morning – perfect, that is, in face and form, perfect in colouring, in stature, in bearing. She was a brunette – great black flashing eyes, full red lips, raven-black hair, skin suffused with the glow of buoyant health. More than ordinarily tall, she was shaped like a Juno, and moved with all the grace and freedom of an athlete.

      "Help the lady, my man," said Mr. Bidlake to the chauffeur.

      "Sorry, sir," replied the man, "but I don't know anything about engines. I've only just learnt to drive. You see, sir, Mrs. Winkley didn't quite know what to do when – "

      "All right," interrupted Dick, with a laugh; "perhaps I can help you."

      "If you only could," laughed the girl. "I haven't had the thing long, but it never went wrong until to-day. I know how to drive pretty well, but as for understanding the engine, I'm a mere baby."

      She had a frank, pleasant voice, and laughed as she spoke, revealing perfect teeth.

      Dick, who had quite a gift for mechanism, quickly found some tools, and commenced testing the sparking-plugs like a man conversant with his work.

      "I'll have to take off my coat if you'll excuse me," he said presently. "I see you start the thing on a battery, and have no magneto. I'm sorry I don't know this class of car well, but I think I can see what's the matter."

      "What is it? Do tell me," she cried, with an eager laugh. "I've been studying motor manuals and all that sort of thing ever since I commenced to drive, but diagrams always confuse me."

      "The distributor seems to be wrong, and some wires have become disconnected. Have you been held up long?"

      "Oh, a quarter of an hour – more."

      "And running the battery all the time?"

      "I'm afraid so."

      "You must be careful or your battery'll run out of electricity; that would mean your being hung up for two days."

      "They told me that at the garage a little time ago. But what must I do?" and she laughed at him pleasantly.

      "If she doesn't start at once, get someone to adjust the parts. There, I wonder if she'll go now."

      He touched a switch, and the engine began to run.

      "She seems all right," he said, after watching the moving mass of machinery for some seconds.

      "Oh, you are good – and – thank you ever so much."

      "It's been quite a pleasure," replied Dick, putting on his coat. "It was lucky I came by."

      "It was indeed; but look at your hands. They are covered with oil. I am sorry."

      "Nothing to be sorry for. Oil breaks no bones. Besides, I shall be able to wash them in a few minutes."

      "You are not going far, then?"

      "Only to Wendover Park. Do you know it?"

      "Know it! Why – " She checked herself suddenly, and Dick thought she seemed a little confused. "But I must be going now. Thank you again."

      She got into the car, and in a few seconds was out of sight.

      "Remarkably handsome young lady, isn't she?" remarked Mr. Bidlake. "Do you know who she is?" he asked the chauffeur.

      "Lady Blanche Huntingford, sir," replied the chauffeur.

      "Whew!" whistled Mr. Bidlake.

      "Anybody special?" asked Dick.

      The lawyer smiled. "The incident is decidedly interesting," he replied. "First, she is cousin to Sir Guy Wendover who used to own Wendover Park, and second, she is the daughter of Lord Huntingford, the proudest and most exclusive aristocrat in Surrey."

      "No? By Jove, she is handsome!"

      "It is said that the Huntingfords rule Social Surrey. If they take you up, your social status is assured; if they boycott you – " and the lawyer shrugged his shoulders.

      Dick was silent a few seconds. Evidently he was thinking deeply. "Isn't she glorious?" he cried presently. "I never saw such a dazzling girl. Did you notice her eyes – her complexion? I – I wouldn't have missed it for anything."

      The lawyer did not reply. Perhaps he had reasons for his silence.

      The car dashed on for another mile, and then Dick gave a cry of delight.

      "That's it, isn't it?"

      "Yes; that's it."

      They were looking at a lovely old mansion which stood on the slope of a hill. Stretching away from it were fine park-lands, and beyond these were wide-stretching woods. Looked at on that fair spring day, it was indeed a place to be proud of, to rejoice in.

      "I never dreamt it was so fine!" gasped Dick.

      "One of the finest places in England," was the lawyer's complacent reply.

      Dick looked like one fascinated. It appealed to and satisfied him altogether.

      "It's old, isn't it?"

      "Three hundred years. It is said that the gardens are a wonder."

      The car passed through some heavily wrought gates, and then rolled under an avenue of old trees. Dick could not speak; the thought of possessing such a place made him dumb. A few minutes later they drew up before the main entrance.

      Dick was the first to leap out. He was eager to enter, to claim possession, to examine every nook and corner of his new home. He put his foot on the bottom step leading to the door, and then stopped suddenly. He felt himself rooted to the ground, felt afraid to move.

      "I congratulate you again," said the lawyer. "I feel proud that I have the privilege to – "

      "Don't you see? There! Don't you see?" gasped Dick.

      "See?" repeated the lawyer. "Of course I see one of the most beautiful houses in England."

      "Yes, but nothing else?" he asked excitedly.

      "What do you mean?" queried the lawyer.

      But Dick did not reply. Although the lawyer had seen nothing, he saw in dim outline the face and form which had appeared to him when he was sinking in the turbulent waters of the Indian Ocean. Was this a warning that trouble was to overwhelm him again?

      Dick Faversham had no doubts. Whatever he might think later, he was at that time certain of what he saw. The sun was shining brightly, and there was nothing in the various objects by which he was surrounded to suggest the supernatural, and yet he saw the face of the angel. She seemed to be hovering over the steps which led to the main entrance of the house, and for the moment she looked as though she would forbid his entrance. But only for the moment. Slowly she faded away, slowly he lost sight of her, and by the

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