The Merry Anne. Merwin Samuel

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The Merry Anne - Merwin Samuel

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you then I would speak on your birthday.”

      “So you really remembered my birthday?”

      “Remembered it, Annie! What a girl you are! Do you know how long I’ve been waiting? And all the boys laughing? It’s two years this month. It was on your birthday that I saw you first, you know. And it wasn’t a month after that that I spoke to you. How could I help it? Who could have waited longer? And you, with your way of making me think you were really going to say yes, and then just laughing at me.”

      “Now, Dick – if you don’t stop and be sensible, I ‘ll take you straight inshore.”

      “Oh, you wouldn’t do that, Annie?”

      “Yes, I would. I will now. Ready about!” The Captain came rapidly up into the wind, but stopped there with sail flapping; for Dick held the sheet, and his hand had imprisoned hers on the tiller.

      “Now, Dick – Dick – ”

      “Wait a minute. Don’t be angry with me when I’ve risked the schooner and everybody aboard her just so’s to get down here on your birthday. Promise me you ‘ll hold her in the wind while I get you your present.”

      She hesitated, and looked out toward the horizon.

      “Promise me that, Annie, and I ‘ll let go your hand.”

      “You – you’ve forgotten – what you promised – ”

      “I know, I said I’d never take hold of your hand again until you put it in mine – didn’t I?”

      She nodded, still looking away.

      “And I’ve broken the promise. Do you know why, Annie? It’s because when you look at me the way you do sometimes, I could break every promise I’ve ever made – and every law of Congress if I thought it would just keep you looking at me.”

      Not a word from Annie.

      “Promise me, Annie, that you ‘ll hold her here?”

      Still no word.

      “Won’t you just nod, then?”

      She hesitated a moment longer, then gave one uncertain little nod. He released her hand, held the sheet between his knees, drew the package from his pocket, and displayed the corals. She was trying bravely not to look around, but her glance wavered, and finally she turned and looked at it with eager eyes. “Oh, Dick, did you bring that for me?”

      “I surely did.” He held it up, and when she bent her head forward, he slipped it over and around her neck. Her eyes shone as she ran the red beads through her fingers and looked at the carved pendant. Dick leaned back and watched her contentedly. Finally she let her eyes steal upward and meet his, with a smile that was half roguish. “I never really laughed at you, did I, Dick?”

      He moved forward with sudden eagerness. “Don’t you think now is a good time to say yes, Annie, – now, on your birthday? I own a quarter of the schooner now, you know; and I’m ready to make another payment to-morrow. And don’t you see, when we’re married you can help me to save, and before we know it we can have a home and a business of our own.” She was bending over the corals. “You didn’t really think you could save more with – with me, than you could alone, did you, Dick?”

      “Yes, I’m sure of it. It will give me something to work for, don’t you see?”

      “But – but – ” very shyly, this – “Haven’t you anything to work for now?”

      “Oh, Annie, do you mean that – are you telling me you ‘ll give me the right to work for you? That’s all I want to know.”

      “Now, Dick – please let go my hand – you promised, you know – ”

      “What is a promise now! If you knew how you torture me when you lead me on till I’m half wild and then change around till I don’t know what I’ve said or what you’ve said or hardly who I am – ”

      “No, Dick, you mustn’t – I mean it. We must go in. See, there’s father on the beach. It must be supper-time.”

      “Wait a minute – I haven’t half told you – ”

      But she was merciless. The Captain came about and headed shoreward.

      “Did you meet the revenue cutter anywhere up the Lake – the Foote? She was here yesterday.”

      “There you are again, all changed around! What do I care about the Foote– when I’m just waiting to hear you say the only word that can make my life worth living. Now, Annie – ”

      “You mustn’t, Dick. I’ve let you say too much now. If you go on, you ‘ll make me feel that I can’t even thank you for your present.”

      “Was that all? Were you only thanking me?”

      She nodded, and Dick’s face fell into gloom. But when the Captain was beached, and Annie had leaped lightly over the rail, she turned and gave him one merry blushing look that completely reversed the effect of her reproof. And as she hurried up to the house, he could only gaze after her helplessly.


      IN the morning the William Schmidt, Henry Smiley, Master, came in from Chicago and tied up across the pier from the Merry Anne.

      Henry, Dick’s cousin, was a short, stocky, man, said to be somewhat of a driver with his sailors. He seldom had much to say, never drank, was shrewd at a bargain, and was supposed to have a considerable sum stowed away in the local savings bank. Though he was wanting in the qualities that made his younger cousin popular, he was daring enough in his quiet way, and he had been known, when he thought the occasion justified it, to run long chances with his snub-nosed schooner.

      After breakfast Dick walked across the broad pier between the piles of lumber, and found Henry in his cabin. They greeted each other cordially.

      “Sit down,” said Henry. “Did you come down through that nor’wester?”

      Dick nodded.

      “Have any trouble?”

      “Oh, no. Lost some sleep – that’s all. You aren’t going down to the yards to-day, are you?”

      “Yes – I think likely. Why?”

      “I ‘ll go along with you. I’m ready to make another payment on the schooner. I’ve been thinking it over, and it strikes me I’m paying about three times what she’s worth. What do you think? Would it do any harm to have a little talk about it with the Cap’n? You know him better than I do.”

      Henry shook his head. “I wouldn’t. He is too smart for you. He will beat you any way you try it, and have you thanking him before he is through with you. I have gone all over this ground before, you know. Of course he is an old rascal – but I don’t know of any other way you could even get an interest in a schooner. You see, you haven’t any capital. He will give you all the time you want, and I don’t know but what he’s entitled to a little extra, everything considered. But don’t say anything, whatever you do. You’ve got too good a thing here.”

      “You think I ought to just shut up and

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