The Companions of Jehu. Dumas Alexandre

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The Companions of Jehu - Dumas Alexandre

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that where the grotto is?”

      “Yes. But how did you know there was a grotto at Ceyzeriat?”

      “Never mind, go on. The name of those other villages, if you please.”

      “Saint-Just, Tréconnas, Ramasse, Villereversure.”

      “That will do.”

      “Have you enough?”


      I drew out my note-book, sketched a plan of the locality and wrote about in their relative positions the names of the villages which M. Leduc had just pointed out to me.

      “That’s done!” said I.

      “Where shall we go now?”

      “Isn’t the church of Brou near this road?”


      “Then let us go to the church of Brou.”

      “Do you need that in your novel?”

      “Yes, indeed; you don’t imagine I am going to lay my scene in a country which contains the architectural masterpiece of the sixteenth century without utilizing that masterpiece, do you?”

      “Let us go to the church of Brou.”

      A quarter of an hour later the sacristan showed us into this granite jewel-case which contains the three marble gems called the tombs of Marguerite of Austria, Marguerite or Bourbon, and of Philibert le Beau.

      “How is it,” I asked the sacristan, “that all these masterpieces were not reduced to powder during the Revolution?”

      “Ah! sir, the municipality had an idea.”

      “What was it?”

      “That of turning the church into a storage house for fodder.”

      “Yes, and the hay saved the marble; you are right, my friend, that was an idea.”

      “Does this idea of the municipality afford you another?” asked M. Leduc.

      “Faith, yes, and I shall have poor luck if I don’t make something out of it.”

      I looked at my watch. “Three o’clock! Now for the prison. I have an appointment with M. Milliet at four on the Place du Bastion.”

      “Wait; there is one thing more.”

      “What is that?”

      “Have you noticed Marguerite of Austria’s motto?”

      “No; where is it?”

      “Oh, all over. In the first place, look above her tomb.”

      “‘Fortune, infortune, fort’une.’”


      “Well, what does this play of words mean?”

      “Learned men translate it thus: ‘Fate persecutes a woman much.’”

      “Explain that a little.”

      “You must, in the first place, assume that it is derived from the Latin.”

      “True, that is probable.”

      “Well, then: ‘Fortuna infortunat – ‘”

      “Oh! Oh! ‘Infortunat.’”

      “Bless me!”

      “That strongly resembles a solecism!”

      “What do you want?”

      “An explanation.”

      “Explain it yourself.”

      “Well; ‘Fortuna, infortuna, forti una.’ ‘Fortune and misfortune are alike to the strong.’”

      “Do you know, that may possibly be the correct translation?”

      “Zounds! See what it is not to be learned, my dear sir; we are endowed with common-sense, and that sees clearer than science. Have you anything else to tell me?”


      “Then let us go to the prison.”

      We got into the carriage and returned to the city, stopping only at the gate of the prison. I glanced out of the window.

      “Oh!” I exclaimed, “they have spoiled it for me.”

      “What! They’ve spoiled it for you?”

      “Certainly, it was not like this in my prisoners’ time. Can I speak to the jailer?”


      “Then let us consult him.”

      We knocked at the door. A man about forty opened it. He recognized M. Leduc.

      “My dear fellow,” M. Leduc said to him, “this is one of my learned friends – ”

      “Come, come,” I exclaimed, interrupting him, “no nonsense.”

      “Who contends,” continued M. Leduc, “that the prison is no longer the same as it was in the last century?”

      “That is true, M. Leduc, it was torn down and rebuilt in 1816.”

      “Then the interior arrangements are no longer the same?”

      “Oh! no, sir, everything was changed.”

      “Could I see the old plan?”

      “M. Martin, the architect, might perhaps be able to find one for you.”

      “Is he any relation to M. Martin, the lawyer?”

      “His brother.”

      “Very well, my friend, then I can get my plan.”

      “Then we have nothing more to do here?” inquired M. Leduc.


      “Then I am free to go home?”

      “I shall be sorry to leave you, that is all.”

      “Can you find your way to the Bastion without me?”

      “It is close by.”

      “What are you going to do this evening?”

      “I will spend it with you, if you wish.”

      “Very good! You will find a cup of tea waiting for you at nine.”

      “I shall be on hand for it.”

      I thanked M. Leduc. We shook hands and parted.

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