Ten Years Later. Dumas Alexandre

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Ten Years Later - Dumas Alexandre

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nearer, monseigneur; his majesty must by this time have arrived at Meung."

      "Does the court accompany him?"

      "Yes, monseigneur."

      "A propos, I forgot to ask you after M. le Cardinal."

      "His eminence appears to enjoy good health, monseigneur."

      "His nieces accompany him, no doubt?"

      "No, monseigneur, his eminence has ordered the Mesdemoiselles de Mancini to set out for Brouage. They will follow the left bank of the Loire, while the court will come by the right."

      "What! Mademoiselle Mary de Mancini quit the court in that manner?" asked Monsieur, his reserve beginning to diminish.

      "Mademoiselle Mary de Mancini in particular," replied Raoul discreetly.

      A fugitive smile, an imperceptible vestige of his ancient spirit of intrigue, shot across the pale face of the prince.

      "Thanks, M. de Bragelonne," then said Monsieur. "You would, perhaps, not be willing to carry M. le Prince the commission with which I would charge you, and that is, that his messenger has been very agreeable to me; but I will tell him so myself."

      Raoul bowed his thanks to Monsieur for the honor he had done him.

      Monsieur made a sign to Madame, who struck a bell which was placed at her right hand; M. de Saint-Remy entered, and the room was soon filled with people.

      "Messieurs," said the prince, "his majesty is about to pay me the honor of passing a day at Blois; I depend upon the king, my nephew, not having to repent of the favor he does my house."

      "Vive le Roi!" cried all the officers of the household with frantic enthusiasm, and M. de Saint-Remy louder than the rest.

      Gaston hung down his head with evident chagrin. He had all his life been obliged to hear, or rather to undergo this cry of "Vive le Roi!" which passed over him. For a long time, being unaccustomed to hear it, his ear had had rest, and now a younger, more vivacious, and more brilliant royalty rose up before him, like a new and more painful provocation.

      Madame perfectly understood the sufferings of that timid, gloomy heart; she rose from the table, Monsieur imitated her mechanically, and all the domestics, with a buzzing like that of several bee-hives, surrounded Raoul for the purpose of questioning him.

      Madame saw this movement, and called M. de Saint Remy. "This is not the time for gossiping, but working," said she, with the tone of an angry housekeeper.

      M. de Saint-Remy hastened to break the circle formed by the officers round Raoul, so that the latter was able to gain the ante-chamber.

      "Care will be taken of that gentleman, I hope," added Madame, addressing M. de Saint-Remy.

      The worthy man immediately hastened after Raoul. "Madame desires refreshments to be offered to you," said he; "and there is, besides, a lodging for you in the castle."

      "Thanks, M. de Saint-Remy," replied Raoul; "but you know how anxious I must be to pay my duty to M. le Comte, my father."

      "That is true, that is true, Monsieur Raoul; present him, at the same time, my humble respects, if you please."

      Raoul thus once more got rid of the old gentleman, and pursued his way. As he was passing under the porch, leading his horse by the bridle, a soft voice called him from the depths of an obscure path.

      "Monsieur Raoul!" said the voice.

      The young man turned round, surprised, and saw a dark complexioned girl, who, with a finger on her lip, held out her other hand to him. This young lady was an utter stranger.

      CHAPTER 3. The Interview

      Raoul made one step towards the girl who thus called him.

      "But my horse, madame?" said he.

      "Oh! you are terribly embarrassed! Go yonder way – there is a shed in the outer court: fasten your horse, and return quickly!"

      "I obey, madame."

      Raoul was not four minutes in performing what he had been directed to do; he returned to the little door, where, in the gloom, he found his mysterious conductress waiting for him, on the first steps of a winding staircase.

      "Are you brave enough to follow me, monsieur knight errant?" asked the girl, laughing at the momentary hesitation Raoul had manifested.

      The latter replied by springing up the dark staircase after her. They thus climbed up three stories, he behind her, touching with his hands, when he felt for the banister, a silk dress which rubbed against each side of the staircase. At every false step made by Raoul, his conductress cried, "Hush!" and held out to him a soft and perfumed hand.

      "One would mount thus to the belfry of the castle without being conscious of fatigue," said Raoul.

      "All of which means, monsieur, that you are very much perplexed, very tired, and very uneasy. But be of good cheer, monsieur; here we are, at our destination."

      The girl threw open a door, which immediately, without any transition, filled with a flood of light the landing of the staircase, at the top of which Raoul appeared, holding fast by the balustrade.

      The girl continued to walk on – he followed her; she entered a chamber – he did the same.

      As soon as he was fairly in the net he heard a loud cry, and, turning round, saw at two paces from him, with her hands clasped and her eyes closed, that beautiful fair girl with blue eyes and white shoulders, who, recognizing him, called him Raoul.

      He saw her, and divined at once so much love and so much joy in the expression of her countenance, that he sank on his knees in the middle of the chamber, murmuring, on his part, the name of Louise.

      "Ah! Montalais – Montalais!" she sighed, "it is very wicked to deceive me so."

      "Who, I? I have deceived you?"

      "Yes; you told me you would go down to inquire the news, and you have brought up monsieur!"

      "Well, I was obliged to do so – how else could he have received the letter you wrote him?" And she pointed with her finger to the letter which was still upon the table.

      Raoul made a step to take it; Louise, more rapid, although she had sprung forward with a sufficiently remarkable physical hesitation, reached out her hand to stop him. Raoul came in contact with that trembling hand, took it within his own, and carried it so respectfully to his lips, that he might be said to have deposited a sigh upon it rather than a kiss.

      In the meantime Mademoiselle de Montalais had taken the letter, folded it carefully, as women do, in three folds, and slipped it into her bosom.

      "Don't be afraid, Louise," said she; "monsieur will no more venture to take it hence than the defunct king Louis XIII. ventured to take billets from the corsage of Mademoiselle de Hautefort."

      Raoul blushed at seeing the smile of the two girls; and he did not remark that the hand of Louise remained in his.

      "There," said Montalais, "you have pardoned me, Louise, for having brought monsieur to you; and you, monsieur, bear me no malice for having followed me to see mademoiselle. Now, then, peace

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